Who is applying to HBS or Wharton this year? (For fall 2011)

I was just curious who on this message board, besides myself, was trying their chances with these coveted MBA programs.

What do you think your chances are? Care to share your stats? I'll go first:

Occupation: Military


I'd say the right type of military experience/leadership accentuation on your essay can be a deal-maker for you, so think long and hard about how you want to approach that. Also, the top schools know that a 2.8 in engineering can be harder to get than a 3.8 in finance or accounting, so I don't think it hurts you. The 4.0 Master's is not only impressive but shows you've grown your knowledge base and self discipline and pretty much offsets any "damage" your undergrad GPA did. If there's any way you could bump yourself up to a 750 GMAT I would say you've put yourself in a great position. It all comes down to how well you sell your particular skill set and I think you have a lot to work with. Best of luck.


Are you a URM? That is very helpful, whether we like it or not.

Military is solid. From what I've heard, no one knows what is or is not impressive in the military (unless youre a SEAL or something people have heard of). I have a friend at hbs right now (west point grad) who told me how impressed everyone was in interviews with his mil experience. He told me, "nothing i did in the military is impressive to anyone who knows anything about the service". So think it's more of a nice check mark than something they are going to dive into.

GMAT is fine.

EC's are irrelevant unless you're Bono.


GPA: 3.8, Physics/Economics, Ivy, Magna Cum Work experience: 2 years at IB (GS/MS), 2 years at MegaCap PE (worked both abroad and in the U.S., lots of HBS alumni), interned at top 3 consulting firm, board observer for a couple of our portfolio companies Nationality: Asian Age: 25 at matriculation Gender: M Languages: English, Chinese ECs: Kind of weak here. Couple of club presidencies in college, editorships at some newspapers, some involvement with tutoring etc, worked on a few different on-campus jobs, a ton of econ/finance research, thesis in Physics, study abroad in central Europe (do these count?), worked with a charity for a 7-8 months (nothing too great though). To be honest, work schedule is so brutal that I can't find time outside of work at all.... but I have some good work-related stuff though. Like, I am fairly active on our Company boards, interact with the CEO a lot etc. But I think that's common for PE applicants.

I think I can write some interesting essays (lots of travel, interesting experiences while working on campus in different jobs, some rigorous scientific research etc.)

Round 1:

Harvard Stanford Wharton

Best Response
GPA: 3.8, Physics/Economics, Ivy, Magna Cum Work experience: 2 years at IB (GS/MS), 2 years at MegaCap PE (worked both abroad and in the U.S., lots of HBS alumni), interned at top 3 consulting firm, board observer for a couple of our portfolio companies Nationality: Asian Age: 25 at matriculation Gender: M Languages: English, Chinese ECs: Kind of weak here. Couple of club presidencies in college, editorships at some newspapers, some involvement with tutoring etc, worked on a few different on-campus jobs, a ton of econ/finance research, thesis in Physics, study abroad in central Europe (do these count?), worked with a charity for a 7-8 months (nothing too great though). To be honest, work schedule is so brutal that I can't find time outside of work at all.... but I have some good work-related stuff though. Like, I am fairly active on our Company boards, interact with the CEO a lot etc. But I think that's common for PE applicants.

I think I can write some interesting essays (lots of travel, interesting experiences while working on campus in different jobs, some rigorous scientific research etc.)

Round 1:

Harvard Stanford Wharton

Nice background dude. Good luck.

GPA: 3.8, Physics/Economics, Ivy, Magna Cum Work experience: 2 years at IB (GS/MS), 2 years at MegaCap PE (worked both abroad and in the U.S., lots of HBS alumni), interned at top 3 consulting firm, board observer for a couple of our portfolio companies Nationality: Asian Age: 25 at matriculation Gender: M Languages: English, Chinese ECs: Kind of weak here. Couple of club presidencies in college, editorships at some newspapers, some involvement with tutoring etc, worked on a few different on-campus jobs, a ton of econ/finance research, thesis in Physics, study abroad in central Europe (do these count?), worked with a charity for a 7-8 months (nothing too great though). To be honest, work schedule is so brutal that I can't find time outside of work at all.... but I have some good work-related stuff though. Like, I am fairly active on our Company boards, interact with the CEO a lot etc. But I think that's common for PE applicants.

I think I can write some interesting essays (lots of travel, interesting experiences while working on campus in different jobs, some rigorous scientific research etc.)

Round 1:

Harvard Stanford Wharton

I'll go jump out the window now
GPA: 3.8, Physics/Economics, Ivy, Magna Cum Work experience: 2 years at IB (GS/MS), 2 years at MegaCap PE (worked both abroad and in the U.S., lots of HBS alumni), interned at top 3 consulting firm, board observer for a couple of our portfolio companies Nationality: Asian Age: 25 at matriculation Gender: M Languages: English, Chinese ECs: Kind of weak here. Couple of club presidencies in college, editorships at some newspapers, some involvement with tutoring etc, worked on a few different on-campus jobs, a ton of econ/finance research, thesis in Physics, study abroad in central Europe (do these count?), worked with a charity for a 7-8 months (nothing too great though). To be honest, work schedule is so brutal that I can't find time outside of work at all.... but I have some good work-related stuff though. Like, I am fairly active on our Company boards, interact with the CEO a lot etc. But I think that's common for PE applicants.

I think I can write some interesting essays (lots of travel, interesting experiences while working on campus in different jobs, some rigorous scientific research etc.)

Round 1:

Harvard Stanford Wharton

Waitlisted at HBS in Round 1, applying to Stanford and Wharton Round 2. Good luck everyone.
Stunned. Good luck at the others.

Fall 2011 Applicant as well:

GPA: 3.7, Computer Science GMAT: 760 Nationality/Gender: White American Dude Work Experience: 2 Years MM M&A; 2 Years MM PE (Great experiences: Int'l Travel/Work, Board Positions, Etc.) Recommendations: Top notch recs from alumni at the respective schools EC: Leadership role in multiple community service efforts; Player on an amateur sports team Undergrad: Math tutor, study abroad, student government, club athletics, etc... Other: Self-taught 2nd language (advanced proficiency); Relatives are alumni at both HBS and GSB

Planning to try my hand at HBS/GSB/Wharton-Lauder.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

If I get my act together with gmat studying I'll apply for F'11

GPA: 3.1, (1) Econ, (2) History Nationality/Gender: White American Dude Work Experience: 3.5 years Boutique IB/PE; 2 years Peace Corps Small Business Consultant Latin America Recommendations: Solid recs from alumni GMAT: TBD

No interest in Harvard even if I could get in, which I don't think is possible. Top choice would be Stanford but doubt I'll apply because I don't think my profile is good enough and don't want to spend 250 seeing as though it's what I currently make in a month. Will apply to Wharton because for whatever reason I've convinced myself I'd have a better shot there, plus I can get a fee waiver. Next top choice is Columbia.



I wish you all the best of luck, pembahopeful if that all is true you've got it made HYP double major 3.8 wow good work

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

2 people I know received interviews for HBS... I read your "stats" and compared with my friends and made the following conclusions:

A good percentage of the applicant pool shares your accomplishments; 700+GMAT, good GPA which demonstrates commitment to academics (and you know how to take exams). So you have some years of experience which means you can contribute to the discussions in class, big woop. So you traveled abroad- woa- so you know how to manage your finances and spend it getting to know the world... impressive??

What I don't hear is what separates you from these "average applicant". I've attended several admissions presentations from HBS, Columbia, Wharton - they are not impressed just by looking at those stats... If you do some digging of the alum at these ivy schools, you'll find students who demonstrated leadership, community involvement and willingness to change the world. Stats alone means nothing.

I think that stats are becoming the base of a candidate.... Join a board of directors for a not-for-profit, get in touch with a cause/initiative and bring it to your company, create a not-for-profit (or support one by providing some type of consulting service/how to run it, etc)... what separates YOU from the other 3-4 people who share similar stats...


Forgot to mention something... Not dissing any of you guys but I'm seeing a lot of people post their stats and not getting in to top schools... This is not College where your SATs, and GPA count the most...

Business school is a place to train demonstrated leaders. Stats do not represent leadership... If you can translate stats to how many people you've made an impact, how you brought change to your business/others, implemented ideas or help drive a cause... THAT counts the most.

Good luck.


In the top 7 schools, business school admissions are flat out unpredictable. You would think HBS and Stanford are the hardest, but I know guys who got into H/S but were dinged at Kellogg and Columbia. There is a such a large amount of qualified candidates, and the system is very subjective (middle-aged liberal women admission officers). It doesnt matter who you are or what you did, you need to apply to a few schools because no one is a lock. Warren Buffet couldn't get into HBS but Ted Kaczynski got into Harvard.

jc100021, Gordon.Gekko, whatever the hell you're calling yourself nowadays, didn't you supposedly already apply last year to all of these schools?

Yes, my name used to be gordon.gekko, and I realized how toolish it was so I just chose a random name. Is that an issue? Are you stalking me or something? I applied to these schools, didn't get in, and then decided to re-apply.

Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity. I'm admitted to HBS while in college, currently looking for a front office job at a BB (most interested in IB). Would be happy to swap advice/tips/essay help on the application for help with finding a job.

Are you 2+2?

http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.

^ I've always had a big question about 2+2, and that is this:

HBS 2+2 students will have had two years of experience before entering HBS. The average age of the normal matriculating class is now 26 (still younger than Wharton/Stanford). So on average, the 2+2 student will have had 2 years less of actual work experience than the rest of his/her peers. Now look, I agree that the HBS degree will do wonders to brand you - BUT, I think MBA's are valuable to the extent you can properly leverage that credential with your past work experience. which leads to this question...

How the heck are 2+2, 24 year olds going to compete with 26 year old high-achieving, type A personalities for the generally most coveted jobs? One might have an HBS degree, which is honestly a great experience in and of itself, but 10% of HBS is unemployed at graduation.

so would someone with stats far from those have a chance? say someone like myself?


Monty -- I recommend your save your time and money. My boss said he wouldn't even write me a letter of recommendation if I didn't score in the 700s on the GMAT. To be so far out of the range on both GPA and GMAT would be a serious detriment to your candidacy.
CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/
7 people in wharton this year had less then 540...nothing the norm but happens... i also met a people people with my stats at harvard, booth, columbia, wharton so not 100% worried

How are your EC's monty?

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy
i played d1 baseball started a non profit started a tutoring program for inner city kids started two small biz(both failed) working on a short film on inner city kids and baseball first to go to college

That's pretty solid, adcoms would love that for sure.

I also agree on it not being about stats, they'll help for sure but if the complete package isn't pretty...

maybe he was an idiot..

lol at this

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy

yeah... this guy was kind of a goofy indian guy... not the most personable individual. But he's also not like an idiot who would fuck up an interview. I was completely astounded that he got rejected... he was the smartest kid in my entire HS (or so says my brother).... and my HS sends 30% of the kids to Ivy and is top 10

He applied in 2008 though, which i think was a particularly insane year because crisis was hitting and everyone wanted to get out of work etc.


Took the gmat early for Fall 2012, got a 710- whew! Should I take it again, to get over the 750 hump? My stats 3.4 top 25 undergrad, top 3 film program 7 years work experience including 3 years as a mtv vj, and have produced and starred in talk shows for mtv and pbs, as well as films and tv. Age 30 @ matriculation Started three business, two of them based in Nigeria Kind of not the traditional candidate, but I'm looking to create a vertically integrated entertainment conglomerate in Africa.


Took the gmat early for Fall 2012, got a 710- whew! Should I take it again, to get over the 750 hump? My stats 3.4 top 25 undergrad, top 3 film program 7 years work experience including 3 years as a mtv vj, and have produced and starred in talk shows for mtv and pbs, as well as films and tv. Age 30 @ matriculation Started three business, two of them based in Nigeria Kind of not the traditional candidate, but I'm looking to create a vertically integrated entertainment conglomerate in Africa.


Good for you dude...really like your profile. Good luck!

Where are you applying to?

Took the gmat early for Fall 2012, got a 710- whew! Should I take it again, to get over the 750 hump? My stats 3.4 top 25 undergrad, top 3 film program 7 years work experience including 3 years as a mtv vj, and have produced and starred in talk shows for mtv and pbs, as well as films and tv. Age 30 @ matriculation Started three business, two of them based in Nigeria Kind of not the traditional candidate, but I'm looking to create a vertically integrated entertainment conglomerate in Africa.


Good for you dude...really like your profile. Good luck!

Where are you applying to?

Stanford Wharton Harvard and perhaps Columbia

Applying early, so that I can know before the end of 2011. Not sure about Columbia's early action program though.


Submitted Wharton on Tuesday and Stanford last night. I agree -- Wharton's essays questions were far more challenging than HBS or Stanford. I found Stanford to be the easiest (once i figured out how to answer What matters most to me and why).

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/
Sometimes people post stats on here that are unbelievable, literally.

GPA: 4.0 from top Ivy majoring in Math, Organic Chemisty, and Econ GMAT: 780 WE: 2 yrs BB IB, 2 yrs PE, 2 yrs KKR EC: President of the Asian Cultural Alliance, Captain of the Football team, Fencing team, and Crew team, President of Phoenix house Ethnicity: Native American

Posting stats is a lot easier than obtaining them. It makes me feel real good about myself because it makes others feel bad about themselves.

Waitlisted at HBS in Round 1, applying to Stanford and Wharton Round 2. Good luck everyone.
If you take my spot at either I'm going to be pissed at you!
CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

i dont mean to hijack this thread, but since everyone is talking about ways to stand out in admissions process....i am years away from applying to b school but want to start now to form my application. i have been interested for some time joining the air national guard reserve, would this look favorably upon adcoms? i have other non-profit/volunteering experiences/leadership, but want something more eye grabbing.

i dont mean to hijack this thread, but since everyone is talking about ways to stand out in admissions process....i am years away from applying to b school but want to start now to form my application. i have been interested for some time joining the air national guard reserve, would this look favorably upon adcoms? i have other non-profit/volunteering experiences/leadership, but want something more eye grabbing.

For the love of fuck, please, and I really don't know how many times I and others have said this, do not join the goddamn military to get into Bschool.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I'm a long time reader...seldom poster (so not sure if I posted the links correctly)...but I didn't see this Fortune article cited anyplace...more than a tad interesting for you guys:


Then I guess Fortune felt bad or something and followed with this a few days later:



[quote=Jack Campbell]I'm a long time reader...seldom poster (so not sure if I posted the links correctly)...but I didn't see this Fortune article cited anyplace...more than a tad interesting for you guys:


Then I guess Fortune felt bad or something and followed with this a few days later:


But little do they know that a bunch of those 'social enterprise' kids from 'non-traditional' backgrounds are going to b-school to get into finance / consulting...


HBS app submitted last night. My girlfriend wanted to pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I told her to save the champagne until March 30th when I hear back from my schools. Now the waiting game begins...

I'm secretly hoping to get rejected from HBS and accepted to Stanford. Honestly -- I'll be extremely pleased with H/S/W, I just don't want to have to secure a new job and then go through the app process again next year.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/
HBS app submitted last night. My girlfriend wanted to pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I told her to save the champagne until March 30th when I hear back from my schools. Now the waiting game begins...

I'm secretly hoping to get rejected from HBS and accepted to Stanford. Honestly -- I'll be extremely pleased with H/S/W, I just don't want to have to secure a new job and then go through the app process again next year.

Good luck dude!

HBS app submitted last night. My girlfriend wanted to pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I told her to save the champagne until March 30th when I hear back from my schools. Now the waiting game begins...

I'm secretly hoping to get rejected from HBS and accepted to Stanford. Honestly -- I'll be extremely pleased with H/S/W, I just don't want to have to secure a new job and then go through the app process again next year.

A decent number of people this year, according to what I saw on GMAT Club, got into stanford but rejected or waitlisted at HBS. Also, MIT Sloan is brutal this year; I think they have surpassed Wharton as the 3rd most selective b-school.

International Pymp:
God I am glad this is over for me. Columbia here I come.

Congrats... could you share your background/stats with us? Where else did you apply?

He's the OP, its included above

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Submitted my Wharton APP 5hrs before the Round 2 deadline. Share the emotions many have described on just getting the job done and submitted especially when you factor in the pressure of work. It was an extremely challenging excercise (I can't even begin to imagine what reapplicants go through)

The waiting game begins...From Feb 4 or so, Wharton'll start sending out interview invites; they'll do so up until the 18th...Was gonna do Booth b4 but somehow ended up doing only Wharton....I guess all I can do now is watch and pray especially wiv all the baddass stats people are posting up here....

Good luck everyone! hopefully we will all have good news!


Yikes guys... I am really not looking forward to the application process next year now... I sort of was, but you all make it sound so painful! I was planning on Applying to H/S/W, MIT, Columbia, Insead, Stern, U-Chicago and Kellogg (3-year JD-MBA), but now I am starting to think I should narrow it down and only apply to a few and take my chances... just don't know...

Good luck to everyone!

International Pymp:
I was planning on Applying to H/S/W, MIT, Columbia, Insead, Stern, U-Chicago and Kellogg (3-year JD-MBA)

9 schools is down right laughable. That's about 27 essays and 18 letters of rec.

I did 8 schools. three first round, five 2nd round. Most stressful, horrible process of my life. The trick is to have multiple recommenders and be willing to write your own recommendations. The recommendations is the hardest part because you have the least control over it.


Hey guys, good luck to all! Could anyone post one or two of the wharton questions from the app? I'm really curious. I'm not applying and won't be applying for some time(and probably not to wharton), but I'd like to compare the questions to the undergrad questions I completed when I applied, as I know they are surely more intense than the undergrad app questions.




Required Question: What are your professional objectives? (300 words)

Respond to 3 of the following 4 questions: Student and alumni engagement has at times led to the creation of innovative classes. For example, through extraordinary efforts, a small group of current students partnered with faculty to create a timely course entitled, “Disaster Response: Haiti and Beyond,” empowering students to leverage the talented Wharton community to improve the lives of the Haiti earthquake victims. Similarly, Wharton students and alumni helped to create the “Innovation and the Indian Healthcare Industry” course which took students to India where they studied the full range of healthcare issues in India. If you were able to create a Wharton course on any topic, what would it be? (700 words) Reflect on a time when you turned down an opportunity. What was the thought process behind your decision? Would you make the same decision today? (600 words) Describe a failure that you have experienced. What role did you play, and what did you learn about yourself? How did this experience help to create your definition of failure? (600 words) Discuss a time when you navigated a challenging experience in either a personal or professional relationship. (600 words)


Required Question: What are your professional objectives? (300 words)

Respond to 3 of the following 4 questions: Student and alumni engagement has at times led to the creation of innovative classes. For example, through extraordinary efforts, a small group of current students partnered with faculty to create a timely course entitled, “Disaster Response: Haiti and Beyond,” empowering students to leverage the talented Wharton community to improve the lives of the Haiti earthquake victims. Similarly, Wharton students and alumni helped to create the “Innovation and the Indian Healthcare Industry” course which took students to India where they studied the full range of healthcare issues in India. If you were able to create a Wharton course on any topic, what would it be? (700 words) Reflect on a time when you turned down an opportunity. What was the thought process behind your decision? Would you make the same decision today? (600 words) Describe a failure that you have experienced. What role did you play, and what did you learn about yourself? How did this experience help to create your definition of failure? (600 words) Discuss a time when you navigated a challenging experience in either a personal or professional relationship. (600 words)

I applied to 5 schools, all in round 2, and Wharton was by far the hardest questions. MIT was also tough too but for different reasons.


I personally thought three was pretty reasonable, with four probably being the most I'd apply to. If you look at the essays for the schools you listed, you'll notice that there are very few that overlap. Don't underestimate the amount of time you need to spend writing the essays. I thought I'd be able to knock a school off per weekend but this was far, far from the case. Also, definitely don't select your target schools until AFTER you've taken the GMAT. I don't care how smart you are, shit happens, and nobody enjoys spending time studying for the GMATs while working the hours that many people on these forums work. A bad night sleep can ruin your score and all of a sudden you'll find yourself scrambling to apply to a safety school.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/
Dr Joe:
Did anybody use a consulting service for the applications process? If so, please elaborate.

Also interested


http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.

3.1 GPA Engineering GMAT 720 Nationality: Latin Work experience: 2 years at MBB Languages: Spanish, English, some French Age at matriculation: 25

I don't have blow me out of the water stories, but I've done some charity stuff, represented my state in a national sports tournament, and have studies abroad. What are my chances?


You're pretty solid for top 10 with those stats. Just curious, how'd you get MBB with those stats?

3.1 GPA Engineering GMAT 720 Nationality: Latin Work experience: 2 years at MBB Languages: Spanish, English, some French Age at matriculation: 25

I don't have blow me out of the water stories, but I've done some charity stuff, represented my state in a national sports tournament, and have studies abroad. What are my chances?

http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.
You're pretty solid for top 10 with those stats. Just curious, how'd you get MBB with those stats?
3.1 GPA Engineering GMAT 720 Nationality: Latin Work experience: 2 years at MBB Languages: Spanish, English, some French Age at matriculation: 25

I don't have blow me out of the water stories, but I've done some charity stuff, represented my state in a national sports tournament, and have studies abroad. What are my chances?

MBB recruited at my school, everyone could take the exams (except for McKinsey which pre-filtered CVs), and I did well in the exams and in the interviews after that. I had offers at Bain and McKinsey. What would it take to get into H/W/S? I think I could get maybe 740 in the GMAT, but I don't know if it would help much (or be worth the risk). Do you think schools will cut me some slack since english is not my first language?

In at Wharton...headed to Philly, baby!


The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Amet beatae aut minus explicabo illum. Fuga quo nisi voluptatibus facilis.

Ut rerum similique architecto inventore omnis nisi. Repudiandae culpa ex quo id voluptatem labore. Sed tempore sunt perferendis quo. Rerum deserunt non dignissimos deleniti autem atque non.

More is good, all is better

Labore sed enim aperiam quia quibusdam ut atque. Vel omnis omnis iusto facilis minus vel quam. Id autem ut perspiciatis laboriosam modi consequatur.

Commodi facere repellat voluptas aspernatur dolorem accusantium. Aut id deleniti omnis dolorum a possimus et.

Qui placeat enim veritatis quia minus voluptatem sunt. Iste laboriosam occaecati dolor quam asperiores dolore quisquam. Quidem labore ipsum est consequuntur libero. Velit laboriosam dolorum nam provident excepturi.

More is good, all is better

Cupiditate voluptas voluptatem occaecati perspiciatis. Quasi molestiae dolores quae sapiente fugiat enim tempora. Fugit ipsa velit vero porro. Autem fuga dicta eius nam omnis perferendis aspernatur blanditiis.

Molestiae quis harum ab. Fugiat itaque corporis nihil ab perspiciatis. Quas nobis quaerat molestiae ut perferendis eos.

Quas molestias sit nesciunt ab veniam. Ex ut praesentium vero voluptatum sed. Aut et qui odio. Modi perspiciatis minus dolorem sint qui labore.

Blanditiis eos laudantium nihil voluptas optio provident ut. Dolorem perferendis libero pariatur quae necessitatibus inventore. Dolor voluptatem nihil consequuntur nesciunt qui maxime eaque. In illum qui deserunt consequatur blanditiis fugit perspiciatis. In sed vel veritatis aut autem. Doloremque commodi et sint optio amet.


Ea iusto accusantium explicabo neque voluptatem qui quos. Non quis inventore et unde similique eligendi. Quia similique id assumenda aut ut atque. Vitae voluptatem quia voluptates distinctio fugit ut.

Temporibus molestiae accusamus id suscipit alias. Repellat omnis reprehenderit dolore. Ut quae id similique facere dolorem voluptas est eaque. Qui magni laborum est.

Maiores quia perspiciatis placeat et. Quia mollitia et sunt architecto dolor cupiditate accusantium dolor.

Alias at ratione corporis qui voluptatibus non aut consequuntur. Consequatur et quia dolorem ratione deleniti. Non consequatur eos magnam necessitatibus sint quaerat quia. Necessitatibus nobis vitae aut voluptatum officia quia exercitationem sequi.


Recusandae laborum ea excepturi eum. Eaque dolores inventore omnis harum vel consectetur. Mollitia sed explicabo excepturi nam. Distinctio architecto quos nostrum deserunt perferendis est omnis. Commodi quod consectetur repudiandae autem. Ut delectus eveniet ab voluptas aut non. Fuga quia dolor velit aspernatur laboriosam quo.

Fugit praesentium vitae pariatur excepturi consequatur. Rerum ratione ea autem atque sapiente aut. Magnam tenetur qui laudantium asperiores quasi ut veniam.

Culpa veniam est nemo laudantium iure. Nemo omnis exercitationem totam voluptatem qui. Fugiat corrupti ullam est sed adipisci est aut quo. Inventore nihil unde doloribus. Quo qui quis possimus. Et magni quisquam reiciendis.

Nisi magnam sed harum est cumque et voluptates. Similique et quos et sit. Voluptate beatae alias ut eligendi id.


Laborum numquam aut provident officia impedit sit id. Nihil ut quia occaecati temporibus harum. Quis voluptate nemo distinctio corporis voluptatibus ea eos. Sit soluta optio dolore eius aliquid sed. Corporis aut occaecati pariatur exercitationem.

Quia sunt voluptas quisquam odit. Voluptatem qui quas eligendi aperiam. Occaecati nam vel quo nihil. Vel sequi rem nihil ea.

Quo necessitatibus magnam et in necessitatibus cupiditate iusto hic. Velit voluptate aut eveniet doloremque laborum porro tempore. Qui dolorem exercitationem culpa similique et. Deserunt voluptatem et nihil nobis est culpa. Accusamus placeat tempore ducimus. Non voluptatibus aut eos distinctio provident illum. Tempora assumenda officiis dolor sit omnis temporibus vel.

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  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”