In Defense of Political In-Correctness

You can read my latest article (post election): here: "Shut. The F*ck. Up."

This article could have easily been entitled “In defense of manhood,” or something of that nature, but ironically I was too concerned with how people might interpret such a thing. And given that the point of the article isn’t actually about men or women specifically, I decided to stick with something more vague.

I’m going to go about this article a little differently than I usually do. I’m going to state a hypothesis and then work my way from the beginning, hopefully ending up looping back around and completing the argument. So here it is:

I contend that the entire Trump phenomenon (his popularity, winning the primary, and now closing the gap between himself and Hillary Clinton for the presidential election) is due to an ever-increasing sense of stifling political correctness that is destroying firstly manhood, and as a result womanhood. This isn’t to say I am a Hillary Clinton fan. I absolutely loathe the woman, and I think it is defensible to say there are plenty of reasons she should not be a viable political candidate. For more on my thoughts about these two have a look here at a previous article I wrote about just this thing. But that having been said, I think it is downright absurd to say that a buffoon like Donald Trump belongs on the political stage at all. I am fairly certain most of Wall Street (and many other sensible people) agree. It says something about our culture that he is pulling together approximately half the voters, and that is exactly what I want to discuss.

So, to get right into it, I want to ask, why is it that embracing manhood (all its glory as well as all its absurdity) is so taboo at the moment? I can’t help but look to how children are treated to see just how bizarre this rabbit hole really is. For example, these ADHD numbers seem absolutely ludicrous to me. Boys are three times a likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, and the number of diagnoses are up 42% over the last 8 years.
What happened to boys will be boys? Boys are boisterous. They are rambunctious. Sometimes they can be difficult to control. But part of that is learning what they are and who they are as men. I’m not saying there aren’t legitimate cases of ADHD, but how is it possible that a sex-based epidemic arose out of nowhere? It isn’t as though these cases are equal among adults either. About 50% more children are considered to be affected than adults. Is it not obvious that the problem is the way we are judging the development of boys rather than the boys themselves? If those same boys who are “mentally ill” grow up to be functioning members of society, how ill were they to start with? If that’s the case can we not argue that 99% of teenagers are depressed schizophrenics and douse them in anti-psychotics?

I’ve been keeping my eye on this subject for a long time, since before the phrase Social Justice Warrior became something everyone was familiar with and the schism between beliefs about rape culture and women’s rights in modern day erupted into a plague on YouTube. One of the first major concerns I had was after the tragic Columbine shooting (and the subsequent “copycats”) took place. People were obsessed with blaming Marilyn Manson or “The Trench Coat Mafia.” But what I saw were angry kids with no outlets. More specifically, angry boys.

Lest we forget, there was a time when school boys got angry at one another, set a time, and fought. They didn’t fight to kill each other. They didn’t even necessarily fight to hurt one another. Men bond through physical hardship and through taunting. You taunt me, I taunt you back. Now we are all riled up. The juices of manhood are flowing and we are seeing red. We go out back and fight, a few punches are thrown, and suddenly everything seems clearer. The loser respects the winner as an alpha, the winner respects the loser for having the nerve to fight him (now considering himself clearly the alpha and destined to win the whole time). Is this ideal? Probably not. Am I saying I wouldn’t love to see a society where we didn’t have the urge to fight one another? Absolutely not. That would be great. But it’s not real life.

The problem is that now if two boys at school get into a fight, they will probably feel a whole lot better and leave most of their issues behind. But they will also be arrested, possibly expelled, maybe never get into college. This desire to fight is the same desire to get dirty, to defend loved ones, to defend our country, to protect women, to build society. Why is it so hated? Even people such as Alexis de Tocqueville, writing on America in the 1830’s, could see the dangers of democratic societies pushing equality of the sexes too hard. He writes, “It is easy to see that, in this ambition to make the one sex equal to the other, both are demeaned and that, from the crude mixing of nature’s works, will emerge weak men and immodest women."

Clearly the idea of immodest women has changed, and I think most people will be fine to say he may have gotten that one wrong, blinded by his limited time frame. But weak men is, in my opinion, the exact term we should be using. Stop blaming video games and rock and roll. We disallow boys to be boys, we discourage them from finding themselves and embracing and learning to control their tempers, their adrenaline, their testosterone. We attempt to neuter them, and they become weak. Only a boy forced into weakness would be so affected by taunting, a primary bonding element for men, that they would feel the urge to murder countless innocent people.

But the issue doesn’t stop there. It doesn’t only affect boys and men. As Camille Paglia writes in Time magazine, “When an educated culture routinely denigrates masculinity and manhood, then women will be perpetually stuck with boys, who have no incentive to mature or to honor their commitments. And without strong men as models to either embrace or […] to resist, women will never attain a centered and profound sense of themselves as women.”

So…How does this relate to the presidential election? Donald Trump, as much as he does not belong in the political sphere, represents something that has been long missing, something that disappeared gradually over time. That is, he’s not afraid to be a man. He is rambunctious. He can be a nuisance. He can be an idiot. He says things that real people say, not scripted robots. (Shame on all those news reporters and politicians saying they never ever heard someone say anything as vulgar as Trump did in those clips in the bus.) Let’s be real. And this is what much of America is thinking as they get silenced. Please, let’s be real. And not just male voters. Trump has shown as few as 3% less female supporters than males in some cases.

The time when men can get together and be men is long gone, and for many women, this creates just as much of a problem. We are changing as lose our manhood, and as women lose men. As a people we are becoming desperate, dangerous.

That is exactly what is happening with Donald Trump. We are desperate. We are dangerous. We need an out. All the praise in the world for places like our home poker games where we can smoke cigars and talk trash to our friends and tell tall tales and be disgusting. Let’s celebrate bastions of manhood like WSO where even in its own small way it allows us to throw monkey shit at each other, and acknowledge what we are (though there are obviously various meanings to that). But let’s not pretend that our circles aren’t getting smaller. Let’s not pretend that as a people, we are getting closer to a place where irrationality inevitably takes hold. Let’s not forget that we need to be what we are.

Think I’m a jerk? Throw some monkey shit at me. Don’t think so? Give me a banana. I’m happy to do the dance. And please let me know what you think. I already know where I stand.

Until next time,
This is The Uncontortionist.

Mod Note (Andy): Best of 2016, this post ranks #14 for the past year


That's an interesting question because it's a deeper discussion than simply naming some obvious representations of a time and place where morals existed. And I know there are a lot of people who ironically believe in physics which discredits any moral value to them, so therefore they throw morals out entirely (least that's what they say).

To say that morals don't exist is a fool's mentality. I'll admit that man is nothing but a vulgar creature. We feed on the lives of other animals and sick on the nutrients of plants. On the other end something vulgar and very foul smelling comes out. We spit, drool, and secrete disgusting fluids all over our bodies. Were animals. So how is it that we came to live in a place such as our homes and communities? The man with no morals will say simply that it's because a builder with an understanding of some engineering and how to apply materials made the house, I earned money and paid him for it. There's a very reasonable path of logic that we've come to understand things. But the idea for engineering and the house came from the same place. They are not separate concepts. An engineer or builder believes he can dedicate himself to the education and practice of his skills. The house is built in the belief that it will remain standing for a very long time with proper maintenance and upkeep. Why do we put so much faith into simple materials not too unlike what we would consume and shit out of our rear ends? Why do we believe that, as a builder, I won't be killed as soon as I'm done building this person's house?

We first thought of the idea of civilization or city and overtime improved on the processes used to create the city. Our concept of civilization or civil is constantly evolving. We're seemingly beginning to devolve into a lack of the foundational morals on which we have already built. There's the disregard for human life the countless accounts of mass shooting. There's gang violence that has actually grown even more senseless. And how about the movement by thousands of women to get the rest of us in society to believe in the correctness of their assertion to be total sluts. I like Amber Rose's mound of assets, and would probably enjoy a live slut walk. But, we cringed at Trump saying 'grab em by the pussy' because we all know that as a society this is a lowly form of expression more on par with barbarism than with civil etiquette.

The writers and philosophers of Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures were incessantly looking for new ways to exert their expression of being human. Where has that gone? Did it leave once we stopped appreciating man's abilities? A house is not just the physical structure, created by combining the elements. It's an idea too. It protects us from the natural elements. It's a form of social organization that allows a man a right to his own humanity (right to safety, privacy, freedom to assemble, freedom of expression). Why do we now degrade a house from its quintessential existence to merely a physical combination of just materials? We all walk into our homes and want to find our things there, our personality intact, and our right to ownership untampered with. Our laws that ensure this are basically just codified principles that exert our right because of the basic expectation that in order to maintain our right to our property and humanity, is if every man practices justice, honor, honesty, loyalty, modesty, etc. We cannot have the physical building without the idea of the home itself; the idea of a 'home' is based on first principles and morals.

Best Response

I agree with your assessment of the culture. Trump has said that "political correctness has transformed our institutions of higher education from ones that fostered spirited debate to a place of extreme censorship," and it's hard to disagree. The fact that professors can't even discuss unconventional ideas today without having their livelihoods threatened by SJWs seeking to have them fired is scary. Or that we can't wear certain Halloween costumes in fear of triggering groups of people. Check out this recent article from an NYU prof for more on this:…

It's also clear there's a double standard against men when it comes to certain issues (ex. Matt Dubay child support case), but mention "men's rights" and people laugh you off. Growing up as a boy today must be confusing as hell, because they look on TV and see bumbling male dads, hear from girls that saying hi can be considered sexual assault, and yet are told by their peers to "be a man." While I don't subscribe to the MGTOW movement, there's a reason why more and more men are flocking to it. Ironically, these places have become "safe spaces" for men to just be men around other men.

No one can predict whether Trump is the answer to these issues, but like you said he's fed off the discontent and people are desperate to see a change, regardless of who the source may be.


Never been to latin america, and had no idea it was such a macho culture.

Kind of ironic that soccer is their favorite sport, no?

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell

re: "had no idea it was such a macho culture" - i mean it's not oozing of macho culture in Argentina (socially it's quite progressive here compared to other latin american countries), but yeah for sure compared to North America / Western Europe it's quite noticeable.

Hearing stories of how women are treated at work (reminds me of Mad Men), the things men to say to women on the streets make the cat calls in the US seem poetic. I could go on.

In some ways it's kind of nice, in many cases "roles" (particularly with women from the province and other latin countries such as Colombia) are traditional and there is less confusion. Women like to be treated on a date, the like attention (too much at times), they like to be chased.

Porteñas (women from BA) are a bit of a different story... they are strong women & know what they want, though some things i've mentioned above still hold true.

Personally, I don't hold my breath with worry that I might offend a woman, but that said i'm not an idiot and use common sense.

I guess the overall theme for me at least is that things make sense.... but maybe i'm just treated nicely and given a pass because i'm a Yanqui. Quien sabe?

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You bring up some good points from a cultural standpoint that have nothing to do with politics - ADHD, stymieing boys from playing / rough housings, etc. These observations are definitely true and apolitical.

I strongly disagree that this has anything to do with Trump nor the elections. I'd say you have tons of false equivalencies and correlations that do not imply causation. It's not worth getting into a point by point break out, but no, I don't think a massive resistance to political correctness is a key driver for the rise of Trump. Also, while I'm not really a fan of too much political correctness - people definitely need to lighten up a bit - bear in mind its typically the historical privilege and those with a historical position of power that are to ones that are upset. To play devils advocate, maybe subgroups that have been shit on from a historical context would have stood up to so called non-political correctness decades ago if they felt there was an opportunity/support to do so.


From my standpoint, this is exactly why the pledging process is so critical to a dude's development. The bonds you make with your fellow class, in addition to the dudes actually putting you through the shit is great. Schools looking for every reason to get rid of this process, in addition to shit like Harvard cancelling their soccer team's season for their scouting report (although admittedly was not funny and unimaginative) is ruining masculinity.


Part of being a man is accepting consequences - the Harvard men's soccer team put themselves in that situation and they should own up to that. Why you need a DOCUMENT chronicling women in that way I have no idea, me & my guy friends just stick to friendly banter between each other about stuff like that. No idea why they created a paper trail, which is why they are paying for it.


I finally agree with you on something. They deserve that because they did such a bad job covering their trail. I would expect better from them; kids at unknown schools across the nation are able to accomplish this same thing.

Let's not get away from the fact though that the contents of the doc should not be looked at in such a negative light though. My dad and his dad did the same things going through school and they turned out just fine.


From my standpoint, this is exactly why the pledging process is so critical to a dude's development. The bonds you make with your fellow class, in addition to the dudes actually putting you through the shit is great. Schools looking for every reason to get rid of this process, in addition to shit like Harvard cancelling their soccer team's season for their scouting report (although admittedly was not funny and unimaginative) is ruining masculinity.

I strongly disagree. You can easily develop into a man and establish strong bonds with your peers without going through the gauntlet of binge drinking and serving as a group's whipping boy. I understand why folks go through this to gain a friend base in a new atmosphere but it is by no means the only, or most effective, way to grow.


Totally agree on your stance on political correctness and the stupidity of Trump.

For example you can look at how liberals have suspended due process at universities across trump.

Wrote a paper in HS about how the DOE sent a Title IX letter to colleges in 2011 saying they would pull any federal funding to any school that didn't investigate sexualt assault using a 'preponderance of evidence' meaning you only have to be 51% sure that there was assault to kick out a student. Over 90 Harvard Law professors argued that this would kick many men out with no proof and remove due process.

Fast forward 5 years, and now more than 70% of title IX lawsuits are brought by accused men who were unfairly kicked out.

There so many astonishing examples of stupidity like at Amherst where the accused wasn't allowed to bring a lawyer, witnesses, text evidence, know the accuser, or know the charges.

And at CSU Pueblo, there is a current lawsuit where a third-party saw a hickey on a girl and reported it as a rape. Despite the girl saying that it was completely consensual, the student was kicked out.

There are so many more like at UVA, where the presiding investigator who was a former judge apologized to the expelled student saying that this made no legal sense but under current (Obama Administration) guidelines she was forced to kick him out.

It seems as if rationality and common sense has escaped American politics.


Unfortunately I have no choice but to award 1 MS to the OP

The essence of modern "manhood" is being an inspiring leader and an active doer, a defender and a protector, an innovator and a creator, being bold and courageous without causing harm to others, taking ownership and responsibility, being principled and intelligent, and above all, internalizing the fact that knowledge and understanding is power

Manhood does not mean narcissism, stupidity, bullying, belittling, and ignorance

The concept of manhood in OP sounds more similar to an uncaged baboon that has been injected with too much testosterone

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:

Unfortunately I have no choice but to award 1 MS to the OP

The essence of modern "manhood" is being an inspiring leader and an active doer, a defender and a protector, an innovator and a creator, being bold and courageous without causing harm to others, taking ownership and responsibility, being principled and intelligent, and above all, internalizing the fact that knowledge and understanding is power

Manhood does not mean narcissism, stupidity, bullying, belittling, and ignorance

The concept of manhood in OP sounds more similar to an uncaged baboon that has been injected with too much testosterone

All of the traits you listed defining modern manhood make sense.

The problem is modern society wants the modern man to exhibit those traits, while also being demonized and enduring 24/7 reminders that he "doesn't deserve anything" and to "check his privilege" and that he is "playing life on easy mode."

It's complete horseshit.


This is the exact reason why a criminal like Hilary Clinton might be the next president of America. Political correctness is nothing but twisting the truth for an audiance living in denial.

Some people have taken advantage and mis-interpreted the meaning of equity (social justice) . while equity is not exactly equality as we know, rather means giving someone extra privelages to reach his/her full potential for being a vulnerable person or group of persons in a society . This principle of equity should stop/re-examined when you start harming other peoples rights of just and fairness . It's fine to admit a minority person with lower scores than his/her admitted peers to college as long as you don't deprive a majority person of same or slightly better grades from admission.


There's a number of studies that show how most school curriculum these days are designed to favour female traits.

If they are onto something and so is the OP, then it surely explains a couple of things: - Hillary supporters are ''more educated'' which translates to more exposure to psychological emasculation, low testosterone or in internet terms beta males and simply cuckolds - a portion of Trump's success is simply due to the fact that manhood repression via ''feminism'' and the Social Justice has gone too far for the average Joe to be tolerated; it simply goes against the nature of most males to accept this kind of humiliation under voluntary terms

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Tempore ad nihil voluptatem voluptatem repellat. Ut ipsum voluptatem voluptatem rem quisquam aut.

Odio ab vero odio et est. Sed quis saepe culpa dolor ut ut. Impedit eum fuga quis possimus. Id consequatur veniam dolorum consequuntur excepturi.


Illo eum dolore saepe libero voluptas voluptatem ex. Expedita dolores quae molestias commodi. Suscipit facere illum doloribus. Exercitationem qui atque quam rerum velit.

Aliquam mollitia in excepturi aut omnis explicabo maiores ut. Ab ab occaecati voluptatem rerum et sit ad sit. Eum dolore veniam voluptatem. Fugiat laudantium adipisci quam eaque fugiat. Nulla necessitatibus et non tempore iure suscipit in.

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