What's everyone's weight, bench, squat and deadlift?

Trying to gauge how "chad-y" people on here are, or if they're all insecure skinny pale virgin STEM kids coping with "prestige", or chad frat kids who got PJT RSSG by having an uncle MD.

I'll start:

6'2, 196 pounds

Bench: 295

Squat: 402.5

Deadlift: 505 (540 sumo)


5'10, a few pounds shy of 130. 8% body fat according to my scale.

Don't bench but from similar things that aren't quite as bad for you roughly my body weight.

Squat? Honestly, with good form just about a plate on each side, but most people have horrible form and up it just to brag. I can max my leg press machine at 200 if the flex is all you care about. (please don't do this you'll do better with good form and lighter weights)

The amount of weight you have in motion in a deadlift is frightening. I'm not even going to play there and my joints thank me for it.  I'll stick with my 6am 5k and mediocre evening weight session.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

I've been training seriously for about 5 years, but bodybuilding style, so I don't do the standard squat or deadlift or bench press anymore. I used to do them when I first started training in like 2014, but even then was doing them for growth rather than strength. The most I did then was 140kg deadlift, 110kg squat, 110kg benchpress. 73kg (at the time), 5'11.

What do I mean by bodybuilding style? Usually only 1-2 'compound' lifts per workout, a lot more unilateral work, and focused much more on muscle recruitment and medium to high rep ranges. Haven't had a gym related injury for many years.

Edit: currently weigh around 76kg, the 'chaddest' lift I've done was 45kg dumbells on incline bench for 5 reps about 1 year ago.

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Weight 190

Honestly just keep great form on squats by always going deep. I can only lift 2-3 times a week now sadly

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195 lbs

Bench: 230 (been trying for years to get this up with no luck)

Deadlift: 450

Squat: 325

Bonus data point:

1 Mile Time: 4:58

My way of coping with poor lifting numbers is good run time. Benching 225 and a 5 min mile makes you more swole than the running twinks and in better shape/more athletic than lifters.. Fortunately you dont need to be that strong to be 'bigger' than the average shmuck in the world. But at gym generally am on smaller side. That said get called jacked all the time

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I stopped deadlifting for big weight a while ago, but so few people can actually do it correct so it has a reputation of causing injury. 

Purely anecdotal, but I got more back development from squatting 7 days a week than I ever did by mixing deadlifts into my rotation. I squatted high-bar and still ended up getting a beefy/strong back.


I’m 5’10 and 205lbs

Standing Shoulder Press from the ground: 225lbs

Bench: I dont 1rms anymore but it was 365 precovid.  Now, do 225lbs for 20 reps (full reps not that half reppin bs) 

Squat: I don’t do them, due to multiple injuries in the Army, which include bad landings on a parachute jump. I do leg presses, lunges with 60lb dumbbells in each hand and etc.

Deadlift: Most I’ve done is 600lbs 

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I power clean the weight from the ground then press it. No push press either


Absolute insane numbers. For the clean and press did you use any leg movements in the final shoulder pressing motion or was it just pure shoulder power?


All shoulder and no momentum. Not a clean and jerk, not a push press, all shoulder. 


Those are some solid numbers for that weight at your height. Maybe try upping the volume on accessory work on chest day. You could also eat more and switch your cardio to 200-400m sprints twice a week with one 5 miler and one 7-8 miler added in as you gain strength. This is to make sure you not only gain strength, but also recompose your body efficiently. 


Man I don’t understand this stuff sometimes

im 2 inches taller, 10 pounds heavier, likely similar bf% (so similar amount of muscle) but bench is 60 pounds worse lol


5'10 75kg. Never really worked out much. About 5 years ago had a fitness phase mostly focused on MMA and OCR but had about 70kg bench, 140kg squat and 160kg+ DL in peak (75kg prob 12% bf?)

Now been lifting again after losing 20kg weight in a few months to be back at 75kg 16% bf...not really PRing ATM but doing 5x5 of 72.5kg bench, 95kg squat (prob 110/120 1RM ATM) and 110kg DL (around 135/140 1RM ATM). 

Doing push pull split Mon Tues and Thursday Friday from home gym doing 5x5 squat, OHP, bench and weighted dips and DL, rows, weighted pull ups and curls. On off days doing weighted skipping or elipitcal machine. 

Aim is to get strongest / leanest but still around 75kg weight (want to do some charity white collar boxing in 2022/2023).

Would love opinions on current programming.

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it def feels like im making more progress than the random stuff i was doing before. took me a while to find something that felt like it was working. a part of me still is thinking towards the beach holiday im having in 1.5 months and wondering whether for now i should make 1 set of push pulls high weight strength focus and 1 set of days more lower weight hypertrophy focused (as you said 4x12 lower weight)...perhaps would aid with recovery a bit more too? what do you think? 


I really want to know how I got monkey-shit for admitting my numbers are only ok and saying form over bragging rights. is this shit throwing from the D-grade index providers I won't give the time of day on Linkedin Is Ulrika From ValueX or the Sabrent guy on here?? 

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

Who's numbers you don't believe specifically? Not everyone here works 100 hours and not all banks have shit culture that prevents you from working out. 


I've gotten fatter and become lopsided since leaving school, but 2022 new year fitter me. 

5'10, 220lbs

Bench: 185

Squat: 425

Deadlift: 450

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
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6’0 about 195

Bench: 315

Squat: I have patellar tendinitis in both knees from basketball, so I haven’t squatted in a long time. The most I’ve ever done was 335x5 if I remember correctly.

Deadlift: 425 conventional


Find the kneesovertoes programs on Instagram/ his website. I has two hip surgeries for a torn labrum in my high school career and couldn’t find anything that could fix it. Finally started his program a handful of times a week (2-3) and it’s been better than ever Only really takes 20 minutes or so, but so worth it.


6'2 at ~180 (currently rocking more of a Brad Pitt from Fight Club look than a roid'd up gym bro so my lifts are nowhere near some above).

Bench: 245 (I am pumped about this given my weight/height)

Squat: 285 (My right knee keeps holding me back... </3)

Deadlift: Haven't done this since I tore my right lat years ago.... 

There is more than one way to get there. I'd rather have 30 chapters than 3000 pages.

Huh how do you tear a lat? I feel like my lats are barely activated for any of the big/compound lifts, and only really used in isolation workouts like lat raises for the V chest look.


It makes no sense but during basketball actually. I didn’t stretch at all, went straight from the freezing cold outside into a game right away, and I shot my arms up really quickly going for a rebound and it tore. It keeps re-injuring every so often but I live with it. Freak occurrence!

There is more than one way to get there. I'd rather have 30 chapters than 3000 pages.

To be fair there is a lot of self-selection bias present here. Anyone with low to average level lifts is a lot less likely to post their lifts here than someone who is above average/lifting is their whole life outside of work. Never mind the fact that people on this website have a habit of exaggerating.... Haha

There is more than one way to get there. I'd rather have 30 chapters than 3000 pages.

Due to work, been mostly maintaining my strength and conditioning, but my stats are below:

5'10" / ~170lbs / ~7% - ~10% bodyfat

Squat: 410lbs

Bench: 300lbs (Competition style with pause - 285lbs)

Deadlift: 500lbs / 565lbs (Conventional / Sumo)

Get Jiggy With It

Thank you, sir, been lifting for more than a decade now, but stuck at those numbers for the past ~2 years.

Was aiming to hit 600 on deadlifts by the end of this year, but work and COVID hit, so hopefully by mid-end of 2022, I'll be there.

Get Jiggy With It
Most Helpful

idk man, you're conflating the fact that people performing the exercise not having mobility is an indictment on the exercise itself, it's not. deadlift done properly is one of the most functional and beneficial exercises known to man, people have been picking shit up for as long as there have been people, and doing so effectively will meaningfully improve your physicality. of course, you have to have mobility in your legs, hips, spine, etc., to do properly which is why coaching is important. the army just added deadlifts to its fitness test, that should tell you something.

that, and if you look at pure gravity, it's the only lift mentioned where the weight is below you and therefore you have no compressing forces on your body (like squat or bench)

and while this isn't scientific, my back pain, posture, power, and balance have all gotten meaningfully better since I started deadlifting. I wish I discovered it in high school instead of 4y post college

I will grant you this, because powerlifters often sacrifice form for max lifts, I could believe that at the upper ranges of weight, deadlifts could be more dangerous, but that doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile exercise as you mention, just that you probably shouldn't attempt to max out until you have perfect form


I am 5'10" 190lbs. Not much of a powerlifter, but bought a bar and some bumper plates during covid. Legitimately one of my proudest life moments was completing a 10x10 squat workout with 275lbs, ATG trying to be as slow and controlled as possible. Threw up, felt like I was going to pass out. I swear I saw god on the last few sets lmao. Same thing happened on another day when I tried 275 for 20. Sounds pretty light compared to what most of you guys are lifting here, but if you want none of your pants to fit and some fat tree trunk legs, would recommend. 

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selection bias. just like the NW threads won't feature many people who'll say "lol I'm 28 and my net worth is $30k when you adjust for student loans and credit card debt" you won't have a thread full of lifters with someone who's like "idk what my max is I can barely do 10 pushups without shitting my pants"

plus in order to have a max, you have to have lifted long enough to feel comfortable loading the bar, so again, selection bias


selection bias. just like the NW threads won't feature many people who'll say "lol I'm 28 and my net worth is $30k when you adjust for student loans and credit card debt" you won't have a thread full of lifters with someone who's like "idk what my max is I can barely do 10 pushups without shitting my pants"

plus in order to have a max, you have to have lifted long enough to feel comfortable loading the bar, so again, selection bias

It's also quite possible you've got a lot of people who don't actually have great form, we've all seen those folks in the gym.

Like, yeah, you can back squat 400lbs... but if you aren't getting your legs below parallel with your knees, then you aren't doing an actual back squat.  I'm sure I could put 500 lbs on a bar, do a little dip/curtsy kind of thing, and then run around the gym screaming my head off.


Funny how everyone here benches 250+ but when I go to the gym I rarely see someone putting up even two plates and have literally never in my life seen someone put up 3 plates at a public gym.


6'2 255 (normal weight for me is around ~230/235; cheers covid)

1 rep maxes are

Squat 385

Deadlift 425...I would like to get this up but do have issues with grip strength and I'm too ashamed to get wraps

Bench 195 these days and even that is a real struggle

A pretty bad rotator cuff/AC joint tear that went untreated due to college athletics has my bench very suppressed...if anybody has any range of motion tips or ways to self rehab this thing I'll take any advice. In general, chest has never been a strong suit of mine no pun intended.


Some crazy lifts in here lol. Most people think I'm strong, but my numbers are pathetic compared to the people ITT

5'7, 153ish lbs, in my 30s

Bench - 215

Squat - 240

Deadlift - Not a powerlifter and have tweaked my back multiple times from probably bad form, so don't do it

Pullups - sets of 5 with 25-30 lbs attached

Now I want to caveat these are "estimated" 1RMs. I rarely go to failure or use super high weight because I'm mainly going for size/aesthetics, so I'm more focused on TUT and slightly higher rep ranges (try not to go below 6 reps on any given lift). Therefore, these numbers could be slightly inflated.


I am a competitive powerlifter (or at least I was, taking a break now due to work).

24yo 6'1 225lbs

Haven't maxed out on anything in a while but here is a guess based on my last ~2 months of lifting

Squat ~600 (550 actual, have done 535x4 recently)

Bench ~390 (375 actual, have done 365x2 recently)

Deadlift ~590 (560 actual, have done 535x3 recently)

Hoping to bench 405 early in the new year which is a lifetime goal for me


TBH 1 rep maxes are kind outdated, but ill bite.

6'2", 240 lbs, Ex-offensive tackle

Bench: 345 for 2

Squat: 395 for 3

Deadlift: idk probably somewhere around 495 for 2/3


Squat- 452 lbs

Bench- 270lbs

Deadlift- 562lbs

Weight- 181lbs

Height- 5’10

Competed in powerlifting, the bench is a little wonky because you have to pause when competing. I’m not quite sure what it would be if it wasn’t paused.


Y'all some capping mfs fr. WSO is rlly a dick measuring contest sometimes. But here's my 2inches bricked up.

Height: 5'10


Bench: 145lbs x 10, 185lbs x 2

Squat: 225lbs x 10

No deadlift

You know what's funny. Any of the stats listed here will be one of the strongest guy in our entire campus. And our school is one of the most athletic colleges in America ,think LSU/Bama/PSU/Georgia/Michigan


Molestiae possimus eum accusamus nulla molestiae. Dolore exercitationem tenetur nihil iusto et. Sit molestiae aliquam sint porro incidunt aut sint.

Quisquam ipsam in consectetur quam iure deserunt sunt. At modi vel animi. Quaerat illo eos ullam ad autem.


Earum aut rerum voluptates consequatur tenetur odit similique. Modi qui porro mollitia placeat. Exercitationem perferendis quia vel totam. Vero saepe sunt repellat molestias autem unde corrupti. Illum sunt ad blanditiis.

Eum aut sed laborum sed rem. Laudantium officia omnis minus et. Vitae sed qui ea molestias non.


Reiciendis et nisi numquam esse voluptatem corporis eum. Ea et dignissimos magnam reprehenderit eos sapiente. Ex voluptatem rerum ut maiores aspernatur expedita alias. Fugit unde accusantium nesciunt officiis. Sed cumque assumenda quos natus quis amet rerum. Veritatis voluptatem et qui expedita optio ea consequatur.

Delectus earum sed est eum. Officia impedit deleniti laboriosam ipsum nihil. Laborum ad dignissimos dolore et. Quos aut architecto consectetur rerum tempore fugit. Sit non saepe facere hic. Molestias et suscipit explicabo ut.

Quis excepturi cupiditate quod sed iusto. Nihil ut est non repellendus dolorum quis et perferendis. Perspiciatis maiores iste distinctio sint.

Culpa totam harum veniam doloremque ullam dolorem accusamus. Sunt ut voluptatem quia magni maxime. Sapiente velit ad eaque et non ut.

...and the Truth shall set you free

Eaque blanditiis voluptas molestias ipsa exercitationem sit. Mollitia commodi ipsam ut eum qui perspiciatis. Adipisci excepturi et qui repellendus itaque tenetur hic. Nihil impedit ut sint. Nulla eum explicabo eum ea quis est exercitationem consequuntur.

Qui quas quasi consectetur. Debitis saepe non et maiores facere cumque. Neque tempora distinctio alias sit culpa quod dolore voluptas.

Quasi voluptate ut at aliquam ipsa. Corrupti architecto harum temporibus beatae et vitae. In quod iste magnam modi quae debitis recusandae. Aut expedita debitis amet aut mollitia omnis molestiae in. Hic voluptatibus architecto odio fugit cum eos.

Deserunt sint unde est et. Amet tempore ut eum sit aut illo fugit. Et at consequatur architecto nam id eaque.


Nihil officiis cupiditate maiores qui. Aut ipsa exercitationem placeat corporis dolorum ipsum autem. Perspiciatis veritatis hic qui sint reprehenderit veniam. Cumque asperiores dolor itaque deleniti optio quam. Laudantium consequuntur neque ea provident eligendi est. Enim cumque minima non. Porro ipsum quia et quibusdam.


Nesciunt quod nesciunt accusamus numquam possimus illo dolorem. Qui ut blanditiis iure similique dolorum in.

At similique est tenetur adipisci. Voluptatibus velit tempora tempore quis quo harum.

Quisquam est odit beatae quisquam doloribus rerum. Velit veritatis non ab nostrum fuga consectetur occaecati. Dolorem dolores animi doloremque distinctio. Et deleniti eius sit sit aut. Facilis in odit cupiditate ut tenetur. Dolorem sapiente dolorem ut exercitationem quia quia quod.

Occaecati provident occaecati reiciendis cum. Minima placeat repellat consequatur.

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