Based on the most helpful WSO content, here's what you need to know about the Pymetrics test:

  • Invitation Timing: The invitation to the Pymetrics tests should be sent to you after submitting your application.
  • Purpose: Pymetrics applies AI to predict job performance based on complex neuroscience data. It uses unbiased algorithms to build a cognitive and emotional trait profile of a company's top performers to source and screen potential talent.
  • Test Approach: The tests should be treated the same as any other psychometric test. Focus on both speed and accuracy when completing the tests.
  • Results: While there are no right or wrong results, there are favorable profiles. The closer you score to their ideal candidate, the better.

For more detailed advice and preparation tips, you might want to check out the Investment Banking Interview Guide and the Investment Banking Interview Course available on WSO.

Sources: Pymetrics... What the fuck??, Credit Suisse Pymetrics Test, Help - Did Your JP Morgan Pymetrics Results Mention IB?, Pymetrics... What the fuck??, JPM 21' SA Pymetrics & Hirevue Stage Thread

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That exam was awful. Really damn tricky with intense time pressure for the math, and the behavioral stuff was so dumb. It asked you to rank the same things in 100 different combinations.


Does anyone know how long the case will be? Heard BCG full-time R1s are usually more behavioural heavy but this might be outdated news.


Got one math question wrong (realized immediately after submitting it fml) and don’t think I did well on the final recommendation. Did pretty well on everything else