What's the Dream Job?

So, I saw Lily_1988 was saying that he works pretty reasonable hours (9-6) and still makes a pretty good salary. So as someone who's still trying to figure out what to do, I"m wondering what would be a job with reasonable hours but still pretty good pay. I don't care about making millions per year down the line, but something where I'm able to get mid to high six figures would be good. As I understand it accounting would be good, but I'm wondering are there any other well known options. Obviously there's no easy path to getting these jobs, but just wondering what some of them are...

Apply to Top Wall St. Jobs


Don't let money run your life. Find something you like, master it, and the money will come.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
How is that pathetic? Wanting a job with good hours that makes a lot of money?

It's not the dream job that is pathetic. It's dreamer that I was addressing.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them
My Dream Job: Lay on a beach for 50MM / year.

I will lay there twice as hard for half the money! #capitalism


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

A dream job that I'm too afraid of pursuing due to the average pay/low career advancement that I'm ASSUMING is involved: video game reviewer. Of course, every pothead with an xbox wants this job, so it's probably extremely hard to break into and make decent money (how many consistent, big time video game review magazines can you think of?). But, my god, the main reason I've skipped just about every responsible thing I've ever skipped would be my job (not including extra sleep)? And getting drunk/high would more than likely not be a problem at all? Stay late at the office and do what? Play video games/write my opinion on one/interview developers?

sign me up plz

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I can offer some perspective on a couple of things...

Doctors tend to make between $150k and $350k (http://www.medscape.com/features/slideshow/compensation/2011/), although they don't earn that money until they are done with med school (4 years), internship and residency (3-6 years), and possibly fellowship (2-3 years). Doctors don't make anything during med school, and make around $50k during internship/residency/fellowship. I live in Baltimore which, thanks to Hopkins, is teeming with doctors, and I have fucked many of them. They are all motivated by money, and deeply in denial about that motivation. My impression is that medicine breeds cognitive dissonance and solipsism. Cure rates are actually rather low, and an entire book (House of God by Samuel Shem) has been written about how shockingly ineffectual medicine actually is. That said, sometimes, you get to help some people to some extent, and a very few times you get to save somebody's life. (Of course, sometimes, you fuck up and kill people.) But on the whole, you're a government bureaucrat in a white coat, albeit with job security for life. You also don't work that hard. People who say that doctors work really hard clearly know more doctors than roughnecks. Even in the absolute worst of your days - when you are doing 16 hour call every other day in your internship year - you are working 48 to 64 hours a week. The biggest challenge is the intensely mind-numbing nature of the work, which boils down to memorization and pattern recognition. (Deviation from the script a la house would actually get your ass sued and unemployed.) But you have job security for life if you play the rules. About half of all doctors regret doing medicine. Doctors also have the highest rates of suicide and divorce of the professions. (The preceding analysis doesn't vary much for dentistry, podiatry, etc, save that they are less competitive than medicine.)

Engineering/CS is the most balls-out absurdly difficult major in undergrad, ultimately washing out something like 75% of those who try for it. If you got less than a 750 on the math portion of your SAT, you will need a hail mary to get a 3.5 GPA in college. That said, engineering is very meritocratic, and where you went to school isn't all that important. Starting salaries tend to be around the $50k-$80k mark, and companies like Google will typically throw in a bit of bonus also. Careers are very unpredictable. Some folks top out at $150k after a decade or so of experience, and then get laid off because they haven't been able to keep pace with technological progress, usually because they wanted to get laid and start a family. The most technically sharp engineers who devote themselves to their craft can reliably pull $250k at a Google or something like it (factoring in bonus and such). If you get a security clearance, you have more job security in the government sector, though this work is usually regarded as the most mind numbing on earth. You can also switch into management, and reliably make $100-$200k, and possibly $millions. Ditto for going the sales route. And then there's entrepreneurship/startups, where your upside can be $0, $billions, or anything in between. All told, it's a fairly volatile career path, and succeeding in it tends to breed aspergers. As a rule of thumb, if you are in the top 10% of engineering talent in the entire world, it's a great field to get into. But if you're a mid-level performer, prepare to get pounded in the ass by H-1B visas and offshoring (which is why engineering salaries, adjusted for inflation, have been flat for the past 30-40 years). It's sort of like a career as a musician or an actor, where the relatively few-in-number outsized successes obscure the great swathes of people who are clinging to a $90k gig in their 50's. Prestige/sex-appeal in engineering is as volatile as the financial rewards, and it all varies by field. At the moment, being a programmer seems to be relatively cool, but nobody seems to care about aerospace. Hours are volatile also. I have a friend in his mid twenties who pulls around $100k for something like 4-5 hours of telecommuting work a week. On the other end, I know guys who work 50-60 hours for the same money.

Some essential reading for people thinking about programming/engineering: http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/28/silicon-valley%E2%80%99s-dark-secret-i… http://philip.greenspun.com/careers/women-in-science http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/h1b.html http://www.halfsigma.com/2007/03/why_a_career_in.html

I can offer some perspective on a couple of things....

great post

First person that comes out this fucking door gets a... gets a *lead salad*, you understand?

In America, Hollywood producer: 1. make more than the actors without the paparazzi and all the promotional front of the camera bs 2. exposure to hot actresses that you could possibly nail 3. Bad ass film locations so you would be traveling all over the world 4. free movie studio stuff

In Europe, top-notch F1 racer... nothing else needs to be said on this occupation


freezepop, y u no like me?

anyway, hours have been recently tightened up. that article is from 2009, and all it does is ask surgeons what they think their hours ought to be. predictably, hard dick surgeons want longer hours, leading to higher barriers to entry and better wages in the long run. but the rules are a changing. see: http://www.cleveland.com/healthfit/index.ssf/2011/08/new_doctors_have_s…


guys, anybody here have a love of poetry? music? literature? theater?

anybody tried to make a living they can support a family on doing that stuff?

point being that love doesnt necessarily lead to money.

there are upsides though. ive never had a better sex life than when i was fronting a rock band. ive also never had less money. i eventually admitted to myself that i wanted a family one day, and that i didnt want a sugar momma. so i sold out and went corporate.

my friends who are still in are still broke, but carefree and banging groupies. still, they are in no position to support a family, but for now, they seem to be cool with that.

but if you want a family one day, i would think long and hard about "doing what you love." is there anything your ultimately going to love more than your family? if you had to work at a boring ass job to provide for your kids, well wouldnt that be worth it? reading these threads on career posts, you tend to find that all careers sorta suck in their own special way. that is, they turn out to not be amazingly fulfilling. well no shit. do you think millions of years of evolution selected for an organism that is more interested in "career" than family?

of course, if you really dont care about family, than yeah, "do what you love." otherwise, it makes sense to choose a career based on pay, hours worked, sex appeal (though modern chicks dont seem to reward your job with sex, viz my slacker ass banging doctors), etc.


Many people aren't going to like this, but I would have loved to be an awesome tenor. Maybe even a director. They make good money and I've loved opera since I was a kid. Unfortunately I have no music skills whatsoever. So it's not only about finding something you like and money will come like some people said, it's about finding something you like and can actually do well.

I wouldn't mind being one of the Top Gear guys like someone said above.

Maximus Decimus Meridius:
Many people aren't going to like this, but I would have loved to be an awesome tenor. Maybe even a director. They make good money and I've loved opera since I was a kid. Unfortunately I have no music skills whatsoever. So it's not only about finding something you like and money will come like some people said, it's about finding something you like and can actually do well.

I wouldn't mind being one of the Top Gear guys like someone said above.

It's ok if many people don't like your "opera" choice. The OP asked about your dream job, so it's about you and don't give a fuck about who like or don't like your dream.

To answer the OP: I'd like to be a fixer like Michael Clayton or a trade negotiator at the WTO.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them

I've never had a better sex life than when I was fronting the chess club. I've also never had less money. i eventually admitted to myself that i wanted a family one day, and that i didnt want a sugar momma. so i sold out and went corporate.

my friends who are still in are still broke, but carefree and banging groupies. still, they are in no position to support a family, but for now, they seem to be cool with that.


I agree that your dream doesn't necissarily lead to money. I think being a Capitol Hill staffer would be incredibly fun. However, they are not allowed to make more than the Speaker (about $225,000) and that only happens for the very top staffers otherwise expect to be making about 70K at the most for the first 10 years or so, therefore, I realize that other jobs pay better and I'm wondering which one of those jobs have good work hours. Good Work/Life balance...


Any profession that you excel at, people will pay money for. Simple as.

The world doesn't only constitute of corporate types or doctors or musicians that are well off. You have the average Joe who is a kick ass landscaper or event planner who works tirelessly hard to become an expert.

One of the wealthiest guys I have spoken to ran a cab stand for private hire cabs. Went from a fleet of 10 cars to around 100+, each driver which now has to pay around $250 a week for licence/hire and whatever else they make in fares, they keep.

Best Response

CEO of an E&P company that I started with my buddy, a killer reservoir engineer / geologist / petro-physist, seasoned old school landman and an admin (5 peeps total). Grew from 5 to +100 people and overall an awesome / well organization.

One of my mentors, post getting his MBA from HBS, turned his back on the IB / PE track he was on pre-MBA, rolled the dice, packed up his stuff, moved out west in the early 1990's, started driving around UT / CO / MT / OK / TX kicking the tires on potential leasehold positions in his crappy whip w/ his geologist buddy for 2.5 years , scrapping together quarters to call his wife from from random pay phones, and spent most of his nights in tents out in the boonies (which is actually pretty dope). Now David Einhorn's on his board and is a personal friend. Fucking badass.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/guide/private-equity-interview-prep-questions

I was just thinking the other day that a suburban cop would be a sweet gig. Make about 90,000 - 120,000 depending on the suburb once you become high ranking, then retire after 20 years with 80% pay for the rest of your life, and then can work another more fun job if you want...Also MLB umpire would be sweet, making 400K a year, plus travel stipends plus only work about 9 months a year...

I was just thinking the other day that a suburban cop would be a sweet gig. Make about 90,000 - 120,000 depending on the suburb once you become high ranking, then retire after 20 years with 80% pay for the rest of your life, and then can work another more fun job if you want...Also MLB umpire would be sweet, making 400K a year, plus travel stipends plus only work about 9 months a year...

Correction: an MLB ump who doesn't fuck up perfect games...


Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/guide/private-equity-interview-prep-questions
Stringer Bell][quote=helpmepleasethx:
I was just thinking the other day that a suburban cop would be a sweet gig. Make about 90,000 - 120,000 depending on the suburb once you become high ranking, then retire after 20 years with 80% pay for the rest of your life, and then can work another more fun job if you want...Also MLB umpire would be sweet, making 400K a year, plus travel stipends plus only work about 9 months a year...

Correction: an MLB ump who doesn't fuck up perfect games...


If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I'm surprised no one actually gave this guy a serious answer

OP these jobs provide a good mix of salary-hours.

  1. F500 Corporate Finance - roughly 50 hours a week (you will have week around ~60). Manager/Sr. Managers probably make around ~100-150k. The levels that follow: Director/VP/etc will put you in the range you are talking about.
  2. Public Accounting - Make manager in 5-6 years and then transfer to industry should be making ~150k around this point and you can lateral to a CFO role (CFOS will make mid 6 figures depending on company size). Starting your own accounting firm can be lucrative as well.
  3. Corporate/Commercial banking. Commercial will probably pull 55-65k all in to start for roughly 50 hours. Corporate will pay more, probably 70k base with 10-30% bonus. These jobs have potential to tap out at mid six figures.
I'm surprised no one actually gave this guy a serious answer

OP these jobs provide a good mix of salary-hours.

  1. F500 Corporate Finance - roughly 50 hours a week (you will have week around ~60). Manager/Sr. Managers probably make around ~100-150k. The levels that follow: Director/VP/etc will put you in the range you are talking about.
  2. Public Accounting - Make manager in 5-6 years and then transfer to industry should be making ~150k around this point and you can lateral to a CFO role (CFOS will make mid 6 figures depending on company size). Starting your own accounting firm can be lucrative as well.
  3. Corporate/Commercial banking. Commercial will probably pull 55-65k all in to start for roughly 50 hours. Corporate will pay more, probably 70k base with 10-30% bonus. These jobs have potential to tap out at mid six figures.

Your point #2 is way off. After 5 years you won't be making 150k and you sure as hell aren't going to lateral to be a CFO anywhere. If you're lateraling anywhere decent it will be as a manager,which is a world away from CFO. Occasionally being a sole proprietor as a CPA can be lucrative, but overall that's an EXTREMELY tough route and not very realistic for most people.

Public accounting can be a great career (if u can deal with the boredom), but your points are way off.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy
I'm surprised no one actually gave this guy a serious answer

OP these jobs provide a good mix of salary-hours.

  1. F500 Corporate Finance - roughly 50 hours a week (you will have week around ~60). Manager/Sr. Managers probably make around ~100-150k. The levels that follow: Director/VP/etc will put you in the range you are talking about.
  2. Public Accounting - Make manager in 5-6 years and then transfer to industry should be making ~150k around this point and you can lateral to a CFO role (CFOS will make mid 6 figures depending on company size). Starting your own accounting firm can be lucrative as well.
  3. Corporate/Commercial banking. Commercial will probably pull 55-65k all in to start for roughly 50 hours. Corporate will pay more, probably 70k base with 10-30% bonus. These jobs have potential to tap out at mid six figures.

Your point #2 is way off. After 5 years you won't be making 150k and you sure as hell aren't going to lateral to be a CFO anywhere. If you're lateraling anywhere decent it will be as a manager,which is a world away from CFO. Occasionally being a sole proprietor as a CPA can be lucrative, but overall that's an EXTREMELY tough route and not very realistic for most people.

Public accounting can be a great career (if u can deal with the boredom), but your points are way off.

My apologies, my second point is a typo..I was thinking one thing but wrote another. What I meant was to transition to industry after making manager at Big4 and then POSITIONING yourself to lateral to a CFO role. Not actually lateraling to a CFO role directly (though it may be possible to become a CFO of a small company/start-up). I assumed 150k all-in with bonus though this seems overly optimistic as I am still in school myself and do not have the experience that the certified users do. I assumed one would be making around ~100k as a Big4 manager and since transitions to industry are accompanied by pay raises, I thought something like 150k all-in with bonus could be possible, however this seems overly optimistic. Sorry for the false representation.

As for the CPA firm, my evidence is mostly anecdotal...the CPA who does my father's taxes worked for the IRS for about 20 years and then started a tax accounting firm with another partner. Pulls in about 200k per year doing taxes, not a bad gig for the hours. Makes low 6 digits working 50-60 hours a week. If you are good and have the right mentality it is something you can pull off - you won't get rich but you can live a pretty comfortable life in my opinion.


My dream job is to be a professor of history and/or archaeology at a prestigious university.

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." John Adams

This is my reason for doing what I do. I don't love money, but I want my children to be able to pursue careers for love rather than out of necessity. My grandparents gave my parents a better life than they had; my parents gave me a better life than they had; and I intend to see that my children have it better than me.


^^ Good post.

Now, my answer would be - sit on 2-3 boards of public companies. Each one would pay 100K+, even for medium-sized companies. You need to show up to 5-10 meetings per year per company, do a bunch of reading and research beforehand. Overall, you'd be working less than half of the year, getting paid mid- to high six digits... Running a small hedge fund on a side would be good too. Unfortunately, you'd have to have a great deal of experience and good connections to get to this point...

I would love to get paid to masturbate
You can! Be a "sperm donor"
The funny thing is, if we actually get paid for this and have to "work" it like a normal job with slogging and long hours, I bet this even loses its appeal.

Sad, but true part of life. Regardless how much you like doing something, doing it on someone else's dime and time every single day will eventually lose its appeal.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out
DREAM JOB- find and marry an attractive chick with a massive trust fund.

You will be her father's dog and he will spit on you whenever he gets a chance.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them

I would love to own multiple small businesses (if it becomes big, i sure wouldn't be complaining haha) or something one day. For example, like buying companies or restaurants that seems to be failing & making it successful. Or buying a property, remodeling it & then, leave it on the market for rent.

Of course, I'd need a loooot of money to even do this so who knows... :/ But I always wanted to be the boss and look over "projects". Ever since I was little, I wanted this - no idea why haha. I guess I'm influenced by my dad cause my parents own a family business & dad does a little bit of real estate on the side.

June Rose:
I would love to own multiple small businesses (if it becomes big, i sure wouldn't be complaining haha) or something one day. For example, like buying companies or restaurants that seems to be failing & making it successful. Or buying a property, remodeling it & then, leave it on the market for rent.

Of course, I'd need a loooot of money to even do this so who knows... :/ But I always wanted to be the boss and look over "projects". Ever since I was little, I wanted this - no idea why haha. I guess I'm influenced by my dad cause my parents own a family business & dad does a little bit of real estate on the side.

Work for a PE firm that specializes in turn around targets.
Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
June Rose:
I would love to own multiple small businesses (if it becomes big, i sure wouldn't be complaining haha) or something one day. For example, like buying companies or restaurants that seems to be failing & making it successful. Or buying a property, remodeling it & then, leave it on the market for rent.

Of course, I'd need a loooot of money to even do this so who knows... :/ But I always wanted to be the boss and look over "projects". Ever since I was little, I wanted this - no idea why haha. I guess I'm influenced by my dad cause my parents own a family business & dad does a little bit of real estate on the side.

Work for a PE firm that specializes in turn around targets.

Is that what PE is? Thank you! :D I had no idea..I was just playing on going into trading cause it has better work hours...hrm, time to do more research haha

Thanks again!


Bankster + Warlord + Hugh Hefner (-50 years): Endless amount of money. A warlord with UN-approved nuclear weapons for world domination. Endless supplies of STD-free virgins on birth control.

What else? Money + Power + Sex = Happiness. :-)

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Bankster + Warlord + Hugh Hefner (-50 years): Endless amount of money. A warlord with UN-approved nuclear weapons for world domination. Endless supplies of STD-free virgins on birth control.

What else? Money + Power + Sex = Happiness. :-)

first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the bitches =)
Bankster + Warlord + Hugh Hefner (-50 years): Endless amount of money. A warlord with UN-approved nuclear weapons for world domination. Endless supplies of STD-free virgins on birth control.

What else? Money + Power + Sex = Happiness. :-)

first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the bitches =)

Seriously though, I've been a quant for some time & will now be branching off into actuarial science. Better hours, more fun (for me anyway) and you dont need a rediculous GPA/MBA/target-status etc to excel at it.
Actuarial science is fun? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Seriously though, I've been a quant for some time & will now be branching off into actuarial science. Better hours, more fun (for me anyway) and you dont need a rediculous GPA/MBA/target-status etc to excel at it.

If you're already a quant, then why the hell would your "rediculous GPA/MBA/target-status etc" matter? That stuff may be important for breaking in, but beyond that I don't see how it really matters unless maybe your quant job sucks and you're trying to lateral.

Actuarial science is a nice, stable paycheck, but IMO the work seems boring as hell. Also there's way too many exams, which is why I never really considered it despite being a math major.

Jdawg, shut the fuck up

Sorry bro. Hopefully the realization that you're not funny doesn't come as too much of a shock. I guess ignorance is bliss, so maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.


Established writer for ESPN/Sports Illustrated.

Drink beers with Charles Barkley. Dick around on Pardon the Interruption/Around the Horn. Write columns a couple times a week. Get paid to go to the Super Bowl.

Shit, sign me up.

...Drink beers with Charles Barkley...

Charles isn't always there, but check out Koo Koo Room on a Friday or Saturday night if you are ever in the ATL...though I don't think he usually drinks beers.

Funny enough, Clint Eastwood was there the other night...which is the last person you think you would see at a place called Koo Koo Room, lol.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Feasible dream job - International real estate developer and investor, specializing in resorts and 5-star hotels in exotic travels destinations (Cancun, Caribbean, Rio). Basically, doing what I love in places that I love.

"Want to go back to my hotel? I fucking own the place" would be fun to say to a woman.

Not-so-feasible dream job - The first American-born European soccer star to win FIFA World Player of the Year, and model for Calvin Klien underwear on the side.

Man made money, money never made the man
RE Capital Markets:

Not-so-feasible dream job - model for Calvin Klien underwear on the side.

LOL @ your Not-so-feasible.

Self-awareness is great for the soul.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them
RE Capital Markets:
Feasible dream job - International real estate developer and investor, specializing in resorts and 5-star hotels in exotic travels destinations (Cancun, Caribbean, Rio). Basically, doing what I love in places that I love.

"Want to go back to my hotel? I fucking own the place" would be fun to say to a woman.

Not-so-feasible dream job - The first American-born European soccer star to win FIFA World Player of the Year, and model for Calvin Klien underwear on the side.

I know a guy that runs/owns a construction/development company. He built, at least partially, the' Atlantis, the Palm' resort in Dubai. He loves his job but it can be super hit or miss. He was recently traveling out to San Fran and Hawaii, from Texas, because he was supposed to be building some huge bridge (in Hawaii) but I guess it fell through...or put on hold or whatever.

I think he essentially took over his father's company years ago when things were booming but obviously there's been a lot of slow down. He's not as baller as you might think given some of the projects he's worked on but he lives a pretty sweet life...of course, it was better before his divorce, lol.

I think I would like to do something similar, but can't say I'm passionate enough about it to take the risk...yet. I wish times were better because I could probably get him to bring me on in some capacity and show me the ropes, since the cost would be minimal.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Virginia Tech 4ever:
Jdawg is the official WSO Nazi who goes from thread to thread to tell people that their jokes aren't funny. Must be a pathetic life he leads.

Lol, I've only done it on this thread and to you. You definitely deserved it, but in case you still don't understand why I was so mean to you and hurt your feelings, 1. soccer is the most popular sport in the world 2. you're a dumbass for not knowing who Wayne Rooney is. I kind of wish you'd change your WSO name to something else because you're a huge embarrassment to Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Jdawg is the official WSO Nazi who goes from thread to thread to tell people that their jokes aren't funny. Must be a pathetic life he leads.

Lol, I've only done it on this thread and to you. You definitely deserved it, but in case you still don't understand why I was so mean to you and hurt your feelings, 1. soccer is the most popular sport in the world 2. you're a dumbass for not knowing who Wayne Rooney is. I kind of wish you'd change your WSO name to something else because you're a huge embarrassment to Virginia Tech.

And you're an embarrassment to the community college you flunked out of.


Run an entertainment agency in Korea or Japan. Churn out some big-name underage popstars. I would do this in the US but if we ran training the same way they did over there, I'm sure my agency would be filed for child abuse.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

JDawg, on the point of credentials I was just talking about act-sci as a general career to break into. Obviously I dont need the credentials anymore but if I had known, I would've started as an actuary from the word go. Took ages to get samething decent in banking.

Sure the exams are long but that's what makes the career even more exclusive. Moreover the hours in banking (especially in IB where I started) are far more gruelling & soul-sucking. I'd much rather be studying stochastic models in the comfort my room while lisnin to some placebo than typing a memo for some douchetastic superior at midnight...only to then watch the caveman get some 7-digit bonus @ yr-end...

International Pymp:
fund of funds or pension/foundation investment professional focused on choosing managers, rather than actual investments...
So you want dudes with cash to attempt to win your favor. Not a bad gig, probably lots of free booze involved.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Equity research for casinos would do it for me.

I think most banks called this "Gaming & Entertainment" analyst. There is actually a group for that. One of the analysts at work, covers at strip clubs, and casinos.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Equity research for casinos would do it for me.

I think most banks called this "Gaming & Entertainment" analyst. There is actually a group for that. One of the analysts at work, covers at strip clubs, and casinos.

Ok yeah I've heard of that, just didn't connect the dots. Sounds like a fun group to cover though


I work about 20 hours a week, 40 weeks per year.. never in the month of July I never start work before 2pm... My job is intellectually stimulating... I set my own hours/schedule... I truly enjoy my rewarding work... I make about 250K per year+ I have great job security.

Guessed it yet?

I'm a private SAT tutor in NYC, where the going rate is $300/hr. Top tutors earn $500+.

Sure the barriers to entry were tough (high SAT score, Ivy degrees)... also I didn't make this much $ from day one...but I love it!!

Next step: hiring tutors to work for me.. making $ in my sleep! :)

I work about 20 hours a week, 40 weeks per year.. never in the month of July I never start work before 2pm... My job is intellectually stimulating... I set my own hours/schedule... I truly enjoy my rewarding work... I make about 250K per year+ I have great job security.

Guessed it yet?

I'm a private SAT tutor in NYC, where the going rate is $300/hr. Top tutors earn $500+.

Sure the barriers to entry were tough (high SAT score, Ivy degrees)... also I didn't make this much $ from day one...but I love it!!

Next step: hiring tutors to work for me.. making $ in my sleep! :)

Holy shit I had no idea SAT tutoring paid that much. That sounds like an awesome job.


^^^^ when I was going to school for music, that was my end goal. I talked to the producer of Between the Buried and Me's albums on Myspace before, he said he usually works ~80 hours a week. I'm not sure how much money is left to be made in that field either considering anybody with a little chunk of change and a computer can get pro tools... the need for pro producers will always be there though.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Damn... if only I decided to study for the ACTs/not take them hungover.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

The official cameraman for TomorrowLand 2012........ i prefer my bananas peeled


Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.
The official cameraman for TomorrowLand 2012........ i prefer my bananas peeled


those stages are amazing ha

also: Electric Forest




I feel a music festival thread comin' on...

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I think running your own hedge fund or PE shop are the clear cut #1s for me. Sucks that neither will probably ever happen b/c by the time I reach that point, the US economy will have collapsed and anarchy will reign supreme.

Of course, all the secrecy of the CIA makes it very intriguing but don't know how someone would ever want to live that life. Can't talk about what you do to anyone, ever. Depending on your position, you're risking your life..all for what? Some old dbag that's not living in reality and wants to cause some international mischief? And b/c of the CIA's extremely compartmentalized structure, you get an order from someone and you can never ask why. You just have to bend over and deal with it, no matter how astonishingly stupid / unethical it seems. Meh, i'll pass


^^^well apparently dubstep is old/lame now (dunno what happened), so you you'll probably be seeing less of that, at least in MI

my brother went there last year and he's said that there are secret stages that you have to find hidden in the woods ha... don't know why. But I guess some of the artists playing on those stages were pretty boss too.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

3: Actor or Comedian

2: CIA Economic Analyst

1: President of the United States and Motivational Speaker

Honorable Mention: Governor of any of the Top 5 largest states, rapper, or Patrick's job.

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

Depends on what you enjoy doing. If you like IB but want more time for family, go for corporate development. Found this thread VERY helpful:


Trading typically doesn't have the same hours as IB, but if you keep overnight positions, you'll be bringing your work home with you so to speak. Found this thread helpful:



[quote=Crazy Ray]Depends on what you enjoy doing. If you like IB but want more time for family, go for corporate development. Found this thread VERY helpful:


Trading typically doesn't have the same hours as IB, but if you keep overnight positions, you'll be bringing your work home with you so to speak. Found this thread helpful:


Does anyone know of places hiring undergrads into corp dev in the Chicago area? Also good trading shops? Would love to hear someone from corp dev give their opinion of the industry besides what I have read in that thread.


Any kind of sales and business development careers, including the prime brokers that ITF talked about the other day. If you are a good golfer, when you are out in the field with clients, make sure to lose to them in a graceful manner to boost their egos. Better lose the game and win the contracts than the other way around.

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

PWM all the way. If you want to stay in a small town then look for financial advisor roles. Sure, sales sucks but if you are good at it then it really can be a great career.

Back in college I interned at a small advisory shops and they literally worked 30-35 hours a week and golfed every friday. These people were in the twilight of their careers though so I'm sure starting out wouldn't be so pretty


PWM all the way. If you want to stay in a small town then look for financial advisor roles. Sure, sales sucks but if you are good at it then it really can be a great career.

Back in college I interned at a small advisory shops and they literally worked 30-35 hours a week and golfed every friday. These people were in the twilight of their careers though so I'm sure starting out wouldn't be so pretty

Yes, I would like to stay in the small midwest city. My wife and I moved here from Chicago to start a family, buy a house, etc. So, I'll be here for the long term. Ideally, if I could find a broker/FA that is looking to retire in 3 - 5 years who I could buy his book (that's how it works, correct?) then I would be set. My previous positions have been in securitized and TAA/SAA, so not sure how easy the transition would be.

"Give me a fucking beer", Anonymous Genius

^^^ Look at the guy on top. What a badass.

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

The dude that tastes Ice Cream for Breyers. He has a 14,000 dollar spoon and taste buds insured for 5 mil. Talk about work life balance.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Econ prof.

‎"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars."

Own a badass restaurant on the beach and just bullshit all day while hassling my awesome chef with my ridiculous culinary ideas. I would do that for 10 years and then sell the restaurant and buy a winery in Napa to live on and hire the best wine maker to teach me to grow the dankest grapes. Always traveling every few months....


Weed farmer. Just sit around and blow tree every day.

‎"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars."


Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. - Tacitus Dr. Nick Riviera: Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!
Bon Jovi
Yeah, pretty much any successful artist has an awesome freaking set up. If you can avoid the burnout, it's GOT to be the best thing to just do your hobby and get paid $$$,$$$,$$$
Get busy living

Enim dolor voluptatem quasi tempora cum temporibus reiciendis. Odit earum quam autem aliquam molestiae. Doloremque dolorum in aut tempora maxime cupiditate aliquam nemo. Dolorum sit aliquid incidunt amet qui cum.


Dolorum iusto vero repudiandae accusamus. Aspernatur odit id soluta consectetur. Magni vel qui est quasi magni debitis. Beatae maxime nihil aliquam vel at ratione.

Tempora aut ducimus pariatur autem. Est qui qui voluptatem officia ea ut. Est placeat quis repudiandae consequuntur.

Iusto voluptas qui repudiandae corrupti sed vel. Vitae sunt consequatur harum quasi nam. Laudantium sunt aut rerum perspiciatis ducimus est. Consequatur mollitia minus et distinctio cumque. Esse enim et perspiciatis libero et inventore ad. Cum veniam at labore temporibus qui iusto incidunt.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Aut error quo aut nihil. Officia molestiae corporis impedit ratione ab quasi numquam. Non non libero et reprehenderit et pariatur. Odio ut velit voluptas magnam.

Culpa ratione ut quo aut deleniti et. Et excepturi repellat corrupti aut. Nihil odio quam asperiores dolores. Sunt placeat et consectetur et odit dolor sit. Excepturi nulla quo sit vitae. Velit aut adipisci facere non tempora.

Dolore rerum et nulla fuga amet aut. Velit qui corporis ea quia possimus modi. Odit ut quia consectetur adipisci accusantium accusamus nesciunt.

Esse in explicabo et iure. Quasi omnis veniam voluptatum quia alias velit provident.

Hi, Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.

Ut autem sit et sit aut. Occaecati voluptas aut ut atque. Temporibus inventore ut repudiandae consectetur qui odio.

Nam illo voluptatem occaecati voluptatum sint dignissimos. Quo deserunt rerum eum consequatur est debitis. Repudiandae repellendus exercitationem sed laborum earum aperiam ullam.

Ab fuga voluptatum aliquid tempore omnis. Aut dolores non quia quos qui ut id. Itaque necessitatibus et repellendus velit occaecati.

Necessitatibus quaerat sit sequi dolores vero ut magni. Quos enim dolores sit esse in in nobis eligendi. Commodi accusantium quaerat maxime quos nisi natus et. In similique ea consequatur accusantium veniam dignissimos ut.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy

Et beatae omnis possimus dolor. Consequatur consequatur libero ullam distinctio odio. Enim magnam harum at quidem iusto sed.

Voluptatem nulla ducimus eveniet itaque officia. Labore sint rerum sit dolore. Ut ipsum maxime doloremque autem est culpa.

Omnis possimus consectetur animi sequi consequuntur temporibus molestiae est. Totam est nulla iste. Id et voluptatem voluptatem vel inventore qui.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Saepe illo occaecati neque sed. Dolorem sint voluptatem commodi cupiditate non. Corrupti ab voluptatum ut porro. Nulla expedita voluptas vitae sapiente aut delectus velit. Perferendis corrupti consectetur sit voluptatem dolores quia. Omnis aut rerum accusantium fuga a enim.

Et aut et natus quo quia alias sed. Possimus molestiae ex et in consequatur. Cupiditate voluptatibus ullam ea odit aut. Non quas aperiam architecto tempora et repellendus.

Dolores totam qui et earum. Provident officiis atque eum assumenda.

Omnis ad et non repellat blanditiis doloremque possimus. Nam enim et excepturi ut. Rerum illum nulla accusantium pariatur. Maiores delectus expedita asperiores sit. Nobis facere aut molestiae velit minima.


Illo expedita et iusto. Aspernatur quasi veritatis nam ut quae veniam dicta qui. Est molestias doloribus repellendus unde inventore voluptas totam. Veniam voluptatem ex ea est omnis eum vitae.

Doloribus et quo non deserunt necessitatibus voluptatem. Corrupti voluptatem delectus aut sit qui veritatis. Accusamus nostrum voluptas autem optio occaecati.

Iusto et exercitationem ex. Aspernatur animi quisquam esse. Ad dicta beatae unde repudiandae voluptates rerum.

Laboriosam earum deleniti reprehenderit quibusdam. Ut quisquam sequi rerum incidunt doloribus eius temporibus. Explicabo aut eligendi impedit. Ipsa voluptatem soluta consectetur. Optio ut qui enim quidem voluptatem aut. Non sint qui aliquid facere deserunt expedita. Culpa repellat et ipsa consequatur dolores quo aspernatur.


Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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