Your Coffee Habits

I've never been one to drink coffee however it seems that a life in banking is almost impossible without it. During my SA stint (capital markets) I resorted to tea as it did not make me as jumpy or run to the bathroom like coffee did.

Has anyone here been able to survive without coffee? Have you guys always been drinking coffee or did banking make you start?


If you've gone 20-22 years without it I wouldn't worry about starting. It's a bad habit. I started it my senior year of college. At first it was harmless, giving me the sheets and whatnot; ya know just throwing in as much sugar and cream as I saw fit. Now it's straight black and no longer grants me 20 minutes in the mornings on the twalet to read the journal..but thats just my .02


Wow... Pansies... then again I drink 7-8 cups on average a day. At minimum I have 4-5 cups. A Cup in the morning, a cup on the way to work and then another with breakfast and one after lunch. After that, it's just a matter of how the day goes. On the weekend, I may have a cup or two with breakfast and lunch, but not much else. I've also gone weeks without drinking Coffee since being gainfully employed.

That said, I take my coffee black unless it's either brewed at Starbucks or Dunkin'. If I'm drinking either of those two, I go add a little bit of milk because the coffee is a bit too bitter despite being quality beans. Both brands over roast their beans. If you don't believe me, buy and ground beans from Starbucks and compare it to a a cup of the same beans when made using Starbucks Drip and you'll notice a difference.


I loveeeee black coffee. Also...if you see a FLAVIA machine and drink that stuff, then have some premium roast, you will never drink FLAVIA again b/c it takes like ass.


Oh man I can't stand flavia. That stuff taste like they used afghani dirt instead of coffee beans. No offense to afghani dirt or anything. It's like my momma always said, "The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup"


6-7 cups a day + addy + redbull. Sleep is overrated.

‎"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars."

there's nothing to be proud about how much coffee you drink per day...

i used to have trouble staying up for s&t hours.. my solution: drink. more. coffee. eventually within weeks my daily 'need' jumped from 2 to 7-8, and it made me sick and nauseous all the time-- and i was miserable-- but i can't stop because any less, i'd fall back to sleep. i'm pretty sure my stomach lining took a hit on the nasty amount of caffeine i made it digest.

when i finally got to cut down my addiction, i sometimes got headache from caffeine withdraw and i was extremely inefficient for a long time.

my advice to everyone: please, please, try to minimize the amount you take per day no matter what you have to do. a few things that helped: make a 'no caffeine' rule when you don't have to work. drink cold water to stay awake between coffees. replace with tea..

it is a downward terrible spiral once you get to >3cups/day.. stay healthy monkeys.

I am in transition to tea. It contains a second chemical called theanine that stabilizes mood, so you get the benefits of caffeine without getting as jittery.

You don't need it in IBD. Just have a good diet and try to get in a few minutes of exercise daily
you sure you're talking about Investment banking dude?
Get busy living

I would love to avoid it but even with my 10 hour days I found myself dozing off by lunch or right after lunch. It seems it is inevitable for me to start


I drink about 1-3 cups a day, with cream, delicious, I love coffee just because I like having something warm to drink in the mornings and after lunch. I'm a little less sensitive to caffeine than other people though.


i drink way too much coffee a day, whats the worst part is i still feel tired....i think my 2012 goal is going to be to try and kick the habit myself a year to slowly get off it lol

Buster McGillicudy:
1) Start off the morning with a 10/20mg non XR adderal washed down by some OJ or water.

2) Repeat Step 1 every 4-6 hours as needed.

I borderline considered buying credit just so I could SB +1 your post. Addy is the solution to life.

‎"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns or dollars."

Proud to say I have kicked my habit to a manageable level. I used to need gallons of coffee to start my day. Now, I can just as easily drink juice/water in the mornings. I might have 3 or 4 cups per week instead of per day. Feel much healthier because of it. You can definitely notice the difference initially getting off of it but after a while you no longer need it. Yes, I definitely just described withdrawal.


I hate coffee, never drink it. Lots of water and juice seems to work. If you can get your hands on it, try Brians suggestion of Mate from Argentina, it rocks. Also do some sort of fitness activity in the morning, MAT or HIIT for a couple of minutes and you feel pretty good throughout the whole day.

"too good to be true" See my WSO Blog

Personally, I don't really like coffee. I'd rather drink tea, with 10 teaspoons of sugar and milk.

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli

I try not to take stims.

100mg Caffeine if I need a boost. 200mg if I need more. 200mg + 25mg Ephedrine if I need more. Vyvanse + Caffeine + Ephedrine if I need more.

Drinking coffee is so inefficient.


lmao wtf u guys get addicted to caffeine that easily? I used to run EC stack (ephedrine caffeine combined with doses of 500/600mgs of caffeine a day) and tapered off in a week to 0 caffeine nbd.

Not that hard guys..


lmao wtf u guys get addicted to caffeine that easily? I used to run EC stack (ephedrine caffeine combined with doses of 500/600mgs of caffeine a day) and tapered off in a week to 0 caffeine nbd.

Not that hard guys..

Probably because you tapered. And you probably didn't run it for longer than four months.

Caffeine isn't something you'll suck dick for. You'll just be tired for like half a week if you stop abruptly and it's annoying.

And everybody's body reacts differently to various drugs. Are you bragging about your genetic tolerance to caffeine?


I hate coffee so I do tea instead... When I worked over summer I had like 15 cups of tea per day which I'm assuming isn't that great for me either

Try green tea. If you can handle the taste try quadruple thick green tea. If you need something stronger try Red Bull or caffeine pills.


I'm 21 and I've yet to get addicted to coffee.

I'd have a few coffees a week during finals but, to be honest, I don't think it really did anything for me. I used to take 200-300mg before lifting but stopped that as you just get dependent on it and I didn't want that.

I did an SA stint and didn't have coffee (8-6 hours). Doing another SA atm and I have to wake up at 5 (7-5/6 hours) so I may well get into coffee. Hopefully not though. I think after a while you're so dependent that it does almost nothing for you and you need 5 cups just to maintain.


1-3 cups a day, One in the morning, a few more later on depending on how tired I am. Fun Fact: Most Americans daily source of antioxidants come from Coffee


I realize caffeine is ingrained in our society, but don't you think it's sort of fucked up that people need to take drugs every day to function? Like, your natural energy isn't enough to handle this hectic world we live in? Like, dudes, you're all drug addicts. Think about it. Nothing really bad's gonna happen to you, but it's still weird.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

I realize caffeine is ingrained in our society, but don't you think it's sort of fucked up that people need to take drugs every day to function? Like, your natural energy isn't enough to handle this hectic world we live in? Like, dudes, you're all drug addicts. Think about it. Nothing really bad's gonna happen to you, but it's still weird.


I started drinking coffee occasionally while I was in high school, mainly because I liked the taste of it. Then I got to college, where they have a Starbucks inside the business school, and now I drink it much more frequently. I would agree that it's addictive, though I try not to drink it every day, or else it won't give me energy when I need it to.


I drink about 4 cups every morning and I cut it out by noon though. Now thats not nearly as bad as I used to be, I used to drink 2 pots of coffee a day. One before school and one before I went to work after that.

I've been drinking it black with no sugar for years. I only drink it on ice though. Goes down faster that way. I hate having to wait half an hour to drink piping hot coffee.


Not sure why many of you guys here write off coffee as some shitty drugs. In fact, taking it in moderation (about 2-3) cups a day is really good. It help you poop, increase your metabolism (that's right. You need that to burn off calories from your shitty pizza habit), make you smarter and less vulnerable to Alzheimer latter on, make you a beast in da gym and provide other benefits as well. Just make sure to get the right types of coffee though, not that Starbucks crap.

“He never chooses an opinion, he just wears whatever happens to be in style” (Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace)

During school I usually have about 3 cups of black coffee with a packet of sugar daily. Morning coffee is my favorite thing in the world. Nothing beats waking up relatively early and have a cup of coffee and just relaxing.


2 shots of Vanilla Nespresso @ 11:30am, 2 shots of Caramel Nespresso @ 3:30pm.

I usually also drink a Diet Coke after lunch.

Neither are good habits but both are essential to maintain productivity, concentration and awareness. I have alot of respect for people who don't need such stimulants. My partner who works at a Magic Circle law firm and puts in insane hours has never touched a cup of coffee or energy drink in her life. I have no idea how she manages to stay alert and meticulous.


I remember when I said I would never do 'drugs' also. Then I graduated middle school and got on with my life.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

One large cup every morning first thing in the office (6-7a). Then another around 2pm probably about 60-70% of the time. Unfortunately i'm pretty addicted at this point after 10 years of consistent use dating back to undergrad, and still need at least one cup on the weekends or I get mad headaches yo. Hardest part is my wife's preggo and I keep telling her to stay away from caffeine yet I have to drink it all the time... such a hypocrite.


I am 25 and am still yet to have a cup of coffee. During school, internships, and now working I have yet to really need any type of pick me up. Although I will say I don't really need to sleep much, usually 3-4 hours and I am up and good to go. I don't think anything is wrong with it, just never needed it.

"When you expect things to happen - strangely enough - they do happen." - JP Morgan

Good post...except the part about sugar enhancing coffee that's obviously ridiculous, and (to any aspiring coffee purist) a little offensive.

Pro-tip: one rough indication for the quality of a coffee shop is the level of detail put into the milk patterns on the surface of a latte (or cappuccino). Also known as latte art. As far as shapes go I definitely prefer the fern over the heart.

Question for OP: what are your top 5 favorite coffee countries? Do you prefer local beans or imported?

Going Concern:
Good post...except the part about sugar enhancing coffee that's obviously ridiculous, and (to any aspiring coffee purist) a little offensive.

Any pro-tips on shops you prefer? Can't recall what city you live in.

Going Concern:
Good post...except the part about sugar enhancing coffee that's obviously ridiculous, and (to any aspiring coffee purist) a little offensive.

Pro-tip: one rough indication for the quality of a coffee shop is the level of detail put into the milk patterns on the surface of a latte (or cappuccino). Also known as latte art. As far as shapes go I definitely prefer the fern over the heart.

Question for OP: what are your top 5 favorite coffee countries? Do you prefer local beans or imported?

A little sugar will enhance an espresso and bring out the complexity of the blend. It will also help determine the quality of the crema as well. I'm talking half a teaspoon of the raw kind. You can try one with and one without.

High quality beans come from a number of countries and these vary from year to year. Because I drink complex blends created by this guy, I am not focused on specific countries. With up to 14 beans in a blend, many countries can be represented.


grandfather used to sell jamaican blue mountain at his gourmet shop, but years ago he said it was bought by the japanese and they started diluting it with other shit. no longer sells it, he said he cant verify it and there is like 10x more coffee sold under the name than actually produced at the estate

grandfather used to sell jamaican blue mountain at his gourmet shop, but years ago he said it was bought by the japanese and they started diluting it with other shit. no longer sells it, he said he cant verify it and there is like 10x more coffee sold under the name than actually produced at the estate

I was told by someone in Hawaii this was a problem with Kona as well.

The JBM I tried was from a family owned estate and a trusted supplier.


Sugar is for pussies and is horrible unhealthy and coffee tastes better than espresso and has more caffeine.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Sugar is for pussies and is horrible unhealthy and coffee tastes better than espresso and has more caffeine.

A tiny bit of sugar in a cup of coffee is most certainly not "horrible unhealthy." He didn't recommend drinking orange mocha frappuccinos.

Sugar is for pussies and is horrible unhealthy and coffee tastes better than espresso and has more caffeine.

You have never had a great espresso then. Both are great, but they are inherently different experiences.

I only use 1/2 a teaspoon of raw with my espresso, all drip coffee is consumed black.


Interesting post, thanks. As a partner in a startup hedge fund trying to juggle tasks such as - but not only - create a franchise, establish business processes, raise money, enhance market awareness, mentor and train the kids, and during my spare time cover dozens of equity names and trade them into a long biased fund, I couldn't agree more that coffee is my best friend. That being said, one of our partners does not drink any coffee at all (and of all of them, guess which? back-office). I find that to be extremely puzzling. Mysterious almost.


Funny this was posted now, first work day in years I didn't have my coffee this morning, struggling hardddddd

Give me a kid whose smart, poor, and hungry...............
OP- did you learn about the different machines? Is it worth getting a $1,000+ machine or is the $300 nespresso machine just as good?

The Nespresso system is pretty good as long as you want to use their coffee, which is alright. This thing has a major convenience factor: no grinding, less mess etc. and obviously there will be a cost advantage.

The Espresso master told me that all of his original tasting (to put together some of his original blends) was done on the Nuova Simonelli Oscar. I don't know the price, but probably over a thousand. Unlike the Nespresso you will have to do the grinding yourself with this machine which will add to the cost. If the cafe will grind it, that could work assuming they get the grind right. Espresso machines tend to be more fussy with regard to grind (which believe it or not will need to be adjusted frequently for humidity)

As suggested, I would work on getting a better grinder first and you can use a less expensive machine. You could probably do both for 1000.

It comes down to taste and the experience you want. Nespresso: easy, no mess, cheaper but limited. Separate espresso machine and grinder: a process, more work, a bit more involved....but in my opinion a better outcome. Kind of like cooking your own meal.


I have a nespresso machine and it is amazing... only downside being the 60 cent capsules that add up pretty quickly. Still beats Starbucks prices.

Can anyone recommend super strong coffee beans sold on Amazon?

Lone Wolf, you seem like quite the coffee addict. I bet that when you don't have caffeine for a day you start getting vodka hangover migraines. I drink far less and this happens to me.

I have a nespresso machine and it is amazing... only downside being the 60 cent capsules that add up pretty quickly. Still beats Starbucks prices.

Can anyone recommend super strong coffee beans sold on Amazon?

Lone Wolf, you seem like quite the coffee addict. I bet that when you don't have caffeine for a day you start getting vodka hangover migraines. I drink far less and this happens to me.

I got more of a headache when I stopped eating wheat.


If your coffee needs sugar it's because the coffee doesn't have enough natural sweetness, or the brewing was poor and left it unbalanced. Or you're just used to sugar in your coffee. Some of the best espresso that I've ever had was not a blend, but a single origin espresso. Also, it was an 18g double espresso that tasted shockingly like neopolitan ice cream. Not that many quality focused cafes actually pull a proper single espresso because it necessitates having a separate espresso grinder or adjusting the grinder every time. You're definitely spot on with some of your other points though.

If your coffee needs sugar it's because the coffee doesn't have enough natural sweetness, or the brewing was poor and left it unbalanced. Or you're just used to sugar in your coffee. Some of the best espresso that I've ever had was not a blend, but a single origin espresso. Also, it was an 18g double espresso that tasted shockingly like neopolitan ice cream. Not that many quality focused cafes actually pull a proper single espresso because it necessitates having a separate espresso grinder or adjusting the grinder every time. You're definitely spot on with some of your other points though.

The espresso doesn't "need" anything additional. The sugar in the espresso is merely there to enhance the enjoyment. I like the drip black. But most importantly: to each his own.

Espresso is in fact a blend, although you can drink a single through an espresso machine. The place where I go has 5 espresso blends on at any one time, each with its own grinder. Plus 2 more grinders for experimental blends that are being developed and balanced. He has another 15 or so blends he can roll out on top of that.

Yes the grinder and its adjustment is critical. Humidity will necessitate adjustments daily and sometimes during the day.

Do you remember the single you had? That sounds fantastic.


Any opinions on decent places in midtown. That map has nothing except the bar at the Parker (I've had coffee there once, its like $8 a cup). Blue Bottle? Zibetto? Fika?


Any opinions on decent places in midtown. That map has nothing except the bar at the Parker (I've had coffee there once, its like $8 a cup). Blue Bottle? Zibetto? Fika?

Knave and Blue Bottle are hands down the best in midtown, and near the top of the list in the whole city to be honest. Culture is also not bad but not exactly in midtown proper and it's super noisy. The rest of them (Orens, Macchiato, Zibetto, etc.) are kind of meh. There was another decent one called Jittery Joe's but I think it's closed down now.

PS, just got a pour-over dripper and am loving it. Working on figuring out the best process to produce the optimal cup.


lol... sorry, this made me laugh.

I'm probably the only one in my group without a coffee addiction (probably also why I'm always tired)... but my group would just give you cash or their credit card (and offer to pay for your coffee too if they like you)


If you must, plastic until your first paycheck. That said, some banks give summers corporate cards, and I'm sure Coffee (and Red Bull) are allowed under expense policy (at least I think?)


I really dont think it is..I am actually not making that much this summer...and i really want to know if I should apportion $500 for coffee


At my bank you went out to get coffee with them, and they order their shit and you order yours. If I was going to get coffee I would offer to buy for them and they would give me money.

I assume S&T is different. They probably give you a c-note and say keep the change. joking.


Have some balls and don't take shit from anybody. If they don't offer to pay for it the first time let it slide, after the second time ask for the money. It's a great way to gain respect but it has to be executed wisely.

"I wanna Thank the Good Lord for Making me a Capitalist"
Have some balls and don't take shit from anybody. If they don't offer to pay for it the first time let it slide, after the second time ask for the money. It's a great way to gain respect but it has to be executed wisely.

I totally agree. It has nothing to do with manning up. You are not a "man" if you take it in the chin and buy coffee for your group with funds from your own pocket every time they ask you; you are a "fool." Kindly note the difference in terminology.


I used to run to pick up lunch couple times a week, Now, I was lucky in a way that my seniors would send me to a place nearby my office while some other less fortunate souls had to cover 10+ street and/or +3 Avenues to get that tasty pasta :)But I guess, I can't complain because I heard of people being send to Peter Luger in downtown Brooklyn to pick burgers and fries. Uhh


At this bullshit job I had my sophomore year summer cold calling, basically a chop shop called CIG (it was where the two idiot brokers on wall street warriors worked) the guy I worked for made me to to lugers with 500 in cash to buy gift certificated. that was one shitty train ride on the j.

When I started as a Trading Assistant, the head trader said they made a kid go to Philly to pick up some cheesesteaks. Trading Floor legend? I dunno, but that's a good 99mi ea way from NYC.

hahhahaha holy shit im dying


by train its only 2 hours each way. so maybe that and another hour to/from the office/restaurant. A 5-hour task. pretty funny. I guess the trader didnt like the kid and wanted him to get away for awhile.


I believe it. The Managing Director was/is a nightmare, a total train wreck. you know, they type of guy who calls your name, your heart stops. I’m sure you're right, the kid had blast getting out of there for the morning.

They still have a couple of guys like that in the Mid West, to my surprise....but the markets are the markets, no matter where you are. They’re just a little more polite when they have a tantrum.

Do females get better treatment?

Yeah, typically when sending a male intern on a coffee run it goes as follows:

"Go get us some fucking coffee." [intern leaves]

When sending a female intern it typically goes something like this:

"Go get us some fucking coffee." [intern leaves] [everyone stares at intern's ass as she walks away; make comment about it; either wanting to plow her, or how she could use the exercise]

Banker1: I'm going to ATM her before this summers out. Banker2: Already have, thats what superdays are for.

As you can see, the female leaves a lasting impression... which leads to a higher likelihood of a FT offer.


I rarely if ever had to pay for coffee and if I did it was with their accumulated change. My Desk claims I made 5k this summer in change from coffee/breakfast/lunch runs. When you add up all the silly prop bets that I did make money on probably does add up to 5k tho lol. Was a great desk and an amazing summer that I will never forget.

On the Philly cheesesteaks..... the guys on my desk and this isnt a joke were going to get a CHOPPER to go get some pizza from this place in Mass/CT cant remember where exactly. They ended up deciding on L&B Spooconi Gardens in Brooklyn by Coney Island. 3 hours later and $384 dollars + car service later the pizza arrived. That was one hell of a day.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
I rarely if ever had to pay for coffee and if I did it was with their accumulated change. My Desk claims I made 5k this summer in change from coffee/breakfast/lunch runs. When you add up all the silly prop bets that I did make money on probably does add up to 5k tho lol. Was a great desk and an amazing summer that I will never forget.

On the Philly cheesesteaks..... the guys on my desk and this isnt a joke were going to get a CHOPPER to go get some pizza from this place in Mass/CT cant remember where exactly. They ended up deciding on L&B Spooconi Gardens in Brooklyn by Coney Island. 3 hours later and $384 dollars + car service later the pizza arrived. That was one hell of a day.

HAHAHA same thing with me and we got spumoni.


I'm really surprised and it seems shocking there are cheapskates who'd deliberately try and make an intern pay for a coffee they asked him to get for them. I certainly don't know anybody in work who would do that, indeed I'm pretty sure at least 9/10 people would do the opposite and give you enough to buy yourself one on them. Makes you think if you'd wanna work for tightasses like that. Then again I work in banking so I probably don't know the S&T mentality well enough to actually say what to do (I have a sneaking suspicion if I was an intern I'd end up not raising it as chances are somebody who is not paying is probably a bit of an ass and the type to hold silly grudges - you'd risk ending up permanently in their bad books for somehow "challenging" their over inflated ego)


S&T BB summer analyst last summer. They would always give me money to buy their coffees etc. But they did expect me to give them their change back, so I would always have to remember who gave me how much. There was this one VP who would never give me money in advance, so I would just pay for hers and then tell her how much it was. But she was kind of an ass and never ended up paying me for most of her stuff. I had a feeling she didn't like me anyhow, so after reminding her two times or so I just stopped. But other than that, I never had to pay for anyone's coffee ect. That would be pretty ridiculous in my opinion. A lot of times they would offer to pay for mine.


On my desk they would take turns paying. I cannot remember a single time when I got money from 2 people.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

When I interned last year on a trading desk, I frequently went to get coffee, lunch and snacks for the guys on the desk. They always gave me cash or a credit card and told me to get something for myself as well. Whenever I attempted to offer to pay myself, they actually got somewhat annoyed. My guess is that you'll be given money if people ask you to go buy something. Frequently though I did go to places far away - they had a sandwich place in Little Italy, a soul food place in Harlem etc. that they liked and sent me to get food from.

One word of advice is that whenever you are headed out, always make sure to ask everyone around you if they want something so that you don't miss someone's order and/or get sent back.


Ok...I know this question initially sounded kinda dorm..but these are the little ticks that set apart a great intern from a good intern.

But, i am not a native new yorker and I do not know NYC well at all. in fact I suck with directions, public transport etc.....what should I do?

Ok...I know this question initially sounded kinda dorm..but these are the little ticks that set apart a great intern from a good intern.

But, i am not a native new yorker and I do not know NYC well at all. in fact I suck with directions, public transport etc.....what should I do?

You mighhht be better at directions than you think you do. If you're.. not in the downtown financial district, it's actually pretty straight forward as streets go by numbers, and avenues as well (with lex/park/madison inbetween). the blocks are pretty regular so you would probably get lots much less easily... if that helps.

If not, try get a BlackBerry/iPhone with 3G. Google/Googlemap makes this free GPS program, that tracks you pretty well. There has been reviews on how the iPhone GPS do not follow you quickly enough if you're walking, so try to get a Bold/Storm if you can. Given the good signal you'll get with any service throughout the city, the GPS app will work will as long as your phone is capable.


I loved me some espresso while in France, but when I study it's usually a grande americano with some shots. Never had the pleasure to travel to Italy though.

If it comes to 'types' i love the regular stuff theyve got brewed at Tim Hortons back home... Starbucks is fine too.

And +1000 for your Fra here now and i keep getting weird looks whenever i request 'un americain'... all i require is that my coffee not be a 10ML shot otherwise i would say espresso! :/ Italys much the same.


I loved me some espresso while in France, but when I study it's usually a grande americano with some shots. Never had the pleasure to travel to Italy though.

If it comes to 'types' i love the regular stuff theyve got brewed at Tim Hortons back home... Starbucks is fine too.

And +1000 for your Fra here now and i keep getting weird looks whenever i request 'un americain'... all i require is that my coffee not be a 10ML shot otherwise i would say espresso! :/ Italys much the same.

Haha yea all my friends hated drinking coffee out of a tiny demi-tasse, but I assimilated and bought a couple in the afternoons to sip along with my speculoos cookie. Eddie had some good advice with the allongé, but I prefer a café crème if I were to get a larger cup. By the way, speculoos in spread form is godly.



You just need to ask for it properly. Café Americain is kinda looked down upon here as Americans not being able to handle "real" coffee. Don't be fooled, though. The French drink plenty of drip coffee, too.

If you want to order a Café Americain (basically an espresso with water added to make it a real cup of coffee and not just a coffee shooter) ask for an allongé (pronounced ALON-ZHAY). That's how locals order it, and you won't get any more weird looks.

Edmundo Braverman:

You just need to ask for it properly. Café Americain is kinda looked down upon here as Americans not being able to handle "real" coffee. Don't be fooled, though. The French drink plenty of drip coffee, too.

If you want to order a Café Americain (basically an espresso with water added to make it a real cup of coffee and not just a coffee shooter) ask for an allongé (pronounced ALON-ZHAY). That's how locals order it, and you won't get any more weird looks.

I see thanks - still getting the 'handle' on things here:)


Haha yea all my friends hated drinking coffee out of a tiny demi-tasse, but I assimilated and bought a couple in the afternoons to sip along with my speculoos cookie. Eddie had some good advice with the allongé, but I prefer a café crème if I were to get a larger cup. By the way, speculoos in spread form is godly.

Speculoooooos! I didnt know what they were until now after google imaging.. but ya i always get the tiniest little cookie with an espresso. Makes the shot go down easy enough..

Edmundo Braverman:

You just need to ask for it properly. Café Americain is kinda looked down upon here as Americans not being able to handle "real" coffee. Don't be fooled, though. The French drink plenty of drip coffee, too.

If you want to order a Café Americain (basically an espresso with water added to make it a real cup of coffee and not just a coffee shooter) ask for an allongé (pronounced ALON-ZHAY). That's how locals order it, and you won't get any more weird looks.

Just so you don't sound retarded even if you're using the right term, it's ''ALON-JAY''. Actually the last part isn't really pronounced JAY but for non french speakers, it's your best option.


How about just some black frappamochanacho latte or whatever just black, strong coffee

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

In France, I order either a Café Crème or une noisette.

In the US, I order a medium Americano with room for cream and sugar.

As for which coffee chains I prefer, I have to stick to my roots and go with Blue Bottle, although I like Peet's a lot too.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
In France, I order either a Café Crème or une noisette.

In the US, I order a medium Americano with room for cream and sugar.

As for which coffee chains I prefer, I have to stick to my roots and go with Blue Bottle, although I like Peet's a lot too.

you should try Philz, it's even better than blue bottle


espresso with water (americano in some places). i'm no connoisseur and just drink it for the caffeine content mainly. i'm just happy if it doesn't taste bad than worrying if it tastes good.

my doctor said she got heart issues from guzzling coffee so i'm trying tea.

i heard 2 teas = 1 coffee so i drink around 8 cups a day on a work day.

tea also automatically forces you to drink more water to keep hydrated so it saves me having to down a glass or two of water after every coffee.

if i had a choice and more $$ though i'd buy one of the local coffees here in melbourne australia. amazing but $3.50 a cup on average... which adds up when you're doing casual labour looking for a real job.


I usually only drink normal coffee with some sugar in it... maybe some creamer, I just tried some french vanilla in it and it tasted delicious. I don't know if I can handle/really want that stronger coffee considering the crashing that's associated with it

I also don't drink coffee before school/anything important because of this, I'll just drink coffee when I get up on a day that I have nothing to do... energy for school is brought about by other things

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

My answer is that it depends on the time of day and where I am when I order coffee.

Usually, I will drink one of the following: Drip coffee, a Red/Black Eye (Espresso + Drip) or straight Espresso. I'm not a big fan of the Americano and want to actually enjoy the caffeine. On rare occasion, I will have either a Latte but those are far and few between.


All the Starbucks' around me are closed late at night, so I resort to the typical Keurig bs...Green Mountain Coffee haha.

You guys ever try the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee? Goodstuff.


Consequuntur esse quibusdam ipsa aut omnis. Debitis totam inventore maiores eius aut laboriosam est sit. Laudantium nostrum corporis sit sunt aperiam.


Aut tempore ipsam numquam id ullam facilis sint. Sed quas sapiente accusantium unde in aliquid ut. Occaecati est maiores modi aut.

Aperiam eum et cum quidem minus. Ducimus deleniti nesciunt voluptatem. Non dolorum similique ad facere nobis eos. Natus unde eum non est modi consequatur.


Voluptas debitis quibusdam et architecto accusamus magni numquam. Et fugiat reprehenderit eum voluptatem ab atque. Odit quia nihil libero ut voluptatibus quaerat.

Consequuntur rerum placeat repellat repellat. Quia blanditiis quaerat nemo placeat. Et architecto soluta numquam consequuntur amet debitis incidunt.

Maiores adipisci atque sed. Nisi nam corporis occaecati aperiam debitis quibusdam enim. Sint expedita tempora eos voluptatem earum corrupti. Qui vel qui iure debitis.

Eos earum laborum dolores et temporibus quam. Nihil voluptates qui similique non perferendis eligendi. Error quia corporis error dolorem reprehenderit sint id. Error animi consequatur sed illum modi labore.


Debitis officia officia et voluptatibus animi. Illum provident aut et architecto nisi. Aliquam in quas fugiat exercitationem. Aperiam officia et qui quam omnis consequuntur quo. Quasi cumque magni ea sit culpa et consequatur.

Minima dolorem minima perspiciatis veritatis ducimus totam. Quae quia vero delectus. Animi excepturi nostrum nihil enim atque laudantium voluptatem.

Itaque corporis id vel molestiae. Consequatur dolor debitis molestiae minus tempora. Voluptatem dolores natus modi consectetur culpa praesentium molestiae.


Tenetur voluptatem quia consequatur doloribus vel iure. Delectus rerum qui ratione dolore repellat. Blanditiis et aspernatur est deleniti nihil aperiam temporibus.

Eos asperiores voluptatem molestiae et aut est. Cupiditate velit corrupti velit aperiam. Dolor quibusdam soluta ex facilis aliquam consequatur blanditiis. Aut atque facilis quaerat accusamus quos et fugiat. Voluptates hic placeat expedita molestiae vitae labore consectetur inventore.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Nihil non officiis autem cupiditate necessitatibus. At dolores laborum eligendi eum dolores. Veniam repudiandae quia non corrupti et. Nobis est cum sint voluptatum distinctio non eum. Qui sit eveniet tempore aliquid.

Atque consequuntur amet soluta. Exercitationem officiis ipsum voluptatum omnis natus. Blanditiis facere vero quia ut quia. Atque laboriosam nisi ut. Minus et autem veritatis eum aut minima. Ipsa velit dolorum animi. Exercitationem dolorum vel dolorem pariatur soluta.

Quas qui aspernatur odio quo hic illo. Rem illum quis molestiae sint. Quia vitae voluptas veritatis quis natus nostrum. Illo eum magni recusandae laboriosam laboriosam dolores.

"Make 'Nanas, not war! "

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres 06 98.9%
  • JPMorgan Chase 09 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (151) $101
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