Day 9: Why I Won't Date Bankerella

Andy note: See "A Male Banker Describes A Typical Female Banker In NYC — And Why He Won't Date One" on BI yesterday.

This post was inspired by What every banker girl needs. Once again, this reminds me that there are many delusional girls in New York City. Village Voice published an article in 2011 that detailed how unbearable these women are: Dear Single Women of NYC: It's Not Them, It's You.

As a Young Asian Professional (YAP) in NYC, I am affiliated with various social groups including Asian Ivy League Mixers and one type of girls that you can't miss out is your typical "banker chick". I want to talk about how they think, what they got it all wrong and why you shouldn't waste your time on them.

My quick bio: I am at a Private Equity firm that focuses on Emerging Markets. My other job is working as "Life & Dating Coach". Started as a hobby in 2010, I mainly focus on Asian Investment Bankers in the New York City area. Here is My Blog. I have helped many men get married as well as get into a long lasting relationship. I also write a column for one of the best dating coaches in the US. I enjoy helping people with their career challenges as well as with their relationship problems.

Just to remind our readers about Bankerella's post, a bit self absorbed?

Every week I handle a bunch (call it a round half-dozen) of challenges that I consider to be a basic part of my life. You know: Take a bullet for the team. Be unable to get enough time to eat or use the bathroom for 6-8 hours. Get shit on. Stand up for yourself to the guy who signs your checks. Make a big, career-defining decision on data you know is bad. Meet a big CFO for the first time and be asked to tell him, on the spot, in front of your boss, what you think he's doing wrong.

Wait it gets better...

But this scrub? He's constantly freaking out about challenges that wouldn't be challenges at all if he weren't such a delicate fucking flower. I do not want to listen to him trying (and failing) to solve life problems that I consider insignificant. Also, my time is fucking valuable. So do I. If you get two hours on my calendar, I need to walk away with two hours' worth of good stuff, and I want a guy who expects the same from me.

As I was reading her post, I can't help but to remember a few quotes that I have read from this article: Dear Single Women of NYC: It's Not Them, It's You.

Village Voice:
At some point, I yelled at almost all of these men for not being "what I wanted," and, as we all do, turned to my female friends for consolation and support. "He doesn't deserve you," they would say, my own Greek chorus. "You're so much better than him." Then, inevitably: "Why are New York men such assholes?"

Village Voice:
"There are no good single men living in New York City! They're all gay or taken!" It's followed by various tales of woe regarding "typical NYC jerks" and the evils they have inflicted upon amazing, upstanding, attractive, intelligent, high-powered New York City women who are so much better than the men they date.

Village Voice:
For every loser I've screamed at, there have been nice, normal single guys with perfectly acceptable ZIP codes and ages and jobs and habits who never did a thing wrong but for some reason were chucked after the first or second, or maybe even third, date for being boring, predictable, too nice, too normal, not successful enough, or . . . admitted to no one, perhaps not even myself: too available. The scariest of scary words.

Let's talk about your typical "banker chick" in NYC.
1. Predominately most banker chicks that I have been has been Asians and Eastern Europeans who came to US for school and got recruited into doing FO roles at various financial institutions including investment banks, consulting at McKinsey, or Corporate Strategy at Avon/ Tiffany and so forth.

2. Most banker chicks I have met are hardcore nerds. They went to the best high schools in their respective countries. They are top 10% of their class. If they were here for their MBA, they went to top notch undergraduates either in the US or in their home countries. I haven't forgotten about American born Chinese (ABC). All of these banker chicks went to Ivy League.

3. They are currently in age between 22-29 with a six figures taxable income (at least $100,000 base plus bonus).

4. They are extremely delusional: they think that their Ivy League education combined with their high paying job place them in a different level in the dating scene. I have met a girl at Goldman Sachs who works in their Quant group. She always wears Chanel, head to toe for every networking events and always give off condescending attitude.

What they say and how they think. These are things that I actually hear:
1. "I want to date someone at my level. My current boyfriend is only an Analyst at a BB. I need to at least date someone who is at the VP level." This actually happened to one of my best friends.

2. "Do I look like a handout? I am independent woman and I expect men to pay for dates and I also want someone who can take care of me, if I choose to be a full-time housewife." This is one of the most common lines that I have heard. I am always confused what does this actually mean. Do you want to be a full time housewife or not? How can you claim to be independent while expecting men to pay? No, I am not kidding. Dates $1,200 Free Dinners and

3. "I like my current boyfriend but I am not attracted to him. I have been seeing a few other men on the side whom I find pretty attractive and excited to be with." I knew a couple of banker chicks in NYC, who are doing exactly this. They feel that their current boyfriends are beta-males (good providers) while they look for fun with alpha-males.

4. "Where have all the good guys go?" To all the banker chicks, here is my answer:

Btw, meet my newest family member named:
MoMo, 4 months old male Pomeranian
MoMo, The Pomeranian

Here is how you should really choose your partner.
Over the weekend, I had a conversation with a friend over lunch. We updated each other on how things were going in our lives and the people that we came across. Then we continued to talk about how dating in New York City can be pretty tough. We exchanged our ideas on what our ideal relationship would be like? She started mentioned about lifestyles and habits. Then we started talking about the big picture items such as: what would make or break a relationship? She asked me what I want from my partner. I said pretty simple, only three things:

1) Honesty & Loyalty
2) Positivity
3) Persistence

She said that’s a pretty simple list. It is pretty simple. I believe that I need all of these in my partner. Pretty obvious. Pretty simple. And yet I am pretty certain that it’s hard to find someone who can be “consistently” like that.

Honesty & Loyalty: I think they go hand in hand. I don’t think one can exist without the others. Honesty means really being honest with yourself. Honestly making a living. Honestly living life. Honestly understanding who you are. I have rarely met people who are really honest with themselves. A lot of time people are doing things that other people want. In order to know what you truly want you have to ask yourself a few questions:

a) Am I willing to put the work in?
b) Why do I want this?
c) How far would I go to get this?
d) Am I trying to impress someone?

Loyalty, first means being loyal to yourself. Loyal to yourself means standing by your beliefs. Loyal to your feelings. Loyal to your callings in life. So the first requirement is really asking my partner to be really honest to herself in learning who she is and then loyally following her true callings in life. Then it’s about being loyal to your partner. It means that no matter thick or thin you are willing to stand by him. Remember the marriage vow?

“I, ____, take you, ____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I, ____, take you, ____, for my lawful (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

If you read that carefully, you will realize that relationship and marriage is all about really accepting and being loyal to someone through thick and thin. Sounds pretty simple, but it is something really rare to see.

Positivity: To me, being positive doesn’t mean someone who always sees life on the bright side. Being positive requires someone to have faith in believing other than himself. It’s about having faith and really believing that there is something greater than ourselves that we cannot see. It is the faith that things will always get better even when the situation looks extremely bleak. It also means someone who has a long term view in life. Okay what I want right now cannot be done right now, but what can I really do at this point to bring me that much closer to my goal? It is to see the opportunities in every difficulty. It is the ability to recognize the biggest challenges in life are just opportunities for you to excel. I haven’t met many people who can do that. That brings me to the next item on the list: Persistence.

Persistence: I think after having all the qualities I have mentioned above, you don’t have this one, it’s all a waste. I have never really seen someone who gets things done right on the first try. We are just not born that way. A lot of things that are worth achieving really require dedication (i.e. like getting a six pack abs). It requires a lot of time working day in and day out. These things never really pay dividends in the short term. You really need to invest a lot of your time and energy to benefit in the long run. Are you really the kind of person who can give up short term benefits in order to do well in the long run? Would you get easily depressed because things are not going well for you? Even if everyone in the room disagree with you and tell you that you are just wasting your time, will you be able to brush off their comments and keep moving? That’s something that I really admire and I think it’s really hard to find someone like that.

If you haven't seen this: CEO's Reply to A Pretty Girl

For those who are Asians, I highly recommend these:
NYMAG: Paper Tigers
Creating a Future of Positive Male Asian Role Models
Presentation on Above Talk in PDF

My Story:
Part 1: My Pursuit of Happyness
Part 2: My Pursuit of Happyness

See my previous posts in this series:
Day 1: To Be A Better Man
Day 2: Healthy Competition Among Mature Men
Day 4: SWAG, Do You Have It?
Day 5: Word of Advice
Day 6: 10 Important Life Lessons
Day 7: Unofficial Guide to Banking & Dating
Day 8: Any MMA Fighters Among WSO Monkeys
Bonus: Previous Useful Posts
To Keep You Motivated
List of Resources for Personal Development
Free Modeling Course
Q&A Session with Human
NYSSA Equity Research Work Samples
NYSSA Banker Clichés

In b4 shitstorm

if I could, I'd throw shit at you twice

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Awesome Post. However, my plan is a bit more simple. Find an innocent Southern girl for wife material after you get all the partying out of your system.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.
Awesome Post. However, my plan is a bit more simple. Find an innocent Southern girl for wife material after you get all the partying out of your system.

That's exactly my plan. Find someone who love me for who I am: Not where I go to school. Not where I work. Or where I live.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Really great post man. Am really glad that you are contributing to WSO.

As stupid as bankerella is, unfortunately I've also found quite a few girls on the street that are much like her. A little nice to see that I'm not the only one who has had this experience.

Keep it up with the great posts.

Thanks. I am sure not everyone is like this but a lot of Ivy League Asian girls who work on Wall Street are "mostly" like this. And I have been all the Asian social networking events in New York City so I am pretty sure that my sample size is pretty big.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Really great post man. Am really glad that you are contributing to WSO.

As stupid as bankerella is, unfortunately I've also found quite a few girls on the street that are much like her. A little nice to see that I'm not the only one who has had this experience.

Keep it up with the great posts.

Thanks. I am sure not everyone is like this but a lot of Ivy League Asian girls who work on Wall Street are "mostly" like this. And I have been all the Asian social networking events in New York City so I am pretty sure that my sample size is pretty big.

I agree. This is one reason why I stay away from Asian networking and social events in general.


This is some real talk. You're dropping knowledge in this thread.

In order for a relationship to get off the ground, let alone work, both people need to be willing to let their guard down, take someone for who he/she is, and realize that he/she is just another human trying to get by and have some happiness. It's tough to do that if you go in with an attitude ("I deserve X") or some sort of checklist.

Think of it like investing: strip away the effects of "Mr. Market" -- the other person's career, clothes (though maybe that might need to wait for a later date!), and attitude and ask yourself whether this person is honest, caring, positive, etc. THIS is the important stuff. You're looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, and the superficial things aren't that important.

In order for a relationship to get off the ground, let alone work, both people need to be willing to let their guard down, take someone for who he/she is, and realize that he/she is just another human trying to get by and have some happiness.

That is exactly my point because everything can and will change down the road. You have to truly love someone and be willing to stick to the end.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

Not that I disagree with you on your 3 requirements (I am a big fan of 3) but are you saying that looks don't matter? If so you are a way bigger man then I am or perhaps I am too shallow. I don't care how awesome a chick is if I am not attracted to her then I don't see anything long term. On the flip side, I don't care how hot a chick is, if she doesn't have any substance in her she really only good for one thing (ok maybe a few things).

I've said it many times, you have inspirational posts, I especially think its awesome you don't turn use the fact that your an Asian dude as an obstacle in your dating life. Too many Asian's dude sell themselves short/lack the confidence to be really successful in the game (not that I blame them, they do have it rough).

Not that I disagree with you on your 3 requirements (I am a big fan of 3) but are you saying that looks don't matter? If so you are a way bigger man then I am or perhaps I am too shallow. I don't care how awesome a chick is if I am not attracted to her then I don't see anything long term. On the flip side, I don't care how hot a chick is, if she doesn't have any substance in her she really only good for one thing (ok maybe a few things).

I've said it many times, you have inspirational posts, I especially think its awesome you don't turn use the fact that your an Asian dude as an obstacle in your dating life. Too many Asian's dude sell themselves short/lack the confidence to be really successful in the game (not that I blame them, they do have it rough).

I had no idea Human is asian. Mad props to him for overcoming those obstacles in his dating life. I agree that asian men have it rough in America, worse than any other ethnic group. The media continues to portray them in an unflattering light. And it's still acceptable to be racist towards asian guys while god forbid, you say anything remotely critical about blacks.

Not that I disagree with you on your 3 requirements (I am a big fan of 3) but are you saying that looks don't matter? If so you are a way bigger man then I am or perhaps I am too shallow. I don't care how awesome a chick is if I am not attracted to her then I don't see anything long term. On the flip side, I don't care how hot a chick is, if she doesn't have any substance in her she really only good for one thing (ok maybe a few things).

I totally agree with what you are saying. But as you get older look become less important. Because hot girls usually come with baggage.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Good post. How are those Ivy League happy hour events? Are they useful for meeting women or networking? What are your suggestions for meeting datable people in NYC?

Thought you might be interested. Well they are mostly networking mixers so it is a mixed bag; sometimes you meet girls and sometimes you meet people for work related. The only thing is that you will make new friends. For girls, I think the best is to expand your social network and then reach out for people within your social network. That would probably be the best thing rather than hit-or-miss dating someone randomly. Here a few groups that I can think of:

Professional Groups Ascend, Pan-Asian Leaders: NYSSA, New York Society of Securities Analysts: Toastmasters International: SIG Finance, Special Interest Group on Finance: TCFA, The Chinese Finance Association: ACG Global, Association for Corporate Growth: American Banker:

Social Groups TAP, Taiwanese Asian Professionals: Asia Society New York: AsianaTuesdays: AIMNYC, Asian Ivy League Mixers: AYP, Asian Young Professionals: NYCAAA, NYC Active & Fun Asian Americans: NYAPM, New York Asian Professional Meetup: Oriented New York: Young Associate of China Institute:

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

Another amazing post by Human.

I blame modern feminism for much of this problem. It tells women that they are special, entitled to certain things, and should HAVE IT ALL. There is no need for compromise or settling down; if you are smart and reasonably attractive, men should bow to your every whim (of course after being an asshole to you first since you won't date nice guys). I think ultra-educated women are especially egregious on this front. Their behavior reeks of insecurity, vanity, and ego.

I blame modern feminism for much of this problem.
How would the issue be handled better by ancient feminism or post-modern feminism?

Also, I'm pretty sure that was your dog.

The dog in the picture is a teacyo palmeranian (I butchered the spelling)....

PS, bankeralla sucks and is clearly insecure and posting about how much of a badass she is on an online forum to make up for it.


Thanks for pointing out my talk at Wharton. I hope your readers enjoy it!

I've had several clients who were part of the Wall Street ecology and encountered many of the same difficulties as you described. Of course, the opposite problem is had here in Los Angeles, beautiful girls but completely bereft of any gainful employment that doesn't include the use of their looks or, god forbid, intelligence.

Pick your poison.

Founder of ABCs Of Attraction
All of these banker chicks went to Ivy League.

you are extrapolating your biased sample to the entire population. it's honestly just the ivy league banker chicks. almost all of the ivy banker girls i know are like that, especially if they went to HYPW. the non-ivy banker girls are somewhat of a different breed. give uva, duke, berkeley, wellesley a shot.


Wow, the guy who wrote My Pursuit of Happyness ("...I cried intensely"...) and Bankerella. You guys are perfect for each another. She'll bring home the bacon and you'll stay home all day watching soaps.


You know, I'd be pissed off about this too if it weren't for the fact that 99% of uber-successful prestige-whoring banker snob chicks are busted (which partially explains why they become so successful in the first place).

On another note, this whole "Asian networking club" shit pisses me off. By classifying yourself as an Asian and going out of your way to meet exclusively with Asians at Asian-only events, you're only serving to further segregate and isolate Asians from the rest of society (imagine if redheads did that). Also, the country of Asia is so fucking diverse that I don't see how being Chinese means that you automatically have some sort of special connection with a Korean or Filipino anyways.

Yes Asian people may not have it as great as white people, but let's not pretend like it's any worse than Indians or black people.

On another note, this whole "Asian networking club" shit pisses me off. By classifying yourself as an Asian and going out of your way to meet exclusively with Asians at Asian-only events, you're only serving to further segregate and isolate Asians from the rest of society (imagine if redheads did that). Also, the country of Asia is so fucking diverse that I don't see how being Chinese means that you automatically have some sort of special connection with a Korean or Filipino anyways.

Thanks for your comment. My answer has two parts. First, my social network is extremely diverse and not limited to only Asian community. Just look at the fact that I am an active member on WSO both online and offline. WSO is an extremely diverse community globally with people from various ethnicity including Asian. My best friends and mentors represent various institutions and different ethnic groups including and not limited to: Jewish, Russian, Hispanic, African-American, Italian, French, Chinese, Israeli and so forth.

Secondly, my focus on Asian community was to maximize my career opportunities. As an Asian immigrant, you soon realize that people are more likely to help when you have similar backgrounds especially same ethnicity. I have to leverage this similarity to the max, in order to maximize my chances on breaking into Wall Street. Hope this answers your question.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
You know, I'd be pissed off about this too if it weren't for the fact that 99% of uber-successful prestige-whoring banker snob chicks are busted (which partially explains why they become so successful in the first place).

On another note, this whole "Asian networking club" shit pisses me off. By classifying yourself as an Asian and going out of your way to meet exclusively with Asians at Asian-only events, you're only serving to further segregate and isolate Asians from the rest of society (imagine if redheads did that). Also, the country of Asia is so fucking diverse that I don't see how being Chinese means that you automatically have some sort of special connection with a Korean or Filipino anyways.

Yes Asian people may not have it as great as white people, but let's not pretend like it's any worse than Indians or black people.

Maybe I slept through geography class, but I wasn't aware that Asia is a country.

I see no problem with networking events or clubs that cater to Asian-Americans. This does not mean that non-asians are not welcome. They merely serve to connect professionals who share a similar cultural/ethnic background. Do you have a problem with African-American professional organizations?

I think your assertion that stuff like this segregate Asians from the rest of the population is just absurd. Many of these Asian-American professionals were born and raised here. They are no less American than others just because they look different from the mainstream.

You know, I'd be pissed off about this too if it weren't for the fact that 99% of uber-successful prestige-whoring banker snob chicks are busted (which partially explains why they become so successful in the first place).

On another note, this whole "Asian networking club" shit pisses me off. By classifying yourself as an Asian and going out of your way to meet exclusively with Asians at Asian-only events, you're only serving to further segregate and isolate Asians from the rest of society (imagine if redheads did that). Also, the country of Asia is so fucking diverse that I don't see how being Chinese means that you automatically have some sort of special connection with a Korean or Filipino anyways.

Yes Asian people may not have it as great as white people, but let's not pretend like it's any worse than Indians or black people.

Maybe I slept through geography class, but I wasn't aware that Asia is a country.

That was precisely my point: Asia is not a country. As you probably noticed, I accidentally said "country" instead of "continent".

I see no problem with networking events or clubs that cater to Asian-Americans. This does not mean that non-asians are not welcome. They merely serve to connect professionals who share a similar cultural/ethnic background. Do you have a problem with African-American professional organizations?

I think your assertion that stuff like this segregate Asians from the rest of the population is just absurd. Many of these Asian-American professionals were born and raised here. They are no less American than others just because they look different from the mainstream.

My point is that when you define yourself by your race, and then go to groups/events that consist only of fellow members of your race, what you're doing (whether intentionally or not) is to further separate your race from everybody else. I don't think that race should be a differentiating factor in what sort of people you have relationships with, especially in the workplace. To me, having an Asian Ivy Leaguer group is as absurd as having an Anglo-Saxon Ivy Leaguer, Jewish Ivy Leaguer, or Ivy League Gingers group. Each one implicitly reinforces the message that 1. we're different from everyone else, and even worse: 2. I'll give you special consideration in the workplace (whether that be in hiring, doing business, whatever) because of your race. I understand wanting to connect with people that share your heritage for social reasons, but I don't believe that race should be a basis for giving someone priority for a job (ie. I'm more likely to hire you because you're the same race as me = wrong).

What makes this more ridiculous for Asians is that Asians aren't particularly underrepresented at top schools and top jobs, so there's even less of an excuse for it.

Joining an Asian cultural group is fine (although like I mentioned above, Asia isn't a continent so I find that just about as ridiculous as joining an "Americas" group that includes North, Central, and South America). What isn't fine is when your only friends are Asians, you define your life by your race, and then you complain that Asians have it bad. No, Asians don't have it that bad. Short and shy people have it bad.

I had no idea Human is asian. Mad props to him for overcoming those obstacles in his dating life. I agree that asian men have it rough in America, worse than any other ethnic group. The media continues to portray them in an unflattering light. And it's still acceptable to be racist towards asian guys while god forbid, you say anything remotely critical about blacks.

As you can probably tell by now, I completely disagree and think that you are really out of touch with reality for claiming that Asians have it the worst in America. If by "overcoming those obstacles in his dating life" you were referring to his race, then I'd say that being Asian isn't an obstacle, and thus it's kind of insulting to Asian people that you'd even suggest that. I didn't read any of Human's other posts so I realize that I might have misinterpreted what you meant by "obstacles" though.


Rather than indulge in the futile battle of the sexes, I'd like to offer the following:

We are mostly young. We don't know exactly what we want, and it seems we're knocking ourselves out to get it. If you want to work hard, then work hard, you will thank yourself later. If you want to date and shop around, then do so: how will you ever find someone without meeting people? If you do find someone you know you will be good with, then do it right and forget all this noise. 20 years from now, this website, these debates, and everything you're pouring so much effort into now will not matter as much as what you build. You go through this life once, do it right. So get to it. Good luck, and I wish you all happiness.

why yall hatin on bankerella it isn't like any of you will be as prestigious and leggy as she is
I'm leggy...wait, is that bad for a dude? Serious question.
Get busy living

I'm still waiting for bankerella to drop by this post :)

I'm with you Human. I find it funny that people that earn a high salary think they are above other people and won't date them. I have some requirements too. She has to be intelligent and have a college education at least. I don't care on what. That's because I need someone who can have a conversation with me. But in terms of salary, I am not a gold digger.

People need to understand that you are not what your job says you are. For all I know, you can lose your job tomorrow and then what? Just because you are a high flyer today does not means you will continue to be. And just because you wear Prada does not make you something special.

I don't work in finance yet but plan too. Are people in finance really this douchy? What would you say are the percentages of normal people and assholes that think because they went to an Ivy they are superior?

People need to understand that you are not what your job says you are. For all I know, you can lose your job tomorrow and then what? Just because you are a high flyer today does not means you will continue to be. And just because you wear Prada does not make you something special.

I have been trying to counsel a friend of mine who did lose his banking job and is having a hard time adjusting because he attaches so much of his self esteem to his job. There was a report somewhere that mentioned that a lot of people committed suicide after the Lehman collapses. These people are so emotionally invested in their jobs that once they lost it, it basically destroy their self worth, both financially and mentally.

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/tag/tyler-durden>Tyler Durden</a></span>:
You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.
Are people in finance really this douchy? What would you say are the percentages of normal people and assholes that think because they went to an Ivy they are superior?

Personally, I just feel like most people below VP level have this perceived notion that they are better than other people because of their jobs. Once you went above VP level, with years of experience, humility finally shine through arrogance and people start to really get it - that your job doesn't represent who you are as a person.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

Yea I lost much respect for bankerella with that post. This is legit, and definitely points out your typical, completely fucking retarded girl. I'm pretty sure bankerella falls under that category.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Came in expecting lulz and a couple of 'hell yea's"

Leaving satisfied...

Lets be honest, 75% of the females in a FO role after 2 years look rather beat. Actually really beat. In fact, most successful guys I know in finance would never dream of wifing someone in the biz. If you want smart/successful, consultant chicks are a better and tend to be much more laid back. Marketing chicks normally are the best looking and most 'fun', but they normally dont make a ton of guap so expect on paying for a lot of things.

"Sounds to me like you guys a couple of bookies."
Came in expecting lulz and a couple of 'hell yea's"

Leaving satisfied...

Lets be honest, 75% of the females in a FO role after 2 years look rather beat. Actually really beat. In fact, most successful guys I know in finance would never dream of wifing someone in the biz. If you want smart/successful, consultant chicks are a better and tend to be much more laid back. Marketing chicks normally are the best looking and most 'fun', but they normally dont make a ton of guap so expect on paying for a lot of things.

finally a note a sense above the din of retardation.


I think this is just begging for a blog post response from Eddie. I have a feeling I know what he would say--everybody's delusional, both men and women, New Yorkers and non-New Yorkers.

Metal. Music. Life.

'Honesty & Loyalty: I think they go hand in hand. I don’t think one can exist without the others. Honesty means really being honest with yourself. Honestly making a living. Honestly living life. Honestly understanding who you are. I have rarely met people who are really honest with themselves'

I agree, I think you should spend more time trying to be the truest you; rather than applying rules. I think if you are not the truest you; you will miss the person who would have loved that, and maybe even never know it -because we all bring out different sides of everyone we meet; and by hiding 'yourself' you end up not meeting people for who they are (or could be to you).

"Dont compromise yourself; you're all you've got" - Janis Joplin
I agree, I think you should spend more time trying to be the truest you; rather than applying rules. I think if you are not the truest you; you will miss the person who would have loved that, and maybe even never know it -because we all bring out different sides of everyone we meet; and by hiding 'yourself' you end up not meeting people for who they are (or could be to you).

Thanks for reading and commenting. I agree with this 100%.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

All I read in this post is "I don't want any competition from my wife/girlfriend".

Personally, I don't give a damn. She has her requirements, I have mine. I have no problems getting dates, so why would I be upset because one lady refuses to date me?

C'mon, this response is bollocks. Be original, write up your own requirements.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
All I read in this post is "I don't want any competition from my wife/girlfriend".

Personally, I don't give a damn. She has her requirements, I have mine. I have no problems getting dates, so why would I be upset because one lady refuses to date me?

C'mon, this response is bollocks. Be original, write up your own requirements.

I have no problem with my wife earning more money than I do. Where I do have a problem is the sense of "entitlement" and that you are above others because you fit certain criteria of what you consider to be "desirable" in the dating environment. Women from the Village Voice article exist because we (most men) have refused to deal with this sense of entitlement heads on. Now it has already spread like a virus.

If you looked closely to any materials from PUA (Pick Up Community), their main focus is on how to take advantage of this broken system (dealing with women's self entitlement in dating). Their techniques do get results. But the problem is that the system itself is broken and it is not beneficial for both men and women, in the future to keep going like this.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
All I read in this post is "I don't want any competition from my wife/girlfriend".

Personally, I don't give a damn. She has her requirements, I have mine. I have no problems getting dates, so why would I be upset because one lady refuses to date me?

C'mon, this response is bollocks. Be original, write up your own requirements.

I have no problem with my wife earning more money than I do. Where I do have a problem is the sense of "entitlement" and that you are above others because you fit certain criteria of what you consider to be "desirable" in the dating environment. Women from the Village Voice article exist because we (most men) have refused to deal with this sense of entitlement heads on. Now it has already spread like a virus.

If you looked closely to any materials from PUA (Pick Up Community), their main focus is on how to take advantage of this broken system (dealing with women's self entitlement in dating). Their techniques do get results. But the problem is that the system itself is broken and it is not beneficial for both men and women, in the future to keep going like this.

There is a pick up community? Really?

Goodness, I need to sign up ASAP.

Of course you all know it's not that I need tips, I'm more interested in coaching youngsters and newbies.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.
All I read in this post is "I don't want any competition from my wife/girlfriend".

Personally, I don't give a damn. She has her requirements, I have mine. I have no problems getting dates, so why would I be upset because one lady refuses to date me?

C'mon, this response is bollocks. Be original, write up your own requirements.

I have no problem with my wife earning more money than I do. Where I do have a problem is the sense of "entitlement" and that you are above others because you fit certain criteria of what you consider to be "desirable" in the dating environment. Women from the Village Voice article exist because we (most men) have refused to deal with this sense of entitlement heads on. Now it has already spread like a virus.

If you looked closely to any materials from PUA (Pick Up Community), their main focus is on how to take advantage of this broken system (dealing with women's self entitlement in dating). Their techniques do get results. But the problem is that the system itself is broken and it is not beneficial for both men and women, in the future to keep going like this.

The system has been broken for some time, sadly. It's the result of modern feminism and pop culture TV shows like "sex and the city," the plethora of romantic comedies, which have engendered this dangerous notion.

All I read in this post is "I don't want any competition from my wife/girlfriend".

Personally, I don't give a damn. She has her requirements, I have mine. I have no problems getting dates, so why would I be upset because one lady refuses to date me?

C'mon, this response is bollocks. Be original, write up your own requirements.

I have no problem with my wife earning more money than I do. Where I do have a problem is the sense of "entitlement" and that you are above others because you fit certain criteria of what you consider to be "desirable" in the dating environment. Women from the Village Voice article exist because we (most men) have refused to deal with this sense of entitlement heads on. Now it has already spread like a virus.

If you looked closely to any materials from PUA (Pick Up Community), their main focus is on how to take advantage of this broken system (dealing with women's self entitlement in dating). Their techniques do get results. But the problem is that the system itself is broken and it is not beneficial for both men and women, in the future to keep going like this.

Human, I've got to hand it to you. You really redeemed yourself with this entry -- I am referring to your UFC post (I detest MMA), but that's another story.

Your response is interesting for me because I'm the opposite way. The thought of my spouse earning a higher level of income would leave me feeling extremely insufficient.

Here to learn and hopefully pass on some knowledge as well. SB if I helped.

I love how this post is broken into four parts (by my count anyway)

1) Why bankerella is pretentious/obnoxious/detestable/callousetc. (depending on the poster)

2) A rant about joining ethnic groups is congruent to fortifying cultural stereotypes

3) Something about black people committing crimes

4) Lessons on dating/relationships

I can always count on WSO to provide me a laugh when I need to kill time.

I love how this post is broken into four parts (by my count anyway)

1) Why bankerella is pretentious/obnoxious/detestable/callousetc. (depending on the poster)

2) A rant about joining ethnic groups is congruent to fortifying cultural stereotypes

3) Something about black people committing crimes

4) Lessons on dating/relationships

I can always count on WSO to provide me a laugh when I need to kill time.

Which of the above 4 is the most preftigious option? This is important for buyside interview
Get busy living
I love how this post is broken into four parts (by my count anyway)

1) Why bankerella is pretentious/obnoxious/detestable/callousetc. (depending on the poster)

2) A rant about joining ethnic groups is congruent to fortifying cultural stereotypes

3) Something about black people committing crimes

4) Lessons on dating/relationships

I can always count on WSO to provide me a laugh when I need to kill time.

Which of the above 4 is the most preftigious option? This is important for buyside interview

The part where you make me laugh is the most important.

It's time to move this thread into it's next completely irrelevant direction: what is your favorite cheese?

Now I don't want to start a shitstorm here, but to be brutally brutally honest, not sure anything really beats the elegant simplicity of some good sharp cheddar. Although, for lunch today I had a sandwich with goat cheese, and I must say, it was really.....quite nice.

Alexkesz][quote=Working9-5]Congrats on making it on to Business Insider. Not bad.</p> <p><a href=[/quote rel=nofollow>…</a>:

Since when has rehashing forum posts become legitimate news reporting?

When a story is too good to run fact checks.

CNBC sucks "This financial crisis is worse than a divorce. I've lost all my money, but the wife is still here." - Client after getting blown up

GBS cheese power rankings (from one to X): 1) muenster- the quintessential "stand-alone" cheese. Needs nothing else to accompany it to be enjoyed. Also the reigning champ of the grilled cheese (thank me later) 2) sharp cheddar- the older, smarter brother of "regular" cheddar. Can also be eaten by itself and is quite possibly the go-to for a burger 3) mozzarella- as an Italian, I fear the repurcussions from not putting this on the top 3. While definitely delicious, just doesn't quite pack the punch of the first two. The winner for any sandwich that has chicken cutlet X minus 1) swiss- just never did it for me, don't know why. I mean it KINDA works on egg whites, but even then I'd rather just a basic american X) bleu cheese- again, just never did it for me. Ironic considering it's a lot of ppl I know's number 1. I suppose it's just an acquired taste.... one I never did

GBS cheese power rankings (from one to X): 1) muenster- the quintessential "stand-alone" cheese. Needs nothing else to accompany it to be enjoyed. Also the reigning champ of the grilled cheese (thank me later) 2) sharp cheddar- the older, smarter brother of "regular" cheddar. Can also be eaten by itself and is quite possibly the go-to for a burger 3) mozzarella- as an Italian, I fear the repurcussions from not putting this on the top 3. While definitely delicious, just doesn't quite pack the punch of the first two. The winner for any sandwich that has chicken cutlet X minus 1) swiss- just never did it for me, don't know why. I mean it KINDA works on egg whites, but even then I'd rather just a basic american X) bleu cheese- again, just never did it for me. Ironic considering it's a lot of ppl I know's number 1. I suppose it's just an acquired taste.... one I never did

I'm also not a super huge fan of bleu cheese...kinda smelly, and maybe i'm just a lil old fashioned but i don't like gobbling up mold

Going Concern:
GBS cheese power rankings (from one to X): 1) muenster- the quintessential "stand-alone" cheese. Needs nothing else to accompany it to be enjoyed. Also the reigning champ of the grilled cheese (thank me later) 2) sharp cheddar- the older, smarter brother of "regular" cheddar. Can also be eaten by itself and is quite possibly the go-to for a burger 3) mozzarella- as an Italian, I fear the repurcussions from not putting this on the top 3. While definitely delicious, just doesn't quite pack the punch of the first two. The winner for any sandwich that has chicken cutlet X minus 1) swiss- just never did it for me, don't know why. I mean it KINDA works on egg whites, but even then I'd rather just a basic american X) bleu cheese- again, just never did it for me. Ironic considering it's a lot of ppl I know's number 1. I suppose it's just an acquired taste.... one I never did

I'm also not a super huge fan of bleu cheese...kinda smelly, and maybe i'm just a lil old fashioned but i don't like gobbling up mold

I was yay (imagine me holding my index finger and thumb close together) close to shutting this shit down because it somehow turned into a race war, but then you posted this. +1 SB and my thanks.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

The thing that is wrong with Bankerella is that she will see threads like this one and think to herself: "If I can only write one more post, and go further than I did in my last one, everyone will like me, and that will validate my wardrobe full of pant-suits." - This type of wiring is why Bankerella has such a hard time fitting in at the office. She tries to highlight her differences as similarities, and uses her unique position to make the most raunchy and controversial statements about her personal life in the office, applauding when the attention she receives is positive while knowing full well that those who do care for her antics not will not dare to stand up to her.

OK so women like to date men who make more money then them and they often sleep with people other then their professed boyfriend. No kidding. "Dating Coach" = Getting paid to state the obvious.

So other people out there hate these posts too? Finally.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
OK so women like to date men who make more money then them and they often sleep with people other then their professed boyfriend. No kidding. "Dating Coach" = Getting paid to state the obvious.

You are missing the whole point. What I am trying to point out is that these banker chicks feel "entitled" to better treatment or they are at a different level than everyone because they went to Ivy League school + work in banking.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

Since when is being hot highly more important that the income and the nice personality / being funny as a male?

  • Dude that feels he has a nicer personality than he is hot

In regard to girls, healthcare, that is where you have to go, a medic, a dentist (like mine :D ), really nice and kind, plus can save you time and money.

Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. - Tacitus Dr. Nick Riviera: Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!
Since when is being hot highly more important that the income and the nice personality / being funny as a male?
  • Dude that feels he has a nicer personality than he is hot

Women are FAR less shallow than men. Having a good personality/being truly caring/showing the girl she means the world to you is a million times more significant than attractiveness.

Connection > Intelligence > Ability to have fun > humor > looks

Although, this only applies if you're not hideous. You need to at least be a 5, maybe a 4 if you're the most amazing person in the world personality wise. And try to smell good.


Women troubles in all the countries Ive been to makes me feel always so fucking happy of growing up in Latin America. You cant do better than a middle-high / high class latin american gf.

Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. - Tacitus Dr. Nick Riviera: Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!
Women troubles in all the countries Ive been to makes me feel always so fucking happy of growing up in Latin America. You cant do better than a middle-high / high class latin american gf.

Can't wait to move back to South America where the average woman understands much more in depth the concept of living

Bankerella, where you at dawg?

Nothing here really got me started. Here are the reasons, in standard three-bullet format:

1) Guy says he won't hit the offer when there's no offer on the board = nonevent 2) Big distinction between hooking up (my post) and being in a relationship (his post) 3)

"the first requirement is really asking my partner to be really honest to herself in learning who she is"

Really? Really really? Super-sweet! But also DFF... or maybe just way too young for his actual years. Can't tell; doesn't matter.

Aside: Sounds like this took place at that weekend lunch with the friendzone girl where they exchanged their experiences with the big tough NYC dating scene and their beliefs about the ideal relationship and perfect partner. Sounds dreamy, OP... except she didn't lay you.

Bankerella, where you at dawg?

Nothing here really got me started. Here are the reasons, in standard three-bullet format:

1) Guy says he won't hit the offer when there's no offer on the board = nonevent 2) Big distinction between hooking up (my post) and being in a relationship (his post) 3)

"the first requirement is really asking my partner to be really honest to herself in learning who she is"

Really? Really really? Super-sweet! But also DFF... or maybe just way too young for his actual years. Can't tell; doesn't matter.

Aside: Sounds like this took place at that weekend lunch with the friendzone girl where they exchanged their experiences with the big tough NYC dating scene and their beliefs about the ideal relationship and perfect partner. Sounds dreamy, OP... except she didn't lay you.

Best Response
Nothing here really got me started. Here are the reasons, in standard three-bullet format: 1) Guy says he won't hit the offer when there's no offer on the board = nonevent 2) Big distinction between hooking up (my post) and being in a relationship (his post)

1) You are just too shallow for me even to consider "hooking up". Condom doesn't prevent all the diseases. If you read this carefully, I am not saying I am "not interested in you". I am saying I am not interested in "people like you" who feel so entitled because you went to Ivy League school and work in banking. I am saying it to your face that, I really don't care about those.

2) I have met enough women (Ivy League banker chicks) like you in New York City. I know your intention to try play hard to get. New York City has 200,000 more women than men. No one really need to care about what you think. There are so many girls available, who are nicer than you are.

3) Don't worry, I have a girl friend and before that I had enough women to go around. Keep this attitude up (yes even with hooking up); let's catch up in 10 years when you are single and miserable.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."
Okay fair. I like high quality things. But in terms of my men, what I'm trying to say is that there are things that matter more to me that looks.

I'm going to be a banker, so no - money will hopefully not be an issue. Although it usually correlates with intelligence, and that's extremely important to me. What's interesting is that while most of you guy would never date a girl in finance, I can't imagine dating a guy who is not in finance. I'd have to respect him, and I have no idea how I would respect some guy in marketing or something.


So it seems Human and Bankerella have a genuine distaste for one another, but what if its just built up sexual tension and they both secretly have a thing for each other?

A long shot, I know... but I have witnessed this occur first hand before. Case in point:

[after Wayne, Sandy, and Neil Diamond crashed and ruined Judith's wedding by getting Darren back with Sandy, Judith becomes enraged with anger by walking towards Wayne and smacks him with a chair]

Judith: [screaming] YOU RUINED MY LIFE!

Wayne: [Judith pulls Wayne's legs] Ah! But I saved Darren's!

Judith: Just because I lost Darren doesn't mean I'm crazy enough to hook up with YOU!

[Wayne yells and screams while throwing Judith to the aisle]

Wayne: Hey! Why can't you just admit that when you kissed me you liked it?

Judith: Yeah, you're right. I have a weakness for incompotent morons.

[Judith smacks Wayne in the mouth and one of his teeth come out his lips. Then Wayne does the same thing and Judith spits out the loose tooth]

Wayne: [choking each other] Admit it! Aah! I'm the strong-willed, assertive man you ever needed and you're the hardcore bitch I've always dreamed of!

[Wayne and Judith begin to make out, and then live happily ever after]

The Kid:
So it seems Human and Bankerella have a genuine distaste for one another, but what if its just built up sexual tension and they both secretly have a thing for each other?

A long shot, I know... but I have witnessed this occur first hand before. Case in point:

[after Wayne, Sandy, and Neil Diamond crashed and ruined Judith's wedding by getting Darren back with Sandy, Judith becomes enraged with anger by walking towards Wayne and smacks him with a chair]

Judith: [screaming] YOU RUINED MY LIFE!

Wayne: [Judith pulls Wayne's legs] Ah! But I saved Darren's!

Judith: Just because I lost Darren doesn't mean I'm crazy enough to hook up with YOU!

[Wayne yells and screams while throwing Judith to the aisle]

Wayne: Hey! Why can't you just admit that when you kissed me you liked it?

Judith: Yeah, you're right. I have a weakness for incompotent morons.

[Judith smacks Wayne in the mouth and one of his teeth come out his lips. Then Wayne does the same thing and Judith spits out the loose tooth]

Wayne: [choking each other] Admit it! Aah! I'm the strong-willed, assertive man you ever needed and you're the hardcore bitch I've always dreamed of!

[Wayne and Judith begin to make out, and then live happily ever after]

Saving Silverman... Niiiiice

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:
I can't get images to embed here!

derp derp

Make sure to change "Input Format" under the text box you type your reply into is changed to "Full HTML" from "Filtered HTML"

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Human was doing alright with this post on the strength of that second clip which is spot on (and not much else. i mean, what's the best way to pick a partner? hotness, obviously, fuck persistence or whatever) but bankerella wins this one, not even close.....


This thread is comical. I'm going to start the "Bankerella Fanboi Club" as a group. OP and company can post their diatribes while Bankerella can continue her gmat novel.

Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art - Andy Warhol

This is a straight shit show. Human I expect more. You say you coach men on how to deal with woman and Bankerella just shit all over you in your own thread. C'mon MAN

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

I cannot believe this thread has gotten beyond the OP declaring himself to be a part-time dating coach that "specializes in Asian bankers". I mean seriously fellas, I think before we heap scorn on females or female bankers its time to discuss what is wrong with men that they will listen to this type of garbage. Bankerella's original post may have been weak, but at least she isnt some low-end Tony Robbins...Human's whole shtick is almost too ridiculous to be real. I am waiting for him to start offering his home study course for $19.99.

I cannot believe this thread has gotten beyond the OP declaring himself to be a part-time dating coach that "specializes in Asian bankers". I mean seriously fellas, I think before we heap scorn on females or female bankers its time to discuss what is wrong with men that they will listen to this type of garbage. Bankerella's original post may have been weak, but at least she isnt some low-end Tony Robbins...Human's whole shtick is almost too ridiculous to be real. I am waiting for him to start offering his home study course for $19.99.

I've been waiting for you since he posted the Top 10 Things That Make Me Cream My Jorts thread with the "Going to See a Dating Coach" thing... No Asian has given dating advice since the Ming Dynasty guys.

That said, I haven't read much of this thread but given the way it probably turned out, I may or may not be sexually attracted to Bankerella at ths point.

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Bankerella reminds me of a chick I used to bartend with. She'd deadeye a rowdy biker and shout "Shut the hell up before I bend you over this bar and make you my bitch". Everyone knew that if she couldn't do the job, her brother would, so it was kind of funny seeing the stunned expression on new guys' faces. She'd then flaunt her new thigh tatoo and tell them "what part of OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE don't you understand?!" when they looked. The dudes loved it and actually came in for the exchange. Ironically, she got fired for verbally shitting on a nice old lady. But I don't see bankerella wrestling with the same self control issues.

Despite the guys on this site having trouble wrapping their heads around a woman who's comfortable with and enjoys power, they're loving it. Every one of these posts is hundreds of comments long. Some seriously Freudian shit going down around here.

Get busy living
But I don't see bankerella wrestling with the same self control issues.

Funny you say that. I haven't had any issues recently, but as an analyst, when I was still learning to compartmentalize, I walked by a male associate on a different team who was bent over his desk doing something. His ass was way up in the air. Seriously prominent. The slacks were tightly stretched over his firm, round buttocks. I could see the seams of his boxer briefs.

I was busy, groggy, and deep in thought on other issues, so as I passed him I reflexively did what I would have done with my friends in the same situation: I slapped him resoundingly on the ass.

He was absolutely speechless, as was the analyst in the adjacent cube who had a full unobstructed view. I lamely passed it off as, "Oh, jeez, I thought you were [fellow analyst from my class]. Still, that was completely inappropriate and obviously a firing offense. I'll understand if you report it; either way I'll clearly never do it again."

He laughed it off and didn't report it. Word probably got out but I never heard anything else about it directly, in whispers or otherwise.

Nonetheless, since not a lot of female analysts slap associate ass, there might conceivably be a person or two out there reading this who might remember and thus guess who I am. If so: do me a solid. (And, obviously, we should totes have coffee and catch up.)


Cool story, getting swatted on the butt, good times. ...however... I'd hate to see this as the basis of your coworkers figuring out who you are, unless you seriously want to be.

Get busy living

Damn, you got owned dude.These types of females are very intimidating towards men but I actually like that, it's a challenge, who can be the more dominant one? Interesting dynamic to play out, especially in bed.

Damn, you got owned dude.These types of females are very intimidating towards men but I actually like that, it's a challenge, who can be the more dominant one? Interesting dynamic to play out, especially in bed.
Yes, I tend to gravitate towards these types of exchanges. However, at some point, a truce has to be called and compromises made or it spells THE END. One dimensional people who simply want to be the boss of everything are destined to end up alone no matter HOW much money they have.
Get busy living
Yes, I tend to gravitate towards these types of exchanges. However, at some point, a truce has to be called and compromises made or it spells THE END. One dimensional people who simply want to be the boss of everything are destined to end up alone no matter HOW much money they have.

True otherwise this just turn into one of your crazy ex-girlfriend/boyfriend stories and occasional crazy hookups. What does it do the spark though? Doesn't it ruin the relationship? I can't see how two dominant personalities are somehow going to let go and comprise yet still somehow make the relationship work long-term.


Quos quod quo est eveniet magni et eos. Eius unde cumque occaecati aut quibusdam harum. Deleniti quasi eligendi libero aut molestiae sint non. Error dignissimos dolores ex non molestias nostrum.


Minus ipsum quaerat doloribus. Velit est sit esse sit officia.

Earum adipisci distinctio quasi porro enim sed. Sit nemo nihil et itaque aliquid atque. Quod dicta consequatur et dignissimos aspernatur recusandae accusamus. At dolor ut quisquam et sit natus. Ea et magni minus vel expedita.

Et itaque quis qui nam voluptatem. Ut ut maiores laboriosam aliquid. Deleniti architecto explicabo consequuntur cum quia distinctio ut. Qui asperiores quos numquam ea asperiores omnis accusantium. Dolores velit consequatur quia molestias aut quia. Minima harum enim odit repudiandae similique. Et omnis ducimus voluptas et laboriosam nemo.

Culpa vero voluptatem consectetur quos vel laboriosam. Voluptates animi ratione doloremque consequuntur voluptas veniam sed. Aperiam repudiandae sint illum veritatis et. Ratione minus voluptatibus libero nisi. Beatae facere voluptas omnis vero. Ullam in minus et in pariatur eaque velit sed. Nihil nostrum est sit et.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

Rerum rerum excepturi aut quo architecto quisquam. Voluptas aspernatur consequatur laborum vitae impedit ullam. Voluptatem deleniti officia dolorem eos illum. Occaecati molestias rerum ut dolorem quos non. Qui suscipit delectus nulla optio. Incidunt exercitationem aspernatur vel explicabo quibusdam exercitationem. Pariatur ad consequatur quisquam necessitatibus animi.

A saepe dolorum enim voluptatem. Dolores aliquam aut ipsum. Adipisci ut molestiae aut fuga asperiores.


Numquam architecto distinctio maxime rem molestias. Et et dolorem aut est exercitationem sint. Aut rerum laborum quae iusto. Amet corrupti et inventore earum.

Ex accusamus aliquid veritatis inventore voluptatem. Cum quam sapiente rerum. Et aut ab beatae voluptatem quos non. Ut ut veritatis error dolores sed nulla. Sunt accusantium ducimus reiciendis voluptatem. Illo voluptatibus delectus facere natus autem.


Eum eos dolor perferendis alias minima. Quo dolore corporis aut quis. Quasi rerum voluptate qui vero.

Numquam et dolore quia. Doloremque laborum consequatur praesentium aliquid temporibus qui aliquam. Alias aut aut non.

Consequatur est temporibus quisquam eos reprehenderit maxime est. Quia ut harum vero iste est veritatis. Maiores possimus ipsum aut enim. Iusto eum non sed sit.

Amet non saepe repellendus repellendus sit ea in. Perferendis perferendis natus quis sed itaque. Facilis omnis nihil natus culpa praesentium sit fugit. Unde id repellat aut architecto dolorem.

Get busy living

Ut ut repudiandae consequuntur autem amet nemo. Dolores eum ut assumenda suscipit repellendus autem.

Vero ex rerum ut reprehenderit minima aut laborum. Aut enim reiciendis est repellendus. Expedita aspernatur voluptatem eum facilis.

Quis nam enim omnis et officiis nostrum. Dicta sequi nulla et quia sunt. Est sint expedita qui cum quia. Asperiores incidunt voluptatem est pariatur.

[Comment removed by mod team]

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