How do you handle heavy personal stress?

So everyone knows that banking is a high stress environment. When it comes to cranking out 80, 90,100 hours a week it may be a little bit more difficult to stay connected to the ones you love let alone allow stress from back home to affect you. However, life happens and sometimes tragic things occur. So, how do you deal? I ask because there are two people close to me terminally ill. As science and life currently stands, they have at most a few years....

So everyone knows that banking is a high stress environment. When it comes to cranking out 80, 90,100 hours a week it may be a little bit more difficult to stay connected to the ones you love let alone allow stress from back home to affect you. However, life happens and sometimes tragic things occur. So, how do you deal? I ask because there are two people close to me terminally ill. As science and life currently stands, they have at most a few years....

So everyone knows that banking is a high stress environment. When it comes to cranking out 80, 90,100 hours a week it may be a little bit more difficult to stay connected to the ones you love let alone allow stress from back home to affect you. However, life happens and sometimes tragic things occur. So, how do you deal? I ask because there are two people close to me terminally ill. As science and life currently stands, they have at most a few years....
Alcohol for the stress thing. Not saying it's the best way to deal, but you didn't ask for the best, just what we do.

As far as friends/relatives with terminal illnesses....all you can do is stay in touch and visit them. Don't let that time go by, you'll regret it later. Try to talk about more than just superficial things while they're still here. Sorry to hear about that, by the way.


Knivek is a jerk. I went through this very same thing last year and it's real tough. I was surprised at what a positive effect exercising really does have. It's easy to say to just not worry about it, but you most likely will. The dilemma of course is dealing with this while trying to stay on the right career track. I came to the conclusion that I would not allow to effect work and studying, but did realize that it was not something that I could avoid and made time to at least speak to the person once a week. Try to stay optimistic and realize that it is only something you will be dealing with briefly. It sucks to lose people, especially multiple people, but the last thing you want it to do is screw up your life long term. My mother lost both of her parents within a year and is just now coming out a depression that she had been in for close to a decade. It's no way to live, especially when you're young and it can screw up the rest of your life. Try to keep as many positive things in your life to attempt to counterbalance it all.

I'll definitely make more of an effort to have more than superficial conversations. Although I feel like superficial conversations are easier because then we can both pretend like everything is perfectly fine.
Healthy food is sooo much easier said than done. But seeing as I can go from gaining or losing 10lbs in one week, it should probably become more of a priority.
I shall be hitting the bar today good sir.
Knivek is a jerk. I went through this very same thing last year and it's real tough. I was surprised at what a positive effect exercising really does have. It's easy to say to just not worry about it, but you most likely will. The dilemma of course is dealing with this while trying to stay on the right career track. I came to the conclusion that I would not allow to effect work and studying, but did realize that it was not something that I could avoid and made time to at least speak to the person once a week. Try to stay optimistic and realize that it is only something you will be dealing with briefly. It sucks to lose people, especially multiple people, but the last thing you want it to do is screw up your life long term. My mother lost both of her parents within a year and is just now coming out a depression that she had been in for close to a decade. It's no way to live, especially when you're young and it can screw up the rest of your life. Try to keep as many positive things in your life to attempt to counterbalance it all.

Thanks for sharing. I hope that things are gradually getting better for you. I'm also sorry to hear that your mom suffered so long.

It seems like the consensus is to exercise. So I will have to find something that works for me.

Thanks everyone, with the exception of the HORRIBLE excuse of a troll and whoever decided to SB him.


I'm sticking to the points i can actually contribute knowledge on (health/food, not hrs/workload). So first things first: Eating well is hard as shit. Like, really recockulously hard for many, especially when one makes enough money that worrying about how much food costs isn't an issue, but how fast they can get it is.

I would say that for starters, find a bunch of easy/fast things to eat for various meals (even if they are kind of boring) to build up a "quick-meal" habit. I.E. Subway, salad bar at wholefoods/anywhere really, great turkey cobb salad from place across the street. So at least one meal a day when you inevitably go "fuck i need food" you have a go-to. Cuts down on the wondering of "Hmm what to eat to day...fries. My body needs fries. It's science."

Just keep adding to this list as you find things to eat that are mainly real ingredients, no frying/sauces/marinades/etc. The second part is to pick a drawer in your desk & stuff it with healthy food. Granola bars, small jar of peanut butter, couple packets of tuna (just force it down, no one actually likes tuna), mixed nuts w/ dried berries.

It also helps to keep a lunch box in the fridge w/ greek yogurt/cheese sticks/sandwich stuff. "Cheese sticks are for kids" No, a cheese stick is like 60-80 calories & 4-6 grams of protein in like 4 bites. Then chug water. Always have a glass of water next to you.

Hope some of that helps. Nothing really new there, people also don't even notice that I'm always eating stuff i brought vs. going out to eat everyday after the first week.


First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It can be very hard to balance work with family, especially in investment banking where the balance is fairly lopsided.

Secondly, with regards to maintaining/developing some of emotional stability, I'd recommend the following:

  • don't drink excessively. This'll drain you physically, which could leave you overly exhausted at work thereby increasing your dissatisfaction with the job because you have that much less time to spend with your family.

  • talk to your staffer and VPs and ask how they can help balance. I've seen analysts go through tough times and they were able to attend personal obligations because they were upfront with their VPs/staffer. It helps manage expectations. I understand banking is banking, but there are two things to consider: Chances are, your VPs and staffer/BUM (GS) are married and have families of their own so they should understand.

  • following on the above point, it'll give you more reason to start saying "no" to staffings.

  • exercise. This is so important - helps provide you with mental clarity, which a lot of associates and analysts lose because they work so hard.

  • be as efficient as possible. Don't go out for lunch - eat at the desk. Do whatever you can to finish your assignments early so you have extra time to speak with your family and/or visit them if they are close by.

Sorry again about your situation and I hope this helps.


Not in banking, but my job is nevertheless stressful. Have to work in the weekend so hours are close to bankers'. I notice you are female so I will offer you some girls talk and hope it help:

  • Sooner or later you will realize that death is inevitable. In fact, 'death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life. By living our lives, we nurture death.' So learn to accept and appreciate it, as much as you appreciate life.

  • Spend time with the beloved ones. Visit them, call them, etc whenever you have time.

  • Indulge yourself a bit. How can one release the stress by living like a monk? Just do anything to kill that stress and ignore the guilt.

Good luck.

The Auto Show

Things that help: - Get plastered with good friends - Have sex (this is the best medicine for stress by far) - Intense exercise - Sharing a bottle of wine with good friends - Spend time with family and loved ones

In general, just do enjoyable stuff with people you care about. I'm sure you feel like being alone on your free time but really make an effort to spend time with friends and family. Just talking about something else with do wonders. In your case, you should spend time with the two people in question as well as other people in your life who are close to them.

Hope this helps, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.


You don't really cope, you mostly just try to survive. The bottom line is, investment banking takes over your life for 2 years, that's the tradeoff you make. In exchange, they write you a (relatively) big check.

There are lots of threads on here that go into tricks of the trade (make sure you workout, catch a nap in a bathroom stall, keep a change of clothes at the office) as well as whether or not it's worth it (most college kids typically think it is, most experienced professionals are split 50/50).

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham
DontMakeMeShortYou][quote=Dazed and oh so Confused:
How do you cope with your work life imbalance in the finance industry? Is it worth it?

This has been discussed ad nauseum.[/quote]

The thread talks about if it is worth it, but doesn't talk about how people cope with the work life imbalance.

Still a decent topic to talk about.

I think that we are all clinging to a great many piano tops...

Just grind it out. Realize that you will miss out on dumb shit, but having 2 years of banking on your resume springboards you onto a lot of greater things. Plenty of people working themselves to the bone making a fraction of what you are making. Put things in perspective and advance forward.

Plenty of people working themselves to the bone making a fraction of what you are making. Put things in perspective and advance forward.
Exactly. What are you going to do, work at a non-profit for $25K because you 'feel good' about the work and then bitch about not getting paid enough? Take the 6$'s, sleep whenever you can, eat right, work out, and keep your eye on the prize. Having the equivalent of 5-10 years of most other people pay at the age of 23 isn't such a horrible thing.

And like I always say: if you can't hack it, there's line of people just waiting to replace you.

Get busy living

You can manage your stress by treating yourself. Treating yourself to what?

Clothes - TREAT YASELF Fragrances - TREAT YASELF Massages - TREAT YASELF Mimosas - TREAT YASELF Fine leather goods - TREAT YASELF


You can manage your stress by treating yourself. Treating yourself to what?

Fragrances - TREAT YASELF
Fine leather goods - TREAT YASELF

Are you a woman? That is a serious question...


You can manage your stress by treating yourself. Treating yourself to what?

Fragrances - TREAT YASELF
Fine leather goods - TREAT YASELF

Are you a woman? That is a serious question...

I'm not a woman. I am a man who watches Parks & Recreation.


You can manage your stress by treating yourself. Treating yourself to what?

Fragrances - TREAT YASELF
Fine leather goods - TREAT YASELF

Are you a woman? That is a serious question...

I'm not a woman. I am a man who watches Parks & Recreation.

You are quoting the wrong character then...


You can manage your stress by treating yourself. Treating yourself to what?

Fragrances - TREAT YASELF
Fine leather goods - TREAT YASELF

Are you a woman? That is a serious question...

I'm not a woman. I am a man who watches Parks & Recreation.

You are quoting the wrong character then...

I didn't think of an applicable Ron Swanson quote. This one was more applicable. Get the sand out of your pussy.


I'm trying to eat healthy, f.e. granola with fruits, yoghurt and nuts with an orange juice for breakfast (all provided in the office). Then some random stuff for lunch (no fast food) and a big salad for dinner. Eating good makes me feel pretty good, so that works for me.

In addition to that, I'm hitting the gym on the weekend and I'm also trying to go for a short run while hearing Bloomberg (15 minutes or so) before work once or twice a week. I know that 15 minutes are pretty useless in terms of fat burning etc., but it still helps me to start off my day and to feel better.

Moreover, I usually spend some time surfing the web, checking facebook, watching the news (as well as sports news) to keep sane after I left the office. I just need some time to unplug and want to know what's going on outside of my cubicle, even if it is 2am.

Lastly, I'm trying to go out on Friday or Saturday night (only once though, I want to catch up on sleep on the other night) to meet some friends and talk about some non-work related stuff.

Although the first year is pretty hard and I'm getting crushed every once in a while, I'm feeling quite ok, so it seems to work (at least for me).


here's what you do: after a bad day at work you go to a bar get real drunk and start walking home. go into the street and when you see a car's headlight stand in front of it and close your eyes; let it happen. when you survive and find yourself a paraplegic in a wheelchair, put an ad in the newspaper to find someone who looks exactly like you, same height, same face shape, race, same everything. the two of you will sign a contract, exchange ids, and at work he pretends he is you and you stay at home in your wheel chair preparing bags of your urine and blood in case he needs to be drug tested.

he makes the dough, you bang the hos. no stress

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria
here's what you do: after a bad day at work you go to a bar get real drunk and start walking home. go into the street and when you see a car's headlight stand in front of it and close your eyes; let it happen. when you survive and find yourself a paraplegic in a wheelchair, put an ad in the newspaper to find someone who looks exactly like you, same height, same face shape, race, same everything. the two of you will sign a contract, exchange ids, and at work he pretends he is you and you stay at home in your wheel chair preparing bags of your urine and blood in case he needs to be drug tested.

he makes the dough, you bang the hos. no stress



Actually, more like the hos bang you. Also make sure there's something in his past that precludes him from getting the job on his own.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
Actually, more like the hos bang you. Also make sure there's something in his past that precludes him from getting the job on his own.

oh shoot forgot the Fordham mba requirement, good catch.

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria
<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/economics/seigniorage target=_blank>Seigniorage</a></span>:
honestly it helps knowing that you don't need the job. Ever since my family inheritance has kicked in my stress levels have plummeted..and my comparative PnL improved :)

This is very true as well. As soon as I reached a level where I didn't really need to do it anymore, the stress slacked way off. Getting there was a bitch, though (no rich relatives in my family).


I'll answer the question, but don't take this as any kind of recommended course of action.

I was pretty much drunk all the time.

As soon as the market closed (and often a couple hours before), I'd hit the bottle pretty hard. Every day. I'd wake up the next morning feeling like death, down a bunch of Maalox, and go swing the bat. Friday afternoons were a blur, and I was usually fall-down wasted by about 8 pm.

I really tip my hat to monty09 if spending time with family helps him unwind; it sounds like you've got it figured out, bro. Spending time with family when I was trading (which basically consisted of my 2nd wife and her train wreck of a clan) was even more stressful than the market. If I could disappear inside a dark bar, I was in my happy place.

Edmundo Braverman:
I'll answer the question, but don't take this as any kind of recommended course of action.

I was pretty much drunk all the time.

As soon as the market closed (and often a couple hours before), I'd hit the bottle pretty hard. Every day. I'd wake up the next morning feeling like death, down a bunch of Maalox, and go swing the bat. Friday afternoons were a blur, and I was usually fall-down wasted by about 8 pm.

I really tip my hat to monty09 if spending time with family helps him unwind; it sounds like you've got it figured out, bro. Spending time with family when I was trading (which basically consisted of my 2nd wife and her train wreck of a clan) was even more stressful than the market. If I could disappear inside a dark bar, I was in my happy place.

growing up with a single father(ex marine) made me eat dinner with him every night at dining table. We would talk about our day and plans for next day... set a goal so we would both be working to get better every day. fast forward 20 years and I sit down my family every night at dining table and talk about our day and goals for next.... its funny cause when a 11 year old if giving you advice its usually pretty frank and often times spot on..


Handling stress is very important because if you get to stressed out it can seriously effect decision-making. Dealing with stress is a skill just like any other and you can get better at it through practice.

The first thing you need to do is to be prepared before you put on a trade...if you have good confidence in a trade due to solid research, have the trade sized properly and responsibly, and have a plan of where to stop the trade when it goes against you or when to remove it if it goes in your favor then you really dont need to have a lot to stressed about. Whatever happens wil happen but you have prepared in the right way and have a plan no matter what so there is no need to be stressed out.

If you are still stressed out despite good pre-trade preperation then you need to think bout why exactly you are stressed out. If you feel alot of stress but are confident in your trades and the way you are managing them then you just have to learn to deal with that stress. Mentally acknowledge that you are feeling stressed out, and move on with your day. Eventually with experience you will not feel stressed out in situations like this and they will become normal. Its a bit like weight lifting...every time I get more capital and my trade sizes go up i feel stressed for a period of time and then the new size becomes normal. However, sometimes stress can be a good indicator that you are doing something this trade to big? my stop set in the right place? is the idea sound? etc should all be questions you think about. You need to seriously think about why you are stressed and if the stress is a sign that you are doing something irresponsible then take off the trade.

Lastly, sometimes things will go against you for periods of time even when your doing the right stuff and you will get stressed out. It is important to do things like exercise, try to get sleep, etc. even when things are going against you. A good NFL cornerback dosent get fazed after he's been burned for a touchdown and a good trader needs to be the same way. Going out and getting drunk or locking yourself in ur apartment everytime you have a really good or a really bad run is not a way to have a long and profitable career. I used to do this and it is immature and really just ensures that along with stressed out you will be tired and hung over the next day. My goal is to have nobody be able to tell whether I am having a great day, a bad day, or something in between...this includes everyone from the guy sitting next to me to my girlfriend.

The whole point is that as long as you are sticking to your plan then you should recognize but not be phased by a little bit of natural stress. If the stress is a sign that you are doing something wrong then you need to address that issue. Keep your routine consistent so that stress dosent snowball and affect your decision-making.

My goal is to have nobody be able to tell whether I am having a great day, a bad day, or something in between...this includes everyone from the guy sitting next to me to my girlfriend.

The whole point is that as long as you are sticking to your plan then you should recognize but not be phased by a little bit of natural stress. If the stress is a sign that you are doing something wrong then you need to address that issue. Keep your routine consistent so that stress dosent snowball and affect your decision-making.

Great advice (especially that first part). Thanks!


Most banks, especially right when you start, frown upon going to the gym during the day and you won't have time at night. It's not even so much that the food you eat is bad, and on seamless it surely is, it's that there is so much of it and that you sit on your ass all day. On your weekends, even as an associate who works slightly less, you probably won't have the energy to goto the gym or do much beside catch up on all the normal living stuff that you didn't do during the week.

Look at any MD in the banks you apply to and guess their age. Then take off at least 5 to 10 to get to the right one.

--There are stupid questions, so think first.

In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


PowerMonkey - it's kind of interesting, actually. Nowadays a VP in M&A at any top firm would obviously have a shitty-ass life, but back in the Patrick Bateman days, hours in IB were actually okay.

Bankers weren't as desperate for clients; they didn't go on 10 different pitches with the hopes of getting signed to 1 deal. I think it was almost considered a genteel fallback career for upper-middle class white boys; certainly not today's pressure cooker of competition full of 3.85 GPA asian kids who had the option to go to Harvard Law but chose to work 100 hr weeks at GS so that they could go on to work 100 hr weeks at KKR.


Ok boys.....take some advice from a girl here.

  1. I walk home. I walk home from midtown to the LES after work. That is my workout. I am starting ballet lessons soon as well, at night, but you guys aren't into that. I used to do strength training as well, which is a great way to work out and build endurance. LOTS of squats and pushups etc.

  2. I am a pale blonde woman. Think slavic with the pale skin and dark circles under my eyes along with the blonde hair. I use makeup to cover up the circles (no one can ever tell, they think I have no circles) and I use a fake tanner. I use the sublime glow from that l'oreal place. It smells nice, leaves no streaks and makes me look hot. For guys, there's Jergens that works as well and does not smell nice and almondy.

  3. I use various skin products. I had acne for a bit, and use Murad's acne treatment.

  4. Lotion for the face- Always use something with alpha hydroxy stuff in it. Alpha Hydroxy acids will slough away the dead skin on the surface and leave your skin smoother and younger looking. It's the dead skin on the surface which contributes to age. Plus the kind I use (neutrogena spf 15 face lotion with alpha hydroxy) has the above mentioned spf 15 to guard from sun damage.

  5. I don't drink or do drugs. This helps. Drinking and doing drugs only ages you. I drink a ton of water though....not enough vitamins on my part...but hey you can't win them all.

  6. I eat some fatty stuff every now and then, but mostly it's salads and then maybe pork chops etc at night. For breakfast I eat granola bars. Snacks....ok...I eat a candy bar here and there and I raid the receptionists candy dish like a klepto.

  7. I am happy. Happy people look better.

/en fin. :)

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

How do you even do anything outside of crashing when you get home when you're working 18 hours a day?

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

I don't work 18 hours a day at a boutique. Nevertheless, none of this would take more than 15 min of your day, spread out over morning and night.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Well, except when I walk home from work...that takes like an hour.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

I eat healthy...lots of greens and lean meats and seafood. Fish especially is good for you, and the omega-3 helps a lot with concentration during the day. Also, spread your meals over the day to keep your insulin levels steady...try eating about 6-7 meals a day and never let yourself get hungry.

I work out 5 days a week: strength training, spinning and yoga. But in my team everyone works out or plays sports (squash, swimming, something) so it's very normal and accepted when you go to the gym around 6pm just before dinner or during lunch or something. Even MD plays squash three times a week.

Don't drink coffee or alcohol. If you must have caffeine, drink green tea. Drink copious amounts of water. I try to get about 3 litres a day. Don't smoke. Coffee, alcohol and smoking will wreck havoc on your body and your looks. Probably the reason why IBankers always look 10 years older than they really are.

Find a good multivitamin and use that daily.

This is a high-stress job and many people have different coping mechanisms. But I think this job is bad enough for your health as it is that you should try to make healthier choices where possible.

Result: Acne-free skin, youthful looks, strong body and mind and extremely high levels of efficiency and productivity. I also try to get 7 hours of sleep every night. I'll rather work a couple of hours over the weekend and spread my work through the week than have three all-nighters during the week.


1) Walk everywhere. Obviously easier if you're in NYC or another major city.

2) During the day take quick walking breaks - you probably don't have time to go to the gym for an hour in the middle of the day, at least not consistently.

3) Make sure you eat breakfast and try to eat small, healthy meals throughout the day instead of eating nothing and then devouring a 3,000 calorie dinner. Buy your own groceries if you have to, it's better to spend a little extra money and save your health.

4) No coffee/drugs/alcohol... no alcohol can be tough to pull off if you go out a lot but minimize as much as possible.

5) Find a 24-hour gym and go whenever you can. Only being able to go on weekends is not ideal but it is better than nothing at all.

That said, even if you are very health conscious and do all of the above, you will probably gain weight and be in worse shape just because you have to be in front of a computer for so many hours each day. But you can limit weight gain and stay healthier than your peers by following these and the suggestions of everyone else above.


-Bring lunch, snacks and dinner with you whenever possible. Get a pack or two of chicken breasts and brown rice, make it on Sunday night and it'll last you 2-3 days. Do the same for other types of meat. If you can't cook, find a nice lady to teach you.

-Stock up on nuts, whey protein, fat-free yogurt, fat-free cottage cheese and others. Whey protein isn't just for putting on muscle, it makes a cheap, healthy snack when mixed with milk or combined with cottage cheese, etc.

-Eat a lot of fruit and get the veggies in the microwave-safe packages. 4 minutes in the mic and your good to go.

-If you get carry-out, try The Pump. It's decent food, even if you're not used to eating healthy.

One final thing is to stick to your guns. Bringing a lunch bag and all the other stuff is sure to draw attention. Once a few weeks go by, people will stop criticizing you. And most likely, they'll take your lead on eating healthy. That was my experience, anyway.


I can't imagine working on a treadmill for 18 hours straight. I really just can't.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-


The 19th street gym is owned by a big douche. I used to work in the nightclub industry throughout college and one night I was upstairs in the club office (the club was on the main floor). We had had a lot of thefts going on, so they said that no one could go upstairs and party and what not anymore. I still left my stuff up there though (which was ok with them). Anyway, I got my stuff and my friend was really drunk so I struggling with her (I wasn't drinking) and this guy tried to go into the office when I was shutting the door. He was pretty much shoving me out of the way and when I argued with him, he called me a cunt and a bitch. His girl was with him there and tried to take him away from me and luckily the manager came up the stairs and asked what was going on. The guy took off. I found out that he was one of the owners of the 19th street gym the next day.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

i basically take a break for about five minutes every one hour during work...go down the stairs and up again...towards the end of the adds up to about an hours worth of exercising...its pretty cool..try it out....and you reach a point when you become so good at it..that you avoid taking elevators completely..


I can't find anything else out there on this. I stumble upon it when I was searching for "work stress" articles on the web yesterday. It does look real to me, like it's filmed from a security camera. Now that you mention it looks suspect to you and probably to some others as well, let's just take the moral of the story. If any of us feel like we're reaching break point, know that there is help available.

Stay sane!


paste this into youtube:

       бунт одного менеджера 2

strange, but it's kind of funny. the sound of the taser is great, too.

"Now that my friend is a clear cut case of him or me. And you best believe it ain't gonna be me."

________________________________________ø__________________________________________ "Now that my friend is a clear cut case of him or me. And you best believe it ain't gonna be me."
I came across a shocking video just posted on YouTube two days ago, showing how an office worker exploding from work stress. I know many of us here work extremely long hours. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I also think that “stress relief” is such a “meh” subject for many of us still.

I hope this video would hit you in the head (pun intended) if you’re not already actively doing something about your stress.

Let me warn you though, some of you may find this video disturbing (myself included).…

I wouldn’t want any of us here go bonkers.

Such a very amazing link!


-Drive fast in my porsche and cut people off. -Go to the club and flex my wrist -Listen to gangsta rap and learn new words and use them at work, even though I went to a prep school and an ivy league. Least I'm trill -Go to a chain restaurant with all you can eat like olive garden and get 6 all you can eat pastas just cus I can. -Go to a place like In and out and order one of everything on the menu and expense it and hand shit out to random people -Workout/run -Send emails to a list of friends and exchanged emails in rapid fire, hoping I don't have to leave my desk, because I'll get 100 emails I have to read/delete

-- Interview Guides GMAT Tutors WSO Resume Review --- Current: Senior Analyst - Hedge Fund Past: Associate - Tech Buyout Analyst - Morgan St their posts are very amusing then i go to Starbucks and ask the barista if she made my latte with skim even though i know i ordered it skim, but sometimes she screws up, and if she does, i take it out on her, say sorry, and leave her a nice tip on my drink for letting me yell at her. read the Post Page Six workout during my lunch break and take a nice shower before the day gets worse.


you don't de-stress. it consumes you. your hair greys and falls out. you put on weight because all of the gorging and consumption. the fast driving, aggressive behaviour adds to the stress in the long term as you have to do more every time. faster lane changes, more near collisions, arguments with bigger more dangerous people.... the momentary joy as your heart races fades quickly as the self loathing returns. it becomes a habit, where you secretly want to be caught and the disappointment sinks in rapidly every time you get away with it. worsening your condition and heightening your internal struggle.

it consumes you until you become one with what you do, with what you have become. a financial whore.

the only way to resolve the stress is to initialise the following ethos and moral code:

"whoredom. intercourse with people you despise. we are whores and are the best because we kiss."


seeking validation by putting other people down is a real waste of time buddy. look around your office and you will notice that sometimes, under certain circumstances (hence the one I alluded to but some people failed to understand), women are let off a little easier, especially those that do their jobs right.


Why not do it for free?

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

Are you sure "time" is the real issue here? Seems to me if you're paying a girl to talk/cuddle with you, you have bigger issues that may need adressing

LOLs! Lesbian?

[quote=Matrick][in reply to Tony Snark"]Why aren't you blogging for WSO and become the date doctor for WSO? There seems to be demand. [/quote] [quote=BatMasterson][in reply to Tony Snark's dating tip] Sensible advice.[/quote]

Nothing like a white collar beatdown to take the edge off after a long day.……

I don't think the hours are as much "stress" as "endurance" even during busy weeks, you still have a chunk of downtime waiting for revisions to be turned around.

You eventually stop thinking, "if I mess up, I am here longer" because you know, even if everything is perfect, there will be a change. Like:


You find something to get a release from the stress. For many, this results in getting slam-hammered on their days off so that they can feel alive during the few short free hours that they have. For others, they might take up hobbies or activities that they can put a couple hours into each week (for example, working out, even though this probably isn't as common as it should be since you're out getting wasted and then sleeping off the hangover, if you have the time).


It depends. What it is exactly that is stressing you out? The long hours? The workload? Dont get along with your boss/coworkers? Not a fan of the office atmosphere? Feel like you are under achieving?

There a million reasons why you can be stressed but the problem may be more deep rooted than you might think. Or it may be so simple that you are an idiot for being stressed about such a little thing


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Dolores quia velit qui qui quidem nisi. Beatae qui quidem rerum explicabo maxime reprehenderit fuga. Odio totam magnam illum accusamus nulla voluptas facere. At dolorem dolores quasi nobis.


Necessitatibus illum sed tempora qui asperiores quia blanditiis. Et nulla provident rerum magni porro. Quasi vero vitae quaerat provident officiis. Repellendus tenetur nulla vitae perspiciatis odit. Sapiente molestias ea iste quos est sed earum.

Asperiores quia voluptatem consequuntur et omnis similique. Ullam accusamus doloremque dolor voluptate. Voluptate cumque tempora impedit illum. Fuga voluptatem nihil distinctio magnam debitis quibusdam expedita.

Provident autem dolore quidem debitis officia. Vero modi sit debitis qui optio. Eos doloribus eveniet labore iusto ut et. Omnis odit nemo id qui dignissimos cum temporibus.

Vero voluptatem distinctio facilis nesciunt et placeat animi. Repellat vitae rerum non. Qui quia qui quas vitae dignissimos.


Eaque necessitatibus autem deleniti quis qui maxime error omnis. Mollitia qui at non. Dolores blanditiis et nobis sit at. Et dolores id ut minus ut aspernatur soluta.

Ut quod et tenetur quia rem accusantium. Hic et doloribus deserunt. Optio dolor et eligendi adipisci officia et ipsam. Consectetur et temporibus officia in. Consequatur corporis neque consequuntur nesciunt est optio qui. Repudiandae voluptatem suscipit officiis sed dolores quam. Veritatis molestias suscipit mollitia laborum velit rerum nemo rerum.


Est recusandae esse alias perferendis dolor itaque aut. Assumenda dolorem commodi ut sint dolor vitae consectetur. Ullam sit neque molestias. Sed excepturi et quae qui quia. Dolorem hic sed fugiat exercitationem vitae.

Non voluptatibus velit et fugit. Necessitatibus iusto cum vel sint dolore aliquam id minus. Vero possimus est in non non minus et. Suscipit et consequatur vel iusto et quo.

Et aspernatur delectus ipsum quia nobis sed nulla rem. Voluptas neque optio nam veritatis pariatur deserunt recusandae. Sequi quia qui quos non officia. Dolorem natus quia itaque eum sit aspernatur ipsam. Voluptatem aut sequi corrupti quod ut ut ipsum.

Odit sequi aut sunt. Quasi ut ut et qui voluptates dicta dolores. Sint consequatur unde magnam fugit corrupti libero. Ex quos voluptatem nulla harum voluptatum non. Et quis repellendus rem aut.


Explicabo aut praesentium sit qui id magnam temporibus. Dolore adipisci qui in ut quidem culpa. Veritatis quaerat voluptatem aperiam voluptatum ad voluptatum neque nisi. Ut id id ducimus architecto libero ab. Dolor voluptas aspernatur quia quae iusto eius. Aut consequatur sed omnis praesentium culpa.


Vitae est consequatur facilis. Debitis eum reiciendis quo ratione quaerat molestias. Repudiandae eius facere eaque saepe nihil consectetur. Dolorum facilis corporis cum provident aspernatur esse dolor.

Repellat sint labore eius repellat exercitationem. Qui facere cumque sed et nulla voluptatem mollitia.

Qui ut sit illo et qui. Voluptate inventore velit laboriosam iusto error aut eos iusto. Dolore nihil ut debitis omnis maxime est ut exercitationem. Saepe maiores magni voluptas molestiae.


Qui quia corporis aut consequatur mollitia minima cupiditate. Quidem repellat voluptate possimus ut quia amet. Saepe porro cumque sunt recusandae molestiae laborum aut.

Omnis aut magnam totam ea ut rerum quo ipsa. Qui nobis architecto quia fuga repellendus quod numquam. Qui quod animi hic.


Omnis et sit et facere aut aut. Consequuntur nesciunt sunt ut ut eveniet impedit. Repudiandae est iste ex eaque necessitatibus.

Ad dolor qui voluptatem enim in delectus. Aut esse quis esse sit quidem voluptatem omnis.

Voluptas fugiat maiores earum facere aliquam amet facilis dolores. Libero numquam corporis consequatur qui accusamus magnam omnis. Qui et dolores reprehenderit eligendi a ut odit. In voluptatem deleniti rerum ut velit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 03 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

April 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (87) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (66) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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