Roe v Wade overturned -- thoughts

It's official, Roe vs Wade has been overturned. Probably the most marked example to date that the multi-decade liberal court is firmly at an end. We'll see what impact this has on Nov 2022 elections. I can see 3 routes here:

Dems get absolutely crushed 

Dems get moderately crushed

Current balance preserved

This ruling probably makes #2 a likelier possibility though perhaps it doens't have a super big impact given we're still 5 months out from elections & economic issues are dominating. Any thoughts?


Republicans get fucked in the midterms Republican women get abortions too they just don’t talk about it just like homophobic republicans  congressmen that have been caught with a male prostitute.  



Republicans get fucked in the midterms 

Bet they don't lol

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

To be honest, saying that a political party will be impacted by a decision by a Supreme Court is idiotic because all candidates are different, even ones within their own party. Mitt Romney, whom I personally supported more than Trump, was also a Republican, but he never garnered enough support. Trump garnered enough support because there are too many losers in this country who are all derived from the batch of ancestors who couldn’t make it back home when they were still living across the Atlantic. 


Politics back then and now have been shaped by religion to gain popularity among the common people.Trump pays for abortions in bulk and sleeps with prostitutes and even he had to pretend to be Christian. It’s honestly really easy to go to church and not believe a single word you hear


Can't argue with shitlibs dude, I used to be moderately pro choice like yourself but what you realize about the far left (who have managed to pollute our politics in the past 5-10yrs) is that they don't listen to reason, can't stand up to facts & logic, and despise anything they feel contradicts their worldview. So ungodly hypocritical as well, when it's killing babies (which is what abortion is, don't sugarcoat it) it's not about the babies but about women's rights. But when it's about vaccines, you shouldn't have a right to your body. Makes 0 sense unless you're morally bankrupt 

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Only thing this does is force girls to turn to unsafe methods to cause an abortion. You want numbers? Look at Poland. Abortions stay the same but abortion-related deaths shoot up.

I'm a straight man with no child. There is no pro or con for me here, but I fear for my future daughters. Why is a teenager forced to keep a child if she was raped? 

Clarence Thomas also wants to go after access to contraception, being gay and same-sex relationships next. Ironic because that same precedent also bans interracial marriages but he conveniently leaves that out because he has a black wife.

For 99% of us on this forum, this does not affect us in the short-run but it will absolutely slide back decades of personal rights eventually. I'm assuming most of us here are Republicans - why are we cheering for the government telling us what we can and cannot do to our own bodies? 


Only thing this does is force girls to turn to unsafe methods to cause an abortion. You want numbers? Look at Poland. Abortions stay the same but abortion-related deaths shoot up.

I'm a straight man with no child. There is no pro or con for me here, but I fear for my future daughters. Why is a teenager forced to keep a child if she was raped? 

Clarence Thomas also wants to go after access to contraception, being gay and same-sex relationships next. Ironic because that same precedent also bans interracial marriages but he conveniently leaves that out because he has a black wife.

For 99% of us on this forum, this does not affect us in the short-run but it will absolutely slide back decades of personal rights eventually. I'm assuming most of us here are Republicans - why are we cheering for the government telling us what we can and cannot do to our own bodies? 

Bruh clarence thomas is black too


force girls to turn to unsafe methods to cause an abortion. 

Just threaten capital punishment for any American citizen attempting an abortion or anyone assisting an American citizen in an abortion, even in international waters, third world shitholes or whatever loopholes they have nowadays. 

The US navy is one of the largest in the world, second only to China. You guys can stop international waters abortions. You guys also have a bunch of bootlicking allies around the world who would gladly extradite American citizens who performed abortions overseas, as well as any doctors or nurses who performed the procedure.


If you think Canada, European nations, or Australia/New Zealand would extradite a US citizen for getting an abortion abroad, you are delusional beyond words. Its tantamount to political suicide in their home countries where even amongst conservatives, abortion access is a settled debate. 


I fall solidly as right and my religion absolutely is against abortion. However I am not a fan of this.  Federal regulation in a very logical, conservative way that sets pregnancy term limits, allowable circumstances due to crime, medical etc. are a better step directionally. I understand people say let’s have the states decide, but I say we disqualify men from voting because it’s not their body.  Who am I to make a decision about what you’re allowed to do.    Just as I wouldn’t expect you to choose my liberties


By the way, even more infuriating, is we have legislature in a state that are hyper focused on peeling back contraceptive access.  I'm fuming.  The same state that is losing population in it's high GDP cities due to brain drain.  It's unbelievable that a state could be so red headed about "getting back at liberals" and not see the writing on the wall about what's really happening in its own borders.  Companies already have trouble recruiting, and they're going to face an even more brutal environment to attract talent because crazies in the legislature are stomping their feet and shouting for draconian rules as if they don't already have the population already voting right.  These politicians in this state aren't even good politicians.


Stopped reading after the pathetic rape argument, another 0.1% scenario being focused on like this admins obsession with tranny protections instead of the economy.  

.  You must’ve heard that from your liberal parents growing up. 

My view is life and human rights begin at the heartbeat, and I’m not even religious, it’s just common sense imo. 

Also, you have to love how it’s being called “reproductive rights” it has a nice ring to it instead of what it fucking is which “Right to kill babies” 

while I mention all this, I do recognize this will likely lead to much higher crime rates in 20 years, there have been numerous studies around this, But I just don’t think killing babies is the right way to deal with that problem 



Only thing this does is force girls to turn to unsafe methods to cause an abortion. You want numbers? Look at Poland. Abortions stay the same but abortion-related deaths shoot up.

I'm a straight man with no child. There is no pro or con for me here, but I fear for my future daughters. Why is a teenager forced to keep a child if she was raped? 

Clarence Thomas also wants to go after access to contraception, being gay and same-sex relationships next. Ironic because that same precedent also bans interracial marriages but he conveniently leaves that out because he has a black wife.

For 99% of us on this forum, this does not affect us in the short-run but it will absolutely slide back decades of personal rights eventually. I'm assuming most of us here are Republicans - why are we cheering for the government telling us what we can and cannot do to our own bodies? 

Now do gun control and drug scheduling. It says more about Western culture that we drive women to resort to killing their children vs having them and just leaving them at the fire station. Arguing for abortion is arguing against the human right to life of the child. No movement that has sought to deny a group of people basic human rights on the basis of an immutable characteristic (race, sex, age, etc.) has ever been successful over the long-term in Western society. The argument for legalizing abortion will inevitably evolve into the right to terminate the disabled and the elderly, of that I'm almost certain. We already see one justification of abortion being if the child has "severe deficiencies" - essentially a friendlier way of saying that those who would be disabled from birth have no fundamental right to exist. It is one of the ultimate slippery slopes. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion


Only thing this does is force girls to turn to unsafe methods to cause an abortion. You want numbers? Look at Poland. Abortions stay the same but abortion-related deaths shoot up.

I'm a straight man with no child. There is no pro or con for me here, but I fear for my future daughters. Why is a teenager forced to keep a child if she was raped? 

Clarence Thomas also wants to go after access to contraception, being gay and same-sex relationships next. Ironic because that same precedent also bans interracial marriages but he conveniently leaves that out because he has a black wife.

For 99% of us on this forum, this does not affect us in the short-run but it will absolutely slide back decades of personal rights eventually. I'm assuming most of us here are Republicans - why are we cheering for the government telling us what we can and cannot do to our own bodies? 

Bullshit - provide us a source on that presumptive second paragraph of yours.


any thoughts? I'm not educated enough in jurisprudence to see if the court was just striking down a legally weak precedent or if this was in fact an ideological attack from the right on the left, so I'll leave that to the legal experts. I personally don't let abortion govern my voting decisions (and before you say that's easy for me since I'm a dude, my wife doesn't either), although it may be harder to avoid this year because it's now a state's rights issue so I may find myself voting 3rd party more than normal if the republicans on offer are more falwell esque and the democratic competition believes in MMT. who knows

other thoughts are did anyone see caio ibelli's perfect 10 today??? also, I think adesanya destroys cannonier next weekend, vera beats cruz and there's a good argument for him to get the next 135 title shot, jessica rose clark will impress more with her body than with her fighting, and alex pereira will scare the shit out of everyone and call out izzy for the matchup we've all actually been waiting for. 


I think Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is the critical framework here for most voters. Sure you have single issue voters for stuff like abortions / guns / etc but whatever

I don't let abortion govern my voting decisions either, there are far more important things to worry about. Would you rather have a moron who's pro abortion or an intelligent, competent person who's anti-abortion as a congressman? A rational person would choose the latter


I don't let abortion govern my voting decisions either, there are far more important things to worry about. 

Spoken like a true baby killer. “More important things to worry about.” Huh? What is more important than life?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The problem here isn't abortion per se.  Simply put this is about freedom of religion.

Different people (and different religions) have different moral judgments about if and when abortions are morally ok. 

For 50 years, SCOTUS has defended women's rights against Christian theocrats who would force their moral judgments on others.  If there is no protection against Christian theocrats forcing their morality on others in this case - then freedom of religion is dead.  Welcome to Christian theocracy.


It was a weak ruling from the second it was issued. It invented a right out of thin air based on “penumbras and emanations” that were completely absent from American legal tradition or culture until the SCOTUS pulled them out of their ass. There were liberal legal academics at the time who thought it was shit. Ginsburg didn’t like the legal reasoning.

In a country where most states banned abortion, it created by judicial fiat among the most radical abortion legal frameworks in the world. In America it froze in time the process that was ongoing in Europe, of gradual liberalization. The standard in Europe now is around 16 weeks. Roe and Casey took it much further, and into a realm that most Americans find grotesque and evil. It created the pro life movement almost over night. 


alex pereira will scare the shit out of everyone and call out izzy for the matchup we've all actually been waiting for. 

I am pumped to see Alex hopefully keep progressing, dude looks like a bonafide killer. Also the mind games if he gets to Adesanya will be great. Not easy for a champ to have that voice in the back of their head that this is the guy who KO'd you


I love how supposed Christians think Jesus would love them condemning women to die from ectopic pregnancy or stillbirths that rot inside their womb. Not surprising though considering they used Christianity as the basis to rape the people they kidnapped and raised like livestock and enslave their own children they had with them. 


I reckon reps will be crushed by it. This affects republicans as well, and people will see this as an attack on their rights. I imagine the there will be an increase in democrats because of it


Yeah this is my thought as well. Younger voters are going to be swayed even more to vote blue and you’re going to probably see the highest 18-24 voter participation rate recorded thus far.


Since we've effectively known about this coming for nearly a month now, it's less of a 'shock' to me than I would imagine it may be for many others. Honestly, I'm a little more phased on the other things Thomas cited in his report, with banning same-sex marriage and contraception mentioned. While I'm pretty red on the spectrum, I think that trying to push this over to getting rid of same-sex marriage and contraception is a massive overreach and misstep by the government. 

Fuck who you want to fuck. Never understood why people are against that. In addition, having safe & reliable access to birth control, IUDs, and other things fixes the literal fucking abortion argument for both sides. While I know that we shouldn't take a few words from an addendum report as law and freak out, I can honestly say I never imagined Roe to get overturned in the first place, so who knows. 

I think cryptocapital did a good job in his analysis on precedence regarding issues that weigh most on the American people right now. The rank process is true, and it will be interesting to see how other laws get overturned or modified - regardless of their political stance - in the future if/when inflation and prices lower. 


Proudest I've been of this country in a while. Life wins and murdering babies loses. Libs can learn to cope. Don't want to be pregnant/get a partner pregnant in a State where you're unable to get an abortion? Be thoughtful about who you fuck and use protection or move to a blue state. Don't like this ruling? Then elect people to Congress to pass an actual law about abortion rather than falling back on poorly supported precedent set by unelected, lifetime appointment judges. The real choice should be whether or not to have sex with someone, not whether or not to kill a child that resulted from your otherwise sound decision-making. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

 The real choice should be whether or not to have sex with someone, not whether or not to kill a child that resulted from your otherwise sound decision-making. 

Reason women would want abortions that have nothing to do with "sound decision making": rape, incest, ectopic pregnancies', or the millions of other reasons that a mom's life can be in danger if she delivers to term.

My best friend, "pro-life" Republican voting was recently pregnant with her husband, only to find out around 25 weeks that the baby's brain developed to 10% of normal size, and that the baby would live less than an hour if carried to term. She and her spouse made the tragic but rationale decision to terminate to spare further heartbreak and trauma. 

She lives in a state that will now require her to carry that unviable pregnancy to term. Just barbaric stuff from the active judiciary SCOTUS and another decision that goes aganist the majority will of the public, protected by minority rule in the Senate. Issue aside, that is simply an untenable balance of power for a healthy democracy. Clarence Thomas has already signaled he is eager to review cases that settled contraception and gay marriage.

I am begging Republicans to put "owning the libs" on hold for a sec, and think deeper than surface level about every issue facing the country.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
I am begging Republicans to put "owning the libs" on hold for a sec, and think deeper than surface level about every issue facing the country.

You are barking up the wrong tree here man.


Your point  reflects on the states interpretation of Roe V. Wade being overturned which I think will be big in deciding the future of the Republican Party. Will they pass common sense pro-life laws that allow for exceptions for rape, incest or the mothers life in danger, or will they force raped 12 year olds to carry babies to term and be relaxed on prosecuting the rapist and cause mothers to die due to a twisted notion of “pro-life”?

The former I would argue is a disagreement of opinions that moderates on both sides of the aisle can respect, the latter is close to barbaric and may be enough to be the death of the party for the next decade or so and potentially even permanent at the national level if Trump runs 3rd-party in 2024 as some suspect. 

If the far-right decides to go back to the days of “she asked for it” and victim blaming a girl getting raped because she wore shorts (which shows how morally bankrupt such Christians are) that may very well mean I never live in a red state again which was not my plan. I simply cannot start dating or marrying someone only to have them raped and the victim (my gf/wife) being forced to carry to term with another man’s baby. Let the abortion carry out and the rapist be charged with murder (which Republican politicians would never do as they would find themselves with life sentences). 

My best friend, "pro-life" Republican voting was recently pregnant with her husband, only to find out around 25 weeks that the baby's brain developed to 10% of normal size, and that the baby would live less than an hour if carried to term. She and her spouse made the tragic but rationale decision to terminate to spare further heartbreak and trauma. 

She lives in a state that will now require her to carry that unviable pregnancy to term.

Why can't she just drive to another state? 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

 The real choice should be whether or not to have sex with someone, not whether or not to kill a child that resulted from your otherwise sound decision-making. 

Reason women would want abortions that have nothing to do with "sound decision making": rape, incest, ectopic pregnancies', or the millions of other reasons that a mom's life can be in danger if she delivers to term.

My best friend, "pro-life" Republican voting was recently pregnant with her husband, only to find out around 25 weeks that the baby's brain developed to 10% of normal size, and that the baby would live less than an hour if carried to term. She and her spouse made the tragic but rationale decision to terminate to spare further heartbreak and trauma. 

She lives in a state that will now require her to carry that unviable pregnancy to term. Just barbaric stuff from the active judiciary SCOTUS and another decision that goes aganist the majority will of the public, protected by minority rule in the Senate. Issue aside, that is simply an untenable balance of power for a healthy democracy. Clarence Thomas has already signaled he is eager to review cases that settled contraception and gay marriage.

I am begging Republicans to put "owning the libs" on hold for a sec, and think deeper than surface level about every issue facing the country.

I truly can't stand the fact that you and other progressives simply can't comprehend that people who oppose abortion are not doing it out of desire to deny a woman's rights but out of recognition of the baby's right to life and liberty. I guess I'll just have to stick to the plain procedural reasoning for why Roe vs Wade was established on shaky ground to begin with and has no business dictating policy among the States.

Abortion has nothing to do with the Constitution. SCOTUS is not meant to be an unelected legislature dictating law via their opinions from the bench on every culturally relevant matter. They are meant to preserve order as laid out by our legal system, nothing more, nothing less. The Democrats have control of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. If this matters so much, then just pass an amendment. That is what the Legislative branch is for, hence why the representatives are supposed to change to be more reflective of the culture in its current form. But they can't. Why is that? Because the attitude towards abortion varies widely across this country, even within the Democrat party.

For decades the most vocal supporters of abortion, even in places as liberal as Chicago 20+ years ago, understood that it was supposed to be safe, legal, and rare.

Side note - Why rare if there's nothing wrong with it? It's almost as though even then people fully understood the reality of what was being done. 

Colorado recently introduced propositions to allow abortions completely unrestricted, including up to the point of birth. As in, the woman could be due in a few days and just unilaterally decide to have that child murdered. Now if someone puts forth legislation that explicitly lays out the only exceptions for abortion being those in situations like your friend's - cases where the child will with near 100% certainty not survive post-birth - then I would understand and be able to accept that. But it never stays there with progressives, it always progresses up moving into "well what if the baby has down syndrome, or autism, or some physical disability". It degenerates into literal eugenics every single time if you follow the logical path and don't spell out a clear line in the sand which progressives never do, just copping out to "it's the woman's choice". 

To make it even simpler for you:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” 

If you're going to comment on a court's ruling based off of a document that underpins our entire legal system you should really try to Read. The. Fucking. Document. This is also why on the flip side the Federal government can nullify any State's gun laws that extend beyond amendments passed at the Federal level. Because firearm ownership is a right of the people to be defended by the Federal government as explicitly laid out in the constitution.  

There are 50 States with their own legislatures. They make decisions on everything not explicitly covered in the Constitution. No one is taking abortion away in the States where it's blue and it's what the majority of people want a.k.a the places most likely to get hit by riots if they happen over this decision. In States that are red, the majority of people (in many red states a higher % of women than men who support restricting/banning abortion) will support legislating the issue however they deem appropriate. Or do people only have a right to govern themselves when they agree with the progressive POV when exercising all that democracy the Democrats love to talk about defending ? 

A baby from the moment of inception is a genetically unique human, wholly separate from the mother while simultaneously kept alive and allowed to develop because of her. Its got its own heartbeat. Its own brain. Its own senses. And depending on whether you're religious or not, its own soul. And that's why I'm proud of this ruling. I don't give a flying fuck about owning the libs, I don't even remotely think about how progressives feel about this issue because I believe it's a moral imperative to advocate for the rights of the unborn. 

Thomas isn't eager to target cases because they're about these major cultural issues. He's eager to do the job of SCOTUS and follow the damn Constitution. Either Congress needs to pull their heads out of their asses and pass legislation people actually care about - not just perpetually pass omnibus spending or emergency wartime aid - or leave it to the State legislatures to do the job of passing laws wanted by the people they represent. 

r/Anarcho_Capitalism - A lot of the pro life people I know became pro life when situations like this became normalized.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Protection doesn't always work

Carrying a fetus to term can be unsafe for the woman

Cases of rape, incest, etc.

This is also in the face of the country's inability to regulate guns (i.e. more important to limit women's rights with their bodies than to limit semi-auto weapons) or provide real solutions for affordable healthcare. You can't make the argument that those who support banning abortions but do not support gun regulation or healthcare reform are pro-life.



Protection doesn't always work

The pill taken properly is over 99% effective. IUDs are above 99% as well. Nuvaring above 99%.

Birth Control Effectiveness | Pearl Index | Natural Cycles

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

100%. People are always citing rape / incest, but that's a mere fraction of the total number of cases. Most of the time people aren't careful about who they have sex with, do't use protection, etc. That's on them, you can't have your fun and then murder babies because you don't want to deal with the consequences 


So by your own admission rape/incest should be easy exceptions because it’s only a small percent of cases correct? The reason it won’t happen is because the far right firmly believe it is always the girl’s fault if she is raped so carrying the baby to term is adequate punishment for wearing shorts or a tank top. I’m not making this up, I know churches that actively teach this and even more extreme doctrine. 


I was going to chime in with this. If you allowed abortion only in the case of rape or incest, then the number of abortions would still drop dramatically--the difference between "All abortions including rape and incent" and "All abortions excluding rape and incent" be a rounding error at best.

Remember, always be kind-hearted.
PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

Proudest I've been of this country in a while. Life wins and murdering babies loses. Libs can learn to cope. Don't want to be pregnant/get a partner pregnant in a State where you're unable to get an abortion? Be thoughtful about who you fuck and use protection or move to a blue state. Don't like this ruling? Then elect people to Congress to pass an actual law about abortion rather than falling back on poorly supported precedent set by unelected, lifetime appointment judges. The real choice should be whether or not to have sex with someone, not whether or not to kill a child that resulted from your otherwise sound decision-making. 

You need serious help if this is the proudest you’ve been in a while lol

PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

Proudest I've been of this country in a while. Life wins and murdering babies loses.

Proud GIFs | Tenor

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

It feels good. Even if the ruling doesn't last my lifetime, I'm glad to say I voted for someone who made this possible. God bless 😇

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

So has Biden gotten back into the church's favor?

r/PoliticalCompassMemes - Everything according to plan 🇻🇦😎

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Do you understand that one of the justices who made this ruling also wants to ban contraception and Alabama is also making that same push? Can you imagine the societal drag that we will have to go through once millions of idiots who can't figure out how to pull out have unwanted and equally feeble-minded children?


I also think Republicans aren't prepared for seeing what comes next on the Left after Grandpa Bi-partisan Biden. You picked Trump because "he fights". The Left can fight too.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Lol what are you going to "fight" for? Defunding the police, trannie bathrooms and Title IX gender pronoun rules, stripping parental school rights, aborting babies, pretending racism is a real issue or that blacks aren't beating the fuck out of Asians? Monkeypox lockdowns? Slavery reparations? Adding more stupid bullshit to the sodomy flag?

Far-left organizations are barely even internally functional because they devolve into insane wokie hierarchy jockeying and shit-flinging. Bernie dealt with this in 2020 when he let the parasite in. He eventually had to tell people to stop hiring activists and just get boring people who would do the fucking job they signed up for. Democrats radicalized themselves into non-electability and fooled themselves into thinking otherwise because Trump was around to organize against.

So yeah we're definitely "prepared" to watch whatever insane pet causes urban liberal Jews care about get shot down by the electorate while Republicans run on a campaign of order, normalcy, decency, and effective governance. But maybe Team Chaos can sneak in a couple more victories if Trump wins again. 


I don't understand how anyone can think this is good for future conservative prospects. Abortion was THE wedge issue the GOP used (prior to the mid-70s, evangelicals even supported it, mostly as a cudgel against those yankee catholics who opposed it).

Ever notice how Trump / McConnell never ACTUALLY did anything at the national level about restricting access to abortion? It's like the GOPs #1 issue - you can clearly reduce access in a Roe world via restricting federal funds - so why didn't they? BECAUSE THE FIGHT AGAINST ABORTION GETS GOP VOTORS TO THE POLLS

Except now you're the dog who caught the car. Democrats have an easy rallying cry: if you vote for GOP, they'll impose a national ban on abortion and contraception (which is prob true). For 50 years democrats had no real single-issue voters besides unions because most could breathe easy knowing Roe was there. Now it's gone. Now Democrats feel the pinch that they never had before to go vote. Combine this with record numbers of liberals moving to former GOP strongholds due to the pandemic, I am not so sure that a red wave is so imminent. The ingrained advantage GOP has in the senate could quickly and easily flip - all it takes is a few low population states with enough recently-moved pissed of tech workers to change the tide. 

Take it from the man himself: Trump Privately Called a Roe v. Wade Reversal ‘Bad’ for His Party -


Interesting take though ultimately I'd argue it's not as big an impact as you think for a couple reasons:

1. Republicans can point to this as a win & use it motivate the base on other issues. "We did it here, we'll do it again on the other issues that matter"

2. Lots of other issues that matter & inspire fervent support. Guns are a huge one

3. LGBTQ issues are another 

4. Economic stagnation is a new issue hurting everyone but most particularly republicans. This will always be a source of motivation as Dems just haven't cared about red states 

5. Culture wars have exploded to new levels, including Education. Teaching kids they are amorphous blobs that should should call themselves "they" is a huge issue, this even motivated people in VA to vote in a Republican governor 

6. Economic pain this year in particular is a MAJOR factor & will drive a lot of moderates over to republican side

7. Republicans don't just want Roe vs Wade overturned, they want a nationwide abortion ban. Just like Dems want nationwide abortion access. So abortion like it or not will still be a major issue. This is critical. The next issue will be abortion oases like IL which will be painted as circumventing the issue 

My guess is this will end up being a modest hit to the party at most -- maybe a minor one -- but one where other issues will quickly fill the gap. On the tech workers, I'm not sure the quantum of tech workers is enough to tilt states over the balance. Esp with massive tech layoffs and returns to offices, much of that is being stemmed right now anyway. The other to keep in mind with economic stagnation is that for every high-paid tech worker, there are 2 other unemployed / poorly paid men who are angry that they've been left behind & these inequalities are only getting worse. So voting Dem is not a given. Voting liberal, pie in the sky policies makes sense to people in good times but the US is in structural decline as a superpower with massive amounts of economic stagnation -- this is simply a fact & will lead to wild swings in our politics for decades to come (unless country itself collapses which is a non trivial possibility) 

EDIT: One more thing, given people ultimately vote with their feet & given tech hiring has been scrubbed for near future -- this likely makes blue voters less willing to move to red states which are being touted as up and coming tech hubs (NC / TX / GA / FL). All 4 could potentially put in bans or at least make it restrictive which are likely to make blue voting women not want to move there. This Supreme court is also intent on returning more states rights it seems vs. federal, which will solidify certain regions as Red vs. Blue more so than we appreciate today


Most users here now are literal hacks & morons so it shouldn't be a surprise that they can't see the longer-term picture. Obviously the median voter's attention will currently be placed on economic matters but, like Alt-Ctr-Left alluded to, decisions like this further entrenches polarization and just means when the political pendulum swings one way, it is bound to swing the other . But yet they'll still be the same morons complaining daily & weekly about leftist policy and leftist candidates being elected when it's obvious how we got here.  


I am literally unable to imagine a plausible scenario where GOP doesn't dominate everything for the next several decades. The "New Liberal World Order" is over. Everybody is sick and tired of their bullshit, including affirmative action, DEI programs, globalization, the destruction of traditional (christian) family values, open borders, illegal immigration, exploding crime rates, LGBTQIA2+ degeneracy running amok, critical race theory being treated as real science, the number of drug addicts and homeless running around everywhere, being encouraged by safe drug use shelters and whatnots.

A new age is coming, one where the white, protestant man will be on his throne, with women, BIPOCs and LGBTQIA2+ trannies at his feet, begging for mercy. 


The GOP (other than maybe DeSantis) will likely not capitalize on the sentiments you described. They serve as a group to people that get elected on the platform of "government is bad" and then manage to do nothing useful while in government. They drink the kool-aid on small government and then forget that political power flows to those that want to wield it. The Democrats have a large bench of trained public policy professionals ready to run on day 1 of Biden's election; 6 years ago, Trump was letting Kushner staff random bros in random departments and the civil servants just ignored their incompetent bosses during his admin, biding their time until they could report to people actually skilled in wielding political power and influencing public policy. None of this is an endorsement of the Democrats or of Liberals, other than a grudging respect for their usage of political power.


A new age is coming, one where the white, protestant man will be on his throne, with women, BIPOCs and LGBTQIA2+ trannies at his feet, begging for mercy. 

The only one who will be begging for mercy is you, who will be hopelessly crying at the feet of colored, LGBTQIA2+ women. 

On another note, your comment actually highlights your inferiority, because true, upper class people don’t need validation (or people begging at their feet). The fact that you even envisioned a scenario where people would be begging at your feet is BECAUSE YOU GOT NOTHING GOING FOR YOU. Hahaha

and oh, I’m not done: the real losers are those who got nothing going for themselves AND rather than trying to change that, they try to make themselves feel better by pretending they’re better (in this case, thinking that others would beg at their feet). 

Out of everyone I ever met in my life, you are the BEST example of what’s called a loser. AHAHAHAHA


Shits about to get turned up tonight. Someone is posting these flyers around DC calling for a “Night of Rage.”


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

This is what happens when the commoners don't respect law and order. We need martial law back into this godforsaken country. Crime rates have been rising ever since Obama's time, we need another Reagan/Nixon to suppress dissent and stop minorities from looting, pillaging, burning and raping.


I'm going to bump this topic in November when Republicans still kick the shit out of Democrats and all of you are forcefully reminded that most voters care about material concerns and not identity bullshit. We've known about this for several weeks and through that time Democrat poll numbers have only slipped.

On the ruling itself, the Supreme Court wisely recognized that a one-size-fits-all mandate that puts us in company with the planet's most evil countries (North Korea, China, Canada) wasn't appropriate, and that we would be much better off if this works its way through the legislature like it does in most other civilized countries. 

sneed and feed

I'm going to bump this topic in November when Republicans still kick the shit out of Democrats and all of you are forcefully reminded that most voters care about material concerns and not identity bullshit. We've known about this for several weeks and through that time Democrat poll numbers have only slipped.

On the ruling itself, the Supreme Court wisely recognized that a one-size-fits-all mandate that puts us in company with the planet's most evil countries (North Korea, China, Canada) wasn't appropriate, and that we would be much better off if this works its way through the legislature like it does in most other civilized countries. 

Yeah... my guess is you're a man.  Most women do give a shit about reproductive rights.

The GOP wasn't happy about this as a political party because they just gave the Democrats a massive bludgeon to whip up voters in November.  You may care about spending a couple extra bucks at the pump (and it's amazing how conservatives are all for free markets until it's them paying), but many women, especially younger ones, probably care a lot more about being forced to bear a fetus to term and the physical, emotional, and financial costs of that.


Ozymandiamany women, especially younger ones, probably care a lot more about being forced to bear a fetus to term and the physical, emotional, and financial costs of that.

“Forced?” yeah ok buddy. Women aren’t forced to have sex unless in cases of rape. They are responsible enough to have sex, they should be responsible enough not to kill a life due to their own decisions. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Women and men barely differ at all in their opinions on abortion. The pro-life movement is spearheaded by women. Shockingly, women also care about babies. Democrats have had this "bludgeon" to fear monger about for months, and they've tried. It hasn't done shit, and it won't do shit. Most people who care very deeply about abortion as one of their top issues are already committed blue voters. This argument pure lefty cope.

Your line on "a couple extra bucks at the pump" is great because it captures exactly why shitlibs are faring so horribly in polls and will get stomped in November. You aren't a serious ideology party anymore. You've become so unglued from reality and out of touch with what average working class people give a shit about that you think multi-decade record inflation with people barely able to afford their food, rent, daily commute, electricity etc. is some triviality for most people. 

If you think "murdering babies" is above the basics of comfortable survival in the hierachy of needs then you're probably smoking crack in an open air tent city in some shitlib hellhole.


It'll be interesting to see if this reverses the demographic trends of wealthier people moving to relatively conservative Sunbelt states.  Yes, lower taxes, but most women aren't going to want to be literal slaves to their rapist's (potential) child.  Could see a mass exodus of wealthy people, businesses trying to retain employees or just protesting such barbarity... which just means blue states will have to do more to subsidize their poor, uneducated brethren in the South and West.


Aspernatur et voluptates est in ipsa necessitatibus. Nam voluptatibus nesciunt porro animi sed vero cumque. Expedita rerum earum molestiae qui fugit consequatur. Voluptatum perspiciatis atque molestiae ullam. Perferendis commodi reprehenderit officiis nihil non maxime ea molestias. Eligendi debitis et a.

Aut iusto dolorem maiores et incidunt. Laboriosam eligendi atque eligendi nam eveniet et nulla. Reiciendis ea et et dolores aspernatur nesciunt. Minus libero aliquam quia fugit cumque. Quod deserunt sit debitis inventore. Nihil aut nobis dolor qui incidunt omnis odio.

Voluptatum molestiae voluptatem qui. Eum consequatur dolores occaecati error placeat. Aspernatur velit vitae debitis aliquam et. Quis eligendi soluta asperiores nihil repellat velit qui. Perspiciatis dolor sunt sunt. Minima quia sunt iste consequatur. Tempore vel sit cum.


Distinctio laborum aut voluptatem ut unde libero. Qui et totam nihil. Ea deserunt rerum tempora assumenda soluta aut.

Asperiores soluta repellat deleniti sed. Excepturi expedita qui qui minus. Modi est et eos veniam ut quia aut.

Cumque ea veniam incidunt incidunt. Tempora odio nisi mollitia necessitatibus. Et natus corporis illo quia eveniet. Sit accusantium vero ipsam quasi voluptatum distinctio.


Deserunt minus esse autem libero omnis sit tenetur. Reprehenderit qui aut voluptates culpa veritatis. Dicta consectetur alias laboriosam omnis quidem. Aut non est eum.

Voluptas ipsam impedit quo et numquam occaecati aliquam. Nobis animi molestiae dignissimos facere provident nihil. Facere numquam ut doloribus dolorum dolore sunt. Blanditiis mollitia quo molestiae minima. Quaerat reprehenderit quo sit repellendus similique corrupti repudiandae. Temporibus voluptatem doloribus deleniti nihil. Autem iusto iusto iusto.

Eligendi eligendi omnis enim saepe. Sed quis sit sit nostrum eaque adipisci laborum. Aut omnis voluptatem facere veniam fugiat nulla nulla. Voluptas a alias provident et autem doloribus. Qui distinctio modi enim dolor praesentium. Cupiditate sint et non qui velit sint. Perspiciatis laboriosam ducimus hic ducimus.

Unde eum veniam non ducimus libero. Facilis voluptate ea numquam molestiae quia voluptatum. Fugiat magnam ipsa architecto est et. Sapiente optio maiores est blanditiis illum.

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