Point72 SA 2020 New Externship Program

Just a PSA, Point72 created a virtual externship program for this summer. Here's what was in the email:

We've heard that many internship opportunities for this summer have been cancelled, leaving students in limbo and unable to build skills and network. Especially for the Class of '21, this is a crucial time to explore options before graduation, and we want to help.

Our Point72 Academy team is hosting an intensive, four-week, virtual externship this July. Selected students will be coached by our Academy and Investment Professional Development teams, gain insights from Point72 Investment Professionals, and work with peers to prepare and present case studies to our teams.

Point72 will provide a competitive stipend, and successful candidates will be invited to interview for our 2021 full-time Point72 Academy Associate class.

The program runs from July 6th-July 31st, and we will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis through May 15th.


Do you know who the email was sent to (like just certain schools/years)?


who are they targeting for this? to my knowledge a lot of the better internships haven't been cancelled, but moved online already


I have been in communication with recruiters for Point72 about this programme, as my current position requires to discuss opportunities for my organisation. The process is on a rolling basis( first come first serve), there will be a phone screen, superday offer. The process is estimated to be relatively accelerated when compared to banks and P72's typical internship process.


they arent taking international students as well it looks like - which is weird


The program is described as “intensive” and during the same week most banking internships are starting now that they have moved virtual. I’m assuming your trolling but that sounds like a fast track to no return offer and a poor performance review on this...


Interesting how this can only lead to an interview for a FT position instead of an actual FT offer...


This is tempting, but yes, seems like bad idea to do in conjunction with another internship. I would think that, if firm you have current internship found out, they probably would view it as lack of commitment to their program. Plus, as said above, who even knows if doing two of them at same time is even doable.


I wonder if other companies will follow suit and put similar programs in place


They sent this email over a few different avenues. I applied last year so I got the email directly from them (assuming it just went out to everyone who applied to the SA program), but I also go to a target and got this blasted via like 9 different email lists/handshake etc.

Also worth noting that they mention a 'competitive stipend' so its very unclear what Point 72 is getting out of this- I wonder if they intend on hiring a significant amount of people from this or if its just for the good press.


Does anyone know how the interview process will work?

Is it hirevue -> first round -> superday -> offer?


I heard about through an email today from a team that collates several virtual opportunities for college students during the pandemic. I'm a rising sophomore, and says that this is targeted at juniors. But does anyone have an insight on whether it's worth it for me to apply anyway?

"The beauty of me is that I'm very rich."

I am the sponsorship chair for an organization sponsored by Point72, and I have been in communication with them regarding the programme. The externship programme is exclusively for juniors; students in other grades should reach out to recruiters about the Summer 2021 Internship Programme( Recruiting for that picks up in late July).


The program is targeted for people who don't have an internship or who have had theirs cancelled. There wouldn't be time for both.


yikes...that sucks...Im not sure why they did the no sponsorship as they dont do it for other programs

when did you apply? Did they instantly send you the rejection after you applied


Interning at a BB this summer so I'm not eligible for this, but want to be on the radar of Point72 for full-time recruiting just in case. Are there any initiatives to indicate interest in the firm for those who can't apply to this?


They just sent out an email.

"Good afternoon,

Thank you for applying to the 2020 Academy Externship role. For further consideration and in order for us to best understand your availability to complete the program, please respond (in detail) to the question below. Kindly respond by 8:00am ET on May 7th.

Have you committed to, or do you intend to commit to, any other employment opportunity, internships or similar during the month of July?


Academy Recruiting"


I really want to do it but idk how to manage this with a full(consulting) internship?


with that being said whats the process from now on? was there a screen before to decide who/who doesnt get this email....then first round....then superday? how competitive is this program seen as its basically a 4 week crash course


In terms of competitiveness I would argue probaly much harder( in terms of acceptence rate %) than internships at banks. You have canidates who have had their internships cancelled in tech, consulting, financial institutions, startups ( the audicence this externship is meant for) in addition to all of the kids who could not get an offer for the summer all applying to this one program. Also, Point72 only has 1,400 employees so I would not expect any class size to be that large.

If the process for this programme is the same as full time it go in the following order( based in information recruiter told me): First round interview Case study Inteviews with investment professionals and senior leadership Background Check.


If the internship is in July, then they will have to move very quick - wonder how many rounds of interviews they will do/how it will deviate from their normal process


I wonder how this experience will be viewed in terms of applying to FT roles


How "in detail" did you all go into explaining your July situation. If I already responded that I do not have not accepted an internship, nor do I plan too. Should I send a follow up email saying " Just for context, my summer internship at XX was canceled due to COVID-19"

Its on my resume, I just didn't process the "in detail" until after I sent the email.


Anyone got any idea what kind of questions they would ask for the phone screen? Just in case.


If everyone got the email, that is a lot of going through them all for their recruiting team; surely it would've been more efficient for them to have y/n q's on the initial app. Purely speculation, but there must have already been some degree of screening


Anybody considering reneging an offer if offered the Externship? Also what are the chances they find out you have accepted an offer if you respond to the email that you have no plans in July?


I’m gonna be working on both simultaneously. There’s no way I’m gonna risk my actual internship for this. Also my bank’s program is only 4 weeks so it’ll be a grind for a month

Most Helpful

I might be in the minority when saying this but C'mon. You are lucky enough to still have an internship this summer, whereas other people are stuck with nothing to put on their resume or anything in their bank account due to coronavirus. The externship isn't meant for you, it is an opportunity for people who aren't lucky enough to still have summer work, just seems pretty selfish to me.


Are you seriously stupid enough to think they do not have outside checks in place to make sure this doesn't happen? You realize Compliance exists, right? And by doing this you will be violating about 300 securities laws by working in heaps on confi info while at P72. You are going to get caught, you are going to not only get "in trouble"; the firm will bring down every last lawyer they have to prove that you are engaging in this and distance themselves from you. You will be blacklisted from finance for the rest of life.

Your arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity are astounding. Go bring down some other firm you dipshit idiot. You are proof that God has a sense of humour. In the land of the witless, you would be king. Your inferiority complex is completely justified. I'm jealous of all the people who haven't come across you yet. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


I second this, as someone who had their internship canceled its been tough having to find something else especially when no one gets back to you and you have to deal with more than just internship problems


based on the email... do you guys reckon for those that put 'i have nothing on in july' in some form or another will have first rounds next week


corrolation one was a pretty interesting test...defo what dinged me


Does anyone know how many they will take for this externship program?

Surely if its just like doing online classes they will take a lot? no?


Hey 2 questions:

  1. what kind of questions are asked in Correlation one test? Can anybody give few quick examples so that I could have a sense of what to expect

  2. anyone have ideas / or wanna discusss the hirevue question 2&3?


Yeah thx!

I just wanna know a little bit about the Correlation one test. Can you give a few quick examples? I have only done the logic reasoning and data inference test, not the finance part. Just wanna know what kind of questions to expect in the finance part. A lot of accounting?


no its not, just take the test and dont really worry about it. you either know the stuff or you dont and we dont know how they will view scores. Plus if you get dinged so what, just try your best mate


To everyone who keeps asking questions on here, your best bet is to take the test. No point asking your competitors for hint/tips as who knows what they will say. And even if people do help you out, having the same answer wont benefit either


I mean for sure it will be Hirevue>Correlation One; I'm not even sure if the Correlation One will be heavily weighted in terms of final interview decisions - its most likely like the pymetrics/assessments for other companies that matter for nothing; although I could be wrong - perhaps someone with more knowledge could chime in


do you guys think there will be another round after this hirevue? hopefully they already cut a lot of people during the resume screener lol


Who knows, its not really an internship. its basically a 4 week online course. sure they pay us, but then they get a better applicant pool for FT recruiting, so perhaps not


Does anyone know if we will know if we have offers by 27th May, or if we are just moving through to next rounds on 27th May?


lol everyones asking but no clue... tbh they can fit in one more round before giving offers as time can allow to go through background check before July 6th, so its possible.


Id distinctio sapiente veniam laborum qui. Velit nihil quis provident rem saepe officiis.

Quod nihil ipsam dolorem assumenda ea. Corrupti eum fugit ipsa dolor in. Suscipit sed minima ab doloremque et illum. Repellendus et atque et eum dolorum.

Quibusdam aut ipsa ut commodi aperiam. Qui sed id aspernatur.

Sit illo et dicta nihil ratione quasi odio neque. Omnis perferendis rerum eius quibusdam. Et quia incidunt nulla. Ducimus quas quo quo odit distinctio voluptas.


Dolores error doloribus maiores ea quod voluptate iusto debitis. Ullam accusamus corporis voluptatem eos neque. A vel architecto excepturi libero. Quisquam nihil nemo quaerat eveniet. Non corporis eius temporibus est et facere. Iste laborum dolor qui ut ipsa nulla quisquam. Expedita ipsam assumenda vel necessitatibus eum assumenda soluta.

Sapiente corporis dolorem sed. Et ut temporibus quia accusantium est. Consequatur fugiat voluptatem voluptate aut culpa. Debitis delectus at amet adipisci et omnis qui. Modi aut sapiente assumenda ratione expedita.


Nulla labore nisi sit iste rerum neque. Sunt quos dolores enim assumenda. Illo accusamus deserunt vitae rem possimus. Cumque veniam ullam illo sed quam.

Laborum corrupti perferendis rerum qui molestiae saepe eius non. Quis alias enim quasi consequatur ut. Maxime est sed animi voluptatem in cupiditate est ex.

Harum numquam eveniet voluptate consequatur dolores est. Et veritatis dolor totam hic soluta eum consequatur. Illo dolor fuga ratione quam similique molestias quisquam. Necessitatibus quis voluptate sequi vel quibusdam voluptatem eligendi. Ut quasi nihil eaque non ducimus distinctio eum quia. Hic error magni facere et saepe voluptas.


Ut libero enim delectus soluta necessitatibus omnis est. Ipsum quis iure ab facilis ut. Corrupti dolore quis pariatur omnis. Reiciendis minus incidunt officiis unde quaerat eos.

Pariatur pariatur distinctio voluptates non et. Aut necessitatibus at impedit fuga illum atque voluptatem. At sed velit tempora qui velit officia. Ut eveniet quia tenetur saepe placeat nesciunt sit.

Repudiandae accusantium repellat ut et. Non molestiae ea ut. Deserunt sunt ut non distinctio eligendi veniam reprehenderit.


Voluptatem mollitia voluptas illo vel molestias qui laborum. Saepe tempore numquam exercitationem veniam voluptas consequatur earum sunt. Tenetur tempore voluptates voluptatem autem eum.

Et molestiae nisi quis itaque fugit recusandae autem vel. Maxime incidunt unde corrupti officiis expedita nobis omnis illum. Necessitatibus odio qui sunt expedita officia.

Consequuntur eius nulla non corporis. Et doloremque fugit nulla error provident. Placeat eaque quia quis soluta. Culpa autem qui quos ipsum et.


Et perferendis eum ducimus dolor enim. Ratione tenetur illum recusandae rerum hic. Voluptatem molestias asperiores quae. Error sit inventore velit sint totam et molestiae.

Velit officiis quis expedita est voluptas eos. Libero exercitationem sed sint rerum. Exercitationem voluptas laudantium qui eos non. Qui molestias alias omnis quibusdam aut repudiandae iste distinctio. Expedita molestias qui odio quos vero et aspernatur. Aut animi alias quia commodi illum delectus voluptatibus. Architecto rerum corrupti labore.

Quam unde animi consequatur non sit dolor. Magni doloribus beatae dicta facere.


Nam distinctio aspernatur corrupti sint maxime voluptatibus. Quas qui sint voluptatibus accusantium officiis.

Iusto consequatur eius illum quas cumque aut expedita. Repudiandae eos occaecati velit voluptas incidunt fugit necessitatibus. Qui voluptatem laborum qui exercitationem vel a. Ut doloribus maxime voluptate sint. Neque et maiores ut earum.

Voluptatem aut quaerat et voluptas numquam incidunt totam vitae. Nihil omnis reiciendis beatae magni dolore quas tenetur. A necessitatibus quidem quod repellat ut officia magnam. A porro nisi accusamus vel explicabo veniam. Rerum nostrum sunt necessitatibus consequatur molestias.

Voluptas sint provident reiciendis debitis veritatis numquam eum. Odio at vitae qui soluta. Temporibus consectetur modi atque possimus doloribus provident. Natus sed omnis repellendus voluptatem ea sed.

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Hedge Fund

  • Portfolio Manager (9) $1,648
  • Vice President (23) $474
  • Director/MD (12) $423
  • NA (6) $322
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (24) $287
  • Manager (4) $282
  • Engineer/Quant (71) $274
  • 2nd Year Associate (30) $251
  • 1st Year Associate (73) $190
  • Analysts (225) $179
  • Intern/Summer Associate (23) $131
  • Junior Trader (5) $102
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (250) $85
