7 Things I Hate About Citi

A pretty open person to my friends about how much I hate Citi and saw a lot of posts here hating on them lately so thought I'd share the reasons I hate them as well, feel free to chime in below on why you hate Citi.

  1. Citi would come to my campus a twice a year for info sessions and OCR. My first info session the MD stood up to the front of the podium and spent 15 minutes on why Citi is top-tier bank because they hold analysts accountable for mistakes which helps you learn. He also told a "funny story" about how he once yelled at an analyst for making a mistake. Yes, this Citi MD was bragging about how bad his culture was. 

  2. At this same info session, above, we eventually broke out into networking which consists of 10 starry eyed sophomores surrounding an analyst and asking terrible questions while trying to sound smart. This analyst we were surrounding would ignore every question and spent 10 minutes talking about how much he wanted to go to Centerview and how much better it is there. I hope he didn't make it.

  3. I went to a lot of bank info sessions during recruitment and there was one info session for an Asian bank (MUFG/HSBC) type bank. An analyst gave their background at the front and mentioned he lateral'd from Citi as did the MD and VP at the info session (all 3 lateral'd from Citi at different points of their career). I raised my hand and mentioned that they all left Citi and asked what stood out about their new Asian bank that inspired them to move? All 3 proceeded to shit on Citi's culture, basically ignoring my question because of their hate for Citi. Doesn't surprise me.

  4. For this same Asian bank above, I interviewed and one of my interviewers was a different associate (from the 3 above). Guess where he started his career? You guessed it, Citibank. I asked him what led him to join his new bank and he straight up said that he hated Citi and that he would recommend that no one ever work there.

  5. I reached out to network with 2 Citi analysts I had met at the info session mentioned in reasons 1-2 and both of them scheduled times to talk with me on the phone. Both of them, 5 minutes before the call was supposed to happen, proceeded to cancel on me. I reached out to follow up on our scheduled calls and neither of them responded and ghosted me. I skipped class to accommodate their schedule where they both somehow only had 30 minutes of availability right smack in the middle of the day (both of these calls were independent of each other and purely coincidental). I decided, due to reasons 1-5, not to apply to Citi. 

  6. Senior year I took a physics class and we had an international TA who didn't have the easiest time speaking to the class in English. We had a TA teaching session where he went over a few homework problems and a girl there proceeded to openly trash talk him about how he wasn't clear and how he wasn't a good teacher. She then would interrupt him mid-sentence to ask him to repeat everything he said for the last 30 seconds because he wasn't being clear. She also yelled at him during this teaching session for some stupid reason that I forgot (I think the room was too hot?). Guess where she was an incoming analyst at? Yep, you guessed it, Citibank. 

  7. I was meeting a friend of mine at a bar when we were interns (rip BBar). I got to the bar and saw him standing next to some guy and talking. I went up to them and introduced myself to the stranger and he proceeded to ask what I did and where I went to school (a lower tier ivy). I told him where I worked and went to school and asked him the same. He then proceeded to shit on my school for 2 minutes and went on and on about how much he hated my school and how we're bottom tier and not a good place to get an education. He then proceeded to tell me he was an investment banker at Citi and went to Harvard. The twist in all this? He went to Maryland (or some other state school) for undergrad and did some weird 1 year masters program at Harvard. Not only did this guy not really go to Harvard, he also has to work at Citi so he really took an L. The worst part? My friend had just met him but I thought they were friends, otherwise I would have decked his scrawny 5 foot 6, 130 lb ass. 

Feel free to share reasons why also you hate the worst bank in all of finance.

Most Helpful

At some point in my career, I was considering lateralling to Citi HC team from HC consulting. Proceeded to have so-called "Networking" calls with 6 different people. It started with me reaching out to 1 person because someone else referred me. This one person then said "you should chat with X" etc. After 6 networking calls at random points in the day over the span of 1 month, I was told that I should apply through the normal channel for entry level roles and that my CV was be flagged as a referral. I had 3 years of consulting experience at this point. Granted, no IB experience but I did a fair amount of CDD work and was financially literate. After being told this, I proceeded to explain how I could learn the financial modelling within 3-6 months but already had the leadership skills (was managing teams of 2-4 people) to start as an AN2 or AN3. Was told no. I then asked why it is different for MBA hires with 0 IB experience (and sometimes also 0 HC or 0 Consulting) to come in as Associates and was just told "That's different". Fuck Citi.


At some point in my career, I was considering lateralling to Citi HC team from HC consulting. Proceeded to have so-called "Networking" calls with 6 different people. It started with me reaching out to 1 person because someone else referred me. This one person then said "you should chat with X" etc. After 6 networking calls at random points in the day over the span of 1 month, I was told that I should apply through the normal channel for entry level roles and that my CV was be flagged as a referral. I had 3 years of consulting experience at this point. Granted, no IB experience but I did a fair amount of CDD work and was financially literate. After being told this, I proceeded to explain how I could learn the financial modelling within 3-6 months but already had the leadership skills (was managing teams of 2-4 people) to start as an AN2 or AN3. Was told no. I then asked why it is different for MBA hires with 0 IB experience (and sometimes also 0 HC or 0 Consulting) to come in as Associates and was just told "That's different". Fuck Citi.

Im shocked this is getting upvotes unless it’s from the people who loathe Citi. 

most coverage teams have analysts with IB experience at lower tier firms reset when they lateral. Im not aware of many teams that would bring a consultant in at analyst 3 with only consulting exp


I get where you're coming from, but modelling is something that people can learn in 3-6 months. I'd already done a fair bit for CDDs and the likes - not identical work, but relevant. That's it. That's one of the main skills you need and is easily teachable. With the mass exodus of AN2/3 leaving for PE, are you really going to make someone with 3 years of directly relevant industry experience who is already comfortable with many of the necessary soft skills (managing teams, running projects, interacting with clients) jump through so many hoops? On top of all that, I was asked MANY technical during my so-called "networking" calls (shit like, what is a DCF? advantages vs. NPV, how to value a company with 0 revenue etc.). After all that I STILL need to go through all the interview rounds? Despite having spoken to everyone from Analysts to the MD? I repeat, Fuck Citi.


Had an interview with an absolute a hole from this group. he's an MD. It was all behavioral but it seemed like every answer got picked apart and shat on. Just a dick in general.

Jokes on him because I ended up landing at a bulge bracket that's considered much better  


Was once in process to lateral to Citi from a similar bank (wanted to change coverage group). I had applied through referral and they reached out to me for a first round interview. They later sent me an invite for a date / time that was never discussed or agreed and that I couldn't make as I was travelling for a live deal I was on. I declined the invitation and flagged I couldn't make it but would be happy to reschedule for any other day / time of the week. They never replied and sent me a rejection email the day after.

To date they are still trying to fill the position while I ended up at MS. Fuck Citi.  


Got rejected from Citi. Accepted offer from Liontree's adult media & entertainment group. FUCK Citi.


Once I was in a networking call with a Citi banker and the topic of SPACs came up. I remarked I didn’t know his coverage group also did SPAC deals (I was a sophomore with not much knowledge of banking). Dude proceeds to smirk and proceeds to say in the most condescending tone Citi is #1 for SPAC deals, how could you not know that? Guy is a fatass anyway with glasses. I hope he doesn’t get any bitches ever. Fuck Citi


In my superday they asked me:

"what is the WACC formula"

"tell me a time you worked with a team"

Lmao the most basic and boring questions ever 

Overall had a terrible experience with their process and no surprise they took mediocre people from my school 


Not me but a good friend.

He was working at a smaller shop at the time and was top bucket. Sharp guy, hard working and overall a great candidate (went on to work at a better BB). However, it so happened that he went to a no-name school.

He had an interview for an An2 role and, after accommodating for the only time that worked for  the interviewer, he gets an email 5 minutes before stating that the call would be cancelled. My friend obviously checks in on the interviewer, who has the audacity to tell him that he went to Sloan for his MBA and he only hires smart people like himself. He then spent the following 10’ going on a rant about how kids like him def have a role in society but IB is off the table. Worst part is that when my friend called HR to discuss this they ignored him completely and just stated that it was a shame he had decided not to progress with the application (when he explicitly stated the opposite). 


smh "woke" HR. At least non-woke companies HR are upfront and don't BS employees as trying to be a support person lol.


Does anyone have insight on whether this supposed toxic culture exists at other groups within Citi, like S&T or Corporate/Commercial Banking?


I love the corporate banking culture but, like most things, culture is group dependent. Unlike IB, CB also has a meaningful competitive advantage providing large multi-national corporates banking services for their operations outside the U.S. due to the institutional network. Having someone on the ground in all those countries probably won't help you win that big domestic IPO mandate, but it's huge for supporting global businesses given you need banking services in every country you do business in. 


Citi mistakenly fucked up my match. After I quit, I was expecting >$10k match based on my pay for the year. They matched $1k with no explanation. Fuck Citi. 

I lost a bonus because HR is incompetent and discriminates. Fuck citi. 

I watched a sales person at Citi call up a client to interrogate them about why they didn’t trade a certain security with Citi, explaining to the client why they will no longer get an allocation (isn’t this called “tying” or something?). Fuck citi. 


This girl who is currently working at Citi SF Tech, reached out to me twice when I was just making some small progress in my IB efforts.

She started our networking conversation with "hey do you know any people I could talk to, you know, people who actually matter (meaning people who are more senior, unlike me? real subtle)" and "hey can you push my resume for me?"

She then did a 5th year so she can qualify some diversity recruiting bs. 

Granted, I work at a worse bank from a prestige perspective, but, Fuck Citi. 

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I absolutely had the worst recruiting experience with Citi Tech SF - one person asked me as an interview question “Do you know how many hours people work in IB on an average day” and proceeded to grill me on it/ask follow-ups. Was the most condescending thing ever, especially since this was FT recruiting. Interview proceeded in this manner with similarly strange questions. Fuck Citi 


Had a SD with a regional Citi office where an upperclassman in my school is also an incoming analyst (only one year above me). I hopped on the phone with them to ask for any tips/advice and what kind of questions to expect. They said "I don't think its appropriate for you to ask these questions, especially to an incoming analyst" (in a very condescending tone). Bruh, you're only one year above me get your head out of your ass. Turns out they recently quit even before bonus hit. Fuck Citi fr. 


Damn dude are you me? Literally had the same experience with an incoming analyst (who’s also an upperclassman at my school) at a Citi regional office. Had the offer, was trying to decide between Citi and 2 other BBs. Dude had the audacity to start the call with “Tell me about yourself. Why did you choose to do banking?” I thought he was being funny so I said, “Damn, you sent me back to my interview mode” and tried to tell him sth funny/interesting about me instead. Instead of just holding a normal convo, this guy was grilling me on my story (which his senior bankers already grilled me on). I asked him honest questions around his experience, and this guy literally said the same shit your upperclassman told you. I was getting mad and was telling myself that WSO monkeys were right about Citi people when he told me, “Just take the other BB offer. I won’t take it personally.” Like wtf? I did take the other BB offer that was way better than Citi. Fuck Citi.


I had two bad interview experiences (both were NY teams)

1) I interviewed for a corporate banking role. The interview was scheduled to be 2 hours long, instead, it went over 4 hours and was the most un-coordinated process I've ever experienced. Interviews were going over time, people had nothing to say and were repeating the same thing over and over again. By the 4 hour mark they were talking about bringing in some other people and I said sorry I have to get back to work. The cross-eyed smug-looking MD said, " Hold on, let me get someone to walk you to the elevator", and this woke analyst took me downstairs and outside of the building. Never heard back and fuck-em for wasting my time

2) I had a phone interview with two vps/md. Things were going well until the questions part. They asked do you have any questions for me, and I asked some questions, there was some back and forth bla bla bla.. Then one of the two asks, do you have any questions for me? It was the most awkward question ever since that is what we were doing for the past 5-10 minutes.. I said nope, they laughed but could tell they didn't like that answer and that was it.

Positive experience:

Interviewed with a team in London and was probably close to getting it if it weren't for fucking brexit and covid lock-downs. They were really cool, but having gone through 15 interviews and not getting an offer was rough  ;/ 


The post's something investors don't like to hear. Were it not for divestitures of businesses in Asia. That post includes Singapore, Hong Kong, the UAE and London, and as a result it will exit its consumer banking business

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Think of Citi as the fly by night carnival set up in the empty lot on the edge of town. 

The reasons for hating Citi are many and sundry. They range from dysfunctional methods of collaboration and organization, poisonous, vicious and incompetent HR, bottom of the street pay (with Kafka-esque communication - imagine a group head one day saying "we made record money this year", and the next day saying "if only we had the money to pay higher bonuses.."), as others have mentioned incessant woke indoctrination and hiring policies, a KYC process that is a harrowing descent into madness (it doesn't matter how early you begin KYC on a deal at Citi, it will never complete until the last possible second after weeks of begging) and despite an exodus of talent as a result of the above, frozen headcount combined with managers demanding more meetings and more revenue, creating a vicious downward spiral of over-stretched juniors and resignations. Not to mention the consistently poor quality of the work product - clients receive a pile of schizophrenic, ugly and barely coherent slop, the result of Citi's 10 MDs per account circle jerk method.

One example to sum it up - how valuation is performed at Citi. A sector team creates a shoddy 20 row operating model, another random team links it to the LBO model, the Lev Fin team looks at the output and makes up a leverage number, and the sponsors team takes the output and puts it on a football field. Needless to say the end result is a random outcome. Like a game of telephone but with numbers. As comical as it sounds, this is not a joke.


Tbh, you could level a lot of those criticisms at BofA as well although I feel they do a better job at getting rid of toxic people.


Quick question from a current intern at Citi - is this valid for only the US, or the entirety of Citi. In the London office I haven’t witnessed anything as extreme as mentioned above, would be keen to have some light on Citi’s outlook outside America please.